Does The Book Of Enoch Hold The Secrets Of The Nephilim?
The Why Files Facebook group posted the question: Does The Book Of Enoch Hold The Secrets Of The Nephilim? A certain Gabriel Vinogradof replied Brother. I’ve studied the Apocripha. Besides the bible. If you read the apocripha, you will understand these things. And it’s all an marvellous plan of God. Blessed be the name of…
On the claim “Bible verse that describes angels taking the form of men…The Nephilim (Giants) are the offspring of the Anunnaki (fallen Angels)”
A certain Rolando William posted the following on Facebook:◄ Genesis 6:4 ►The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.(How did the Angels do this )The Bible verse that…
Ethiopian Kebra Nagast on Angels, giants and Nephilim
The Kebra Nagast is a collection of Ethiopian Biblical folklore that was put into to writing in the fourteenth century AD based on Ethiopian oral traditions of the Queen of Sheba, her state marriage with King Solomon, and their son Menyelek aka Bayna-Lehkem aka David II (this version was translated by E.A.W. Budge in 1922…
Petros Koutoupis’ Digging Up the Past site on The Nephilim and the Flood
Petros Koutoupis posted an article titled The Nephilim and the Flood on the site Digging Up the Past. It’s noted that, “Many scholars, both independent and accredited” one of whom was the utterly unqualified Zecharia Sitchin who made a living by selling neo-tall-tales. Back in the day, I read 10 or 11 of his books.…
Fritz Zimmerman on “Egyptian Pharaohs Smoking Marijuana and Snorting Cocaine- Diffusion!”
To start with: Fritz Zimmerman posted the following on his Facebook page, “Burial Mound Within an Enclosure at the Nephilim Giants Capital City at Charleston, West Virginia.” True Freethinker: I didn’t discern any indication that it was “Nephilim Giants” and also, biblically contextually “Nephilim Giants” means, “Nephilim Nephilim.” Fritz: This article is about a burial…
The Lore Library asks: Did Jesus Secretly Lead an Ancient War Against Nephilim Giants?
The Lore Library Facebook page posted the following questions, plural actually, Did Jesus Secretly Lead an Ancient War Against Nephilim Giants? The Divine Warrior Who Battled Nephilim Giants in the Bible? A certain Daryl Alarcon Cervantes commented Yeah…one rule on textual cristicism is the harder the reading is the correct and original text… So “Jesus…
On Thomas Howe on Chuck Missler on the Nephilim: the Ancient Angel View
Thomas A. Howe, Ph.D. (a Professor of Bible and Biblical Languages at Southern Evangelical Seminary) wrote A Response To Chuck Missler: Who Are the Sons of God in Genesis 6? In general, the late Chuck Missler (author, Bible teacher, engineer, and businessman) held to the Angelic interpretation on the Genesis 6 affair, as I term…
Amanda Allen answers: Giants, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and the End Times? Are We Living in the Days of Noah?
“Writer & Author” Amanda Allen replied to such questions in her article by that title Giants, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, and the End Times? Are We Living in the Days of Noah? She also describes herself as, “a Christian woman deeply in love with God’s Word.” She noted, “Jesus made a very strange prediction. Matthew 24:37…
Spiritual Empath and Psychic Barbara Delong on: Tribes of Giants in the Bible and Around the World
Barbara Delong, who self-identifies as a spiritual empath and psychic, wrote an article titled Tribes of Giants in the Bible and Around the World. She begins by noting, “One only needs to do a cursory study of the Bible to verify the definite existence of giants, throughout the biblical narrative.” That makes be a bit…
Lisa Lewolt answers: Who And What Were The Nephilim?
Lisa Lewolt wrote the article Who And What Were The Nephilim? for Fire Life Ministries. The first subsection is titled, “The Fallen Ones, The Giants” and refers to the website Got Questions, “interpretation of the Nephilim” which is that they were, “offspring of sexual relations between the sons of God [“fallen angels”] and daughters of…