GotQuestions answers Who / what were the Nephilim?
In making my online rounds discussing Nephilology, I’ve been directed to the GotQuestions site more than once so I will be reviewing their article Who / what were the Nephilim? It begins by noting, “The Nephilim (‘fallen ones, giants’) may have been the offspring of sexual relationships between the sons of God and the daughters…
Mark Moore on The Origin of Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Powers: Fact and Speculation
Mark Moore posted a video to his YouTube channel that is titled The Origin of Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Powers: Fact and Speculation. Moore begins by noting, “People love to speculate about things like the origin of Angels and demons and I have kind of avoided the topic because for one thing it does have…
Pastor Troy Brewer on Goliath as half-man Nephilim
Pastor Troy Brewer posted a vid titled Goliath was a Nephilim. Having familiarized myself with over two millennia worth of relevant data—that I used to write my dozen, or so, Nephilology books—I can tell you that he made a claim that is unique to all of human history. He asserted that when Goliath is referred…
Atheists says: [****] your imaginary manners, [****] your lies, [****] your “worldview” horse[****], and [****] you
On the Quote site, someone posted the question Dear Atheists, what is your whole thoughts about the nephilim giants? Can you debunk it for me? Johannason, a self-identified, “Agnostic Atheist” replied thusly and it lead to a discussion which witnessed his worldview’s utter collapse You know all that evidence for them? Yeah, me neither. I,…
Were “all the people” in Canaan “of great height”?
One of the key issues in Nephilology is the question of whether they made it past the flood. The only indication that they did so is one single sentence from an, “evil report” spoken by 10 unreliable men whom God rebuked (Num 13:31-33 and on into chap 14). That evil report is ill-logical, ill-bio-logical, and…
Armchair Theologian on What’s the deal with the Nephilim?
ACTheologian, the “Armchair Theologian,” posted an article titled What’s the deal with the Nephilim? which begins by noting, “This post was published 8/1/16, recently (9/3/17) I’ve come across some information that indicates my interpretation may be wrong, or at the very least incomplete. I’m going to leave it posted as one possible way of interpreting…
Atheist opines “as if by poiinting out that athesim has nothing to do with ethics is some profound point”
On YouTube, the Matt Powell OFFICIAL channel posted the vid “A Christian Response to Atheism” to which a certain @philwhitehouse4290 replied If this presentation is genuinely directed at atheists, it is mostly an appeal to consequences rather than what’s true. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide sources for your claims…
L.C. Geerts on “Giants Nephilim and Anakim” Regarding “Earths Ancient History, a theory about ancient times and dawn of Mankind”
Undergoing review is the fifth chapter titled “Giants Nephilim and Anakim” of a book that L.C. Geerts posted on the earth-history.com site (which does not seem to include a bio of him) that is titled or is to be titled, Earths Ancient History, a theory about ancient times and dawn of Mankind (sic.). He notes…
VIDEO: Ancient Alien Megalithic Builders vs. Wally Wallington & Edward Leedskalnin
See my various books here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A plea: I have to pay for server usage and have made all content on this website free and always will. I support my family on one income and do research, writing, videos, etc. as a hobby. If you can even spare $1.00 as a donation, please do so:…
Atheist declares, “Dude, Adolf [Hitler] said he was doing gods work”
To the “Matt Powell OFFICIAL” YouTube channel, a video titled A Christian Response to Atheism was posted which led to a certain @chadgautier2864 opining: Remember Hitler was one of yours. But I am the believer of being who you want to be. To be good to others in life. Be kind to animals. To love…