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Lisa Lewolt answers: Who And What Were The Nephilim?

Lisa Lewolt wrote the article Who And What Were The Nephilim? for Fire Life Ministries.

The first subsection is titled, “The Fallen Ones, The Giants” and refers to the website Got Questions, “interpretation of the Nephilim” which is that they were, “offspring of sexual relations between the sons of God [“fallen angels”] and daughters of men in Genesis 6:1–4.” There are some notable problems with that source, see my review: GotQuestions answers Who / what were the Nephilim?

We’re then told, “Hebraic and other legends” which range wildly and date from centuries and millennia after the Torah, “claim that the Nephilims were giants…their powerful size and strength is a result of a mixture of demonic ‘DNA’ and human genetics.”

The suction’s title and that statement beg the questions: What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles? What’s Lewolt’s usage? Do those two usages agree?

Note that she jumped from, “Angels” to, “demons” and also, since Angels are always described as looking like human males, why assume that whatever, “powerful size” means results from their DNA mixing with human DNA? (see my book, What Does the Bible Say About Angels? A Styled Angelology).

The article is then interrupted by a link to, “Learn more about the Nephilims and what prevents the demons from producing more Nephilim today” but 1) it wasn’t demons, it was Angels and 2) the Angels were incarcerated—which is the biblical answer.

It’s very clear that the article is a result of searching on the interwebs and just copying and pasting.

Lisa Lewolt asserts, “Their only mention in the Bible is that they were “heroes of old, men of renown” Genesis 6:4” which proves she didn’t read the Bible to acquire data about Nephilim, nor did she consult a cyber searchable Bible since their also references in Num 13:33.

The next section is, “Nephilim Were Descendants of Seth” which is a copy/paste job from, “an article from Christian Standard Bible.” It pertains to that, “one of their views of the Nephilim is that they are godly men. It is possible they are descendants of Seth, one of Adam and Eve’s other children, who had offspring with sinful and non-God-worshiping women.” Literally no one in all of human history—until 2024 AD when pop-Nephilologists desperate to sell new un-biblical tall-tales to Christians—ever claimed Nephilim were, “godly men” and I don’t even have to read the article she’s parroting to know that she just mistook the assertion that, “sons of God” were godly men with that it was Nephilim—if for no other reason, Nephilim we’re godly since their part of the mix of the people condemned to drown in the flood.

As for sons of God as descendants of Seth who had offspring with, “sinful and non-God-worshiping women” well, that’s a late-comer of a view based on myth and prejudice: this means that those godly men weren’t godly since their sin served as the premise for the flood.

She then weaves a typically mythical fantasy story about that, “Cain goes wandering. The evil offspring of Cain begin mixing with the people who still believe in God” but there’s zero indication of, “evil offspring of Cain” from when he absconded form Adam and Eve all the way until the flood—unless you’re ungracefully prejudice enough to condemn an entire genealogy/bloodline because you can point to 2 or as many as 3 sins committed by two members of that genealogy/bloodline—which is exactly what the Sethite view does.

Also, why weren’t there any attractive female Sethies or attractive male Cainites?

Well, the Angel view explains why it was only exclusively males on one side and only exclusively females on the other side of the equation: it’s because, again, Angels are always described as looking like human males.

The original, traditional, and majority view among the earliest Jewish and Christians commentators, starting in BC days, was the Angel view as I proved in my book On the Genesis 6 Affair’s Sons of God: Angels or Not?: A Survey of Early Jewish and Christian Commentaries Including Notes on Giants and the Nephilim.

That article and/or Lisa Lewolt notes, “it’s possible that it’s referring to the Nephilims as the ‘sons of God’ since they were called ‘heroes of old,’ implying that they were once good.” Yet, there’s no viable view that sons of God were Nephilim and they were subjectively heroes to a corrupt culture—they’re actually called gibborim/mighty and it’s noted that they were renown (again, subjectively by a corrupt culture).

Along the lines of the Sethies view is a view she picked up from a certain Edward Antonio who lists, “different theories about the identity of the Nephilim” one of which is, “that the ‘sons of God’ were religious men who married ungodly women” so, it’s the same problems: a mere assertion with zero backing data.

Lisa Lewolt also notes, “the confusion with the term Nephilim which means and is related to the verb ‘to fall.’ In Hebrew it is translated as ‘naphal’” well, that’s anachronistic: since to fall isn’t translated as naphal, it’s translated from naphal.

The next issue she notes is, “pre-flood and post-flood” since, “This means that before the flood, these offspring were ‘fallen men.’ Then after the flood destroyed everyone except the family of Noah, the Nephilim still appeared (Numbers 13:33). This implies that the Nephilim are just fallen men.”

She didn’t keep up with her research since she had told us they’re only referenced in Gen 6:4, then found out that’s not the case, but didn’t edit her first assertion.

In any case, Num 13:33 actually digs the grave of the mere human, “just fallen men” view since Nephilim don’t appeared: what she didn’t tell us is that Num 13:33 is just an evil report by unreliable guys whom God rebuked: they just made up a tall-tale.

Another view is, “Fallen Angels Overtook Men” which is gleaned from a, “theory published by Answers in Genesis” which is about that, “the ‘sons of God’ were Men overtaken by fallen angels or demons.”

Firstly, see my articles:

Answers in Genesis’ Ken Ham on Nephilim giants

Nephilim: Answers in Genesis – Nephilim after the flood?

Nephilim: Answers in Genesis – are Angels spiritual?

Secondly, there’s they issue of to what, “overtaken” refers but fallen Angels could do the job by themselves since, again, Angels are described as looking just like human males and performing physical actions and without any indication that such isn’t their ontology and, just in case, why would they only be missing THE key features of the male anatomy?

As for demons well, there was no such thing, they didn’t exist yet (see my article Demons Ex Machina: What are Demons?).

The last section is, “The Nephilim and the Great Flood” and notes, “Christian scholars believe that the Nephilim were one of the primary causes of the great flood…God flooded the entire world, destroying everyone and everything except Noah, his family, and the animals on the ark” and some sea life, “While the great flood in Genesis caused the death of the Nephilim in that time period, there is speculation that the demons bred with humans afterwards, too.”

As for, “How did this happen?” we’re told to read an article by James Emery White—see my reviews here: Dr. James Emery White answers: The Nephilim in the Bible – Fallen Angels or Giants.

As for, “The Nephilim and the Great Flood” well, the only indication of that is one sentence form an evil report by unreliable guys whom God rebuked. Also, if, “Nephilim were one of the primary causes of the great flood…God flooded the entire world…” then a survival of Nephilim contradicts the Bible five times (Genesis 7:7, 23; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; and 2 Peter 2:5). And, “that the demons” Angels, “bred with humans afterwards, too” implies that God failed, missed a loophole, the flood was much of a waste, etc., etc., etc.

See my various books here.


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