Herein I continue reviewing an article that was posted to the Answers in Genesis site by Bodie Hodge who holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. The article is titled, “Who Were the Nephilim? Genesis 6 and Numbers 13—a fresh look,” July 9, 2008 AD. He makes it clear that “As a ministry, Answers in Genesis does not officially take a specific stand regarding” this issue. You can find all segments here.
Bodie Hodge elucidates this point thusly:
Genesis 6:4a
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterwards (emphasis added [by Hodge])
Some translations say “and after that,” and one could argue that this was still referring to a pre-Flood time. However, it makes much more sense that this phrase refers to this post-Flood event, especially since Genesis 6 was penned by Moses.
Indeed, the question is does also afterwards or after that refers to post-flood? I am unsure who simply because Genesis 6 was penned by Moses it therefore, makes much more sense that this phrase refers to this post-Flood event: this is a non sequitur.
In any case, Hodge is option of a post-flood interpretation and yet, he notes:
Acts 17:26 indicates all nations are of “one blood” or “one man.” If some nations are a combination of angelic blood and Adamic blood, as the Anakites would have been in this view as well as the Nephilim pre-Flood, then there is a major problem—Acts 17:26 would be wrong. The Anakites were still living and breeding with many other people groups during Paul’s time. Thus, it presents a problem to say angels bred with women.
Very common depiction of an Angels and yet,
unbiblical as they do not have wings.
Let us tread lightly as Acts specifically states that God “hath made of one blood all nations of men.” Thus, if some nations are a combination of Angelic blood and Adamic blood it was not a creation of God and that is what Genesis 6 (possibly commented on in 2 Peter 2 and Jude 6-7) seems to be explaining: that these were not a part of God’s original creation, were not meant to be, ought not have been, are condemned, etc.
Yet, it is not a problem to say Angels bred with women as the Nephilim did not make it past the flood—and will not return, by the way.
When commenting on the view that the sons of God are Sethites, Hodge notes, “Another problem presents itself for the Sethite view when we discuss Numbers 13. Post-Flood, everyone was a Sethite! Where did those Nephilim come from?” While I reject the Sethite view this is not one reason for rejecting it as we have seen that the answer is that there are no such a thing as a post-flood Nephilim nor that Anakim are decedents of the Nephilim. Actually, the Anakim or Anakites are referred to as such because they came from Anak whose father was Arba (Joshua 14:15 and 21:11) although we do not seem to have Arba’s lineage.
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