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ECKANKAR, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, part 3

Miscellaneous Statements from Various Writings:

I transcribed the following blockquoted quotations around the year 2002 and while I noted the page numbers, I failed to write down from which Exkankar publication I was quoting. If for this reason you wish to dismiss them, feel free to do so:

p. 4
“‘Early Christianity grew out of the teachings of Jesus, a student of the ECK Master Zadok. Jesus got the Second Initiation from Fubbi Quantz at the Katsupari Monestery during a three-year stay from his journeys.”

p. 10
“the great spiritual travelers of history: Rama, Krishna, Pythagoras, Rebazar Tarzs, Plato, and Jesus.”

p. 27
“The Christian Bible gives but vague reference to the Sound and Light.”

p. 28
“Saint John called Spirit ‘the Word.’ This is the physical manifestation of the ECK. Saul of Tarsus was rendered blind by the Light on the road to Damascus before regaining his sight three days later.”

p. 41
“By definition, the Word of God is simply the Sound Current, or the ECK. The Bible calls It the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit.”

p. 98
“Judas risked eternity for thirty pieces of silver, which he used for the purchase of land. But he never got to enjoy the fruits of the land because he fell headlong from a high place, and the fall put an end to him.”

pp. 132-133
“procedure is the same used by the ECK Masters of all time. The teacher comes to give his message, lifts the more enlightened ones into the spiritual planes, then leaves the earthly theater to work in the Silence, either here or on the other side. Rebazar Tarzs teaches in this manner today, although he still keeps a physical body. He operates in the historical mode that Jesus copied from the Order of the Vairagi.”

“The silver cord has been severed for the bodies of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, even to the extent that the recent offshoots of ECK, such as the Sant Mat groups, have so little of the spiritual essence in them that one could spend a lifetime in them and not see any real results . This is not to say that only people in ECK will find enlightenment, but the members of the orthodox groups find it despite their church. If their future depended upon the nourishment that is in the bibles of men, they would starve in spirit.”1

“Experiencing the Light and Sound of God gives you the momentum to start working off all the karma that has held you back from spiritual freedom and true happiness.”2

“ECKANKAR teaches over one hundred different exercises, all designed to give you a greater understanding of yourself and of God.”3

“Most all his life, a certain man harbored a stubborn fear of life. This fear robbed him of happiness and vitality, often leaving him angry and full of self-pity…one day, he finally learned the reason for that haunting fear…An Eckankar seminar near his home featured a HU Chant…For a half hour or so, a group of people sing HU, an ancient name for God…he had a dim memory of a dream about the ancient Mayans and a past life he had spent as one…A past-life recall told him of another lifetime when he was a young woman among the Mayans…The [Mayan] priest cut out her heart while it was still beating…he also realized the reason he had come to Eckankar—a chance to restore that love to his life.”4

“The play of karma underlies all human relationships.”5

“a young man…needed to repay a victim from a previous life, but the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master (the spiritual leader of Eckankar today) sent a dream to prepare him for the necessary, though painful experience.”6

“Then came a second dream. The Mahanta took him on the Time Track and showed him a past life in which he had been a woman. Married to a wealthy man, this individual had two house servants, both of whom suffered due to Nick’s misuse of position and authority. One was this student. ‘You made that karma,’ the Mahanta explained. ‘That debt stands between you and God’s love. Pay now and be done with it.’”7

“How do they know these are the true teachings about life, love, and God? Maybe it’s just another state of delusion? Maybe, once again, they’re being fooled or are fooling themselves? Well, maybe. But maybe not. Truth is truth and will stand on its own merit.”8

“God speaks through the voice of conscience, holy scriptures, feelings, and even the positive urgings of other people. Yet there are other ways. God’s Voice also reaches us through human love, intuition, dreams, the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, or a direct experience with the Light and Sound of God.”9

“Dreams are windows into worlds beyond the ordinary… Dreams serve as a communication line between the invisible and visible worlds. Or, if you prefer, between heaven and earth….A dream is a real-life experience an individual has on another plane of God… Temples of Golden Wisdom are found on the many levels of existence. Members of Eckankar often visit these temples [in their dreams] for learning, inspiration, and spiritual healing… To understand the true nature of dreams, members of Eckankar receive direction and help from Harold Klemp…As the Mahanta, the inner teacher, he is also the Dream Master. He offers personal guidance through dreams and the inner teachings of ECK… Ask the Dream Master or your own spiritual teacher for guidance…

sing HU (pronounced like the word hue) for about five minutes…It has the unique ability to lift you into a higher state of awareness.”10

“Eckankar teaches simple spiritual exercises to experience the Light and Sound of God. These exercises also help us Soul Travel, to move into greater states of consciousness. A spiritual exercise can be as simple as relaxing and singing the word HU, an ancient name for God…each of us is Soul, a spark of God sent to this world to gain spiritual experience.”11

“Most children who remember their past lives do so during the ordinary waking state. Others, however, have dreams or nightmares which reflect scenes from their past lives.”12

“By putting a stop to all analytic thinking, in the certain knowledge that there is nothing which has an absolute existence, nothing on which to lay hold, nothing on which to rely, nothing in which to abide, nothing subjective or objective, then they cross the dark region of this world and come to my temple in the pine grove. Then I will give them the true light and send them upward to the region of the great Lord Sohang….
Questions are needless for they only lead from riddle to riddle…look within at the static self, the Soul which is there and realizing it alone can answer all questions on Godhood.”13



