L.A. Marzulli on Nephilim in Sodom and Gomorrah
On Facebook/Meta, L.A. Marzulli posted a video which serves as a perfect example of the astonishing power that pop-Nephilologists have over their un-discerning fans. A certain Alice McComas commented WOW! I didn’t know that there were Nephilim in Sodom and Gomorrah. That’s a new one on me. Yes, it’s all about the seed war. I…
TJ Steadman on the rise and fall and rise of Nimrod aka Enmerkar, Giant, Nephil, Repha, Assyrian, Rahab, Leviathan
You can find all of my articles regarding TJ Steadman here. When it comes to Nirmod, TJ Steadman commits the same error as most, if not all, of the people I featured in my book Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers and that is to claim that since Nephilim are referred to as gibborim in…
The Classic Theology site presents THE NEPHILIM! A Word Study and History of Interpretation
Vincent, “a pastor, monk enthusiast, and a giant theology nerd,” posted the article THE NEPHILIM! A Word Study and History of Interpretation which begins by asking, “Be there giants?” He informs us that, “2 Timothy 3:16 famously says that all scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness…So let’s pick out a…
TJ Steadman claims “Giants = Giants”
It makes sense to commonsensically point out that “Giants = Giants,” right? He asks, “Were the Nephilim giants invented by ancient Israelites, or are there other reliable sources that back up the Biblical claims?” which, as my regular readers well, know must primarily be answered with a question: what does he mean by the undefined,…
Review of Amy Richter and Michael Heiser on four Enochian Watcher related women in Jesus’ genealogy
You can find my article Review of Amy Richter and Michael Heiser on four Enochian Watcher related women in Jesus’ genealogy at this link: you don’t have to register, just X out the offer if it pops up.
Troy Brewer on The Sacred Seed War & Giant Bed of King Og/Nephilim
Having posted Pastor Troy Brewer on Goliath as half-man Nephilim and REVELATION REPORT: Aliens & Nephilim, I thought to review more of his relevant teachings and ran across a set of sermon notes titled. Pastor Troy Brewer’s sermon notes for the sermon titled THE SACRED SEED WAR & GIANT BED OF KING OG/NEPHILIM begin with…
TJ Steadman on Anak, Anax, Anakes, Apkallu
Hereinafter are considerations of some of the things that TJ Steadman wrote about Anakim in his book Answers to Giant Questions. You can find all of my articles regarding TJ Steadman here—including out debate. TJ Steadman wrote: The royalty connection is exemplified in the Anakim. The Biblical account tells us of some of the kings…
“Humanist Apologetics” fail on claim “the bible is a book just like any other book”
The following discussion took place due to my video What will the future think of Aron Ra? A certain Humanist Apologetics commented Love the edit job. Why didn’t you provide links to where you clipped these from? Or how about a breakdown of his flood videos and why they are wrong? Considering that the position…
Pastor Troy Brewer’s REVELATION REPORT: Aliens & Nephilim
Having posted Pastor Troy Brewer on Goliath as half-man Nephilim, I thought to review more of his relevant teachings and ran across a set of sermon notes titled REVELATION REPORT: Aliens & Nephilim. The notes ask and answer, “WHERE DO WE FIND ALIENS IN SCRIPTURE?” and quotes Revelation 16:13-14 thusly: And I saw three unclean…
The Body of Messiah on The Watchers and the Shape Shifting Nephilim: In Plain Sight
The Body of Messiah org published an article titled, The Watchers and the Shape Shifting Nephilim: In Plain Sight. The article begins thusly, “You will be hard-pressed to find a theological or historic researcher who has not considered Enoch, Jubilees, or at least mentioned The Book of Giants. Originating in the Book of Enoch, they…