Ken Ammi’s True Free Thinker:
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  • Discussing Dr. Michael Heiser’s Nephilim Giants AFTER Noah’s Flood?

    The following discussion took place due to the video Nephilim Giants AFTER Noah’s Flood? Dr. Michael Heiser when a certain canadiankewldude commented Noah’s wife carried one bad gene, Ham received it, Ham rapes his mother, Saw Noah’s nakedness. Read Leviticus 18 through 20. Dr Heiser supports Ham raping his mother. Canaan ended up cursed and…

  • Adherent of Atheism claims “we don’t need an ‘ism’ to live our lives”

    The following discussion took place due to my video Q&A session including Ken “TrueFreeThinker” Ammi: high tech, transhumanism, evolution, etc. Jerome Reiter commented Ken, you are NOT a free thinker because your mind is trapped inside an invisible box that began with an unseen assumption. From then on, you have twisted every bit of evidence…

  • Pastor Paul on 25 Characteristics of Nephilim in the Bible

    A certain Paul, who self-identifies as, “Pastor, Husband, Father and Bible Believer” who makes, “King James Bible teaching and preaching videos” and “would love to show you what the Bible says, not what I think” (I don’t even see what he pastors) posted a list of 25 Characteristics of Nephilim in the Bible. 1.  Tall…

  • DejahVu’s video on Giants of the Old Testament

    The YouTuber DejahVu posted a video titled Giants of the Old Testament and it still never ceases to amaze me how someone can speak, on the WORLD WIDE web mind you, on a subject that they get 99% wrong. I mean virtually every single statement she made is wrong and not at levels of abstraction…

  • Claim: “‘GOD of the Old Testament’ had the Israelite’s wipe out” Nephilim giants

    On his Facebook page, a certain Rob Baxter posted the following pertaining to assertions made by the late pop-Nephilologist Rob Skiba: “This video helps to explain why the (largely misunderstood) ‘GOD of the Old Testament’ had the Israelite’s wipe out men, women and children in some of the villages and cities they conquered… ”A certain…

  • Are there any references to giants named Nephilim (such as Goliath) in the Bible?

    Are there any references to giants named Nephilim (such as Goliath) in the Bible? is a question that was posted to the Quora site and led to this discussion after a Eddie Lau, “Former Professional Structural Engineer,” commented The following are reference examples for giants (Nephilim iנפלים in Hebrew) from The Bible. Genesis 6:4 NIV…

  • Discussing Michael Heiser’s “Where do Evil Spirits Come From?”

    Such was the title of a vid by Dr. Michael S. Heiser which led to the following discussion when a certain @claytonbigsby commented All but 8 people died during the flood so where did the giants come from  post flood? @kenammi355 The key questions are: What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and…

  • The nephilimgiants site’s Gateway to Ancient Mysteries on Nephilim giants

    The following discussion took place due to the Facebook post by the Gateway to Ancient Mysteries-The Series page which is from the which is one of the premier click-bait sites since they merely slap the term Nephilim into 99% of their posts and leave the mere assertions at that—even and especially when challenged, at…

  • Review of “The Nephilim Were NOT Giants, They Were Abortions!”

    Robert Wimer categorized his interesting article The Nephilim Were NOT Giants, They Were Abortions! as a “Bible teaching” (September 25, 2021). He describes it as “an in-depth word study reveals…a horrifying conclusion that affects our present day.” Referring to the Genesis 6 affair (as I term it) he notes, “the ‘giants’ claim would seem to…

  • Discussing “Why Did God Kill Everyone in a Flood?!”

    Why Did God Kill Everyone in a Flood?! is the title of a video by David Natali which led to the following discussion when a certain @firekirby1234 commented Mankind was evil  nowhere on the Bible does the Lord have an issue with nephilin I, @kenammi355, repllied Except when He ensured they didn’t make it past…