Ken Ammi’s True Free Thinker:
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  • Discussing “Sizes of Biblical Giants & Where They Could Be Hiding Today”

    Right Response Ministries posted a vid to their Youtube channel that is titled Sizes of Biblical Giants & Where They Could Be Hiding Today | with @hauntedcosmos_ that’s a companion to my post On the “Sizes of Biblical Giants & Where They Could Be Hiding Today.” This time, it led to the following discussion after…

  • Was Israelite intermarriage forbidden due to post-flood Nephilim?

    Herein I will consider that which many such proponent of the idea of post-flood Nephilim existence claim and that is that God forbade Israelite intermarriage with Goyim/Gentiles due to seeking to keep bloodlines from mixing: in this case, pure human with the literally hybrid genetics of the Nephilim. Let us review some of the key…

  • Was Israelite intermarriage forbidden due to serpent seedline of Satan?

    This is part of my ongoing research on the claims made by serpent seed of Satan theorists. They assert that Cain was the son of Eve and Satan and that the events recorded in Genesis 3 is symbolic of their sexual encounter. Herein I will consider that which many such theorists claim and that is…

  • Brilliant Read Media on How Tall Were the Nephilim Giants in the Book of Genesis?

    The BR TEAM published an article titled How Tall Were the Nephilim Giants in the Book of Genesis? Brilliant Read self-identified as, “one of the Leading Online Magazines and a Digital Media Company that publishes the finest content around Personal development, Success Mantras, News, Views, Interviews, Startup Stories, and Entrepreneurship.” It’s utterly fascinating that Nephilology…

  • Biblical Archaeology Society on Nephilim, Giants and Angels

    The Biblical Archaeology Society published an article titled The Nephilim and the Sons of God by a certain John Drummond who quotes Genesis 6:1–4 thusly: When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And…

  • Discussing Dr. Tim Chaffey on How Fallen Angels Biologically-Engineered The Giants

    Such is the title of a video by Right Response Ministries which led to the following discussion when a certain @redraven1410 commented The Word Giant means Earth Born, not Huge of Stature, .Many Nephilim may very well have been huge of Stature. I believe the gene that limits growth is contributed by the Father in…

  • What is the theory on what happened to the Nephilim and their place in history?

    The question What is the theory on what happened to the Nephilim and their place in history? was posted to the Quora site and led to this discussion when L. Budow, “Scripture Questions & Answers Research For Life,” commented The Nephilim and mans evil, due to the Angels and the resulting Nephilim and Rapha (Giant…

  • The About Pastors site publishes a List Of Giants In The Bible

    The About Pastors site is actually a.k.a. 24H News and published a List Of Giants In The Bible. Due to the formatting of the article and that the whole site appears to be lists, I get a feeling it’s basically an AI generated site. It’s said to have been written (or posted) by a certain…

  • Hilda Scott answers Where Did The Giants In The Bible Come From

    Hilda Scott, from The Holy Script site, posted an article titled Where Did The Giants In The Bible Come From? The immediately important key questions are: What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles? What’s Scott usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English…

  • Discussing Matt Powell’s Christian Response to Atheism

    A Christian Response to Atheism is the title of a vid posted to the “Matt Powell OFFICIAL” Youtube channel. A certain @PA9052 commented 1. 00:00 – “It’s (Atheism) the idea that everything came from nothing, with no god”             The definition of Atheism is simply the lack of belief in any deity (god). It has…