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Willie Martin – pre Adamic races and racist Whites as gods


“…Jesus (who was not a Jew but rather of the white Adamic race)… Satan probably appeared to Eve as a handsome white god…

the white race is a race of gods

—Willie Martin

Herein I continue considering Willie Martin’s Scriptures The One Seedliners Deny which at one point interacts with Wesley A. Swift’s What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden? (you can find my articles on Martin here and on Swift here).

They claim that the serpent “was not a literal snake, but rather Satan in human form…She engaged in sex with Satan (the ‘serpent’) who appeared to her in human form and sexually seduced her” and refer to Satan as “an exalted angelic being.”
Also, “Satan probably appeared to Eve as a handsome white god. Psalm 82:6 says the white race is a race of gods ‘I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.’ (Psalm 82:6 7) (KJV).” By the way no, I have no idea how Psalm 82, or any text whatsoever, can even be imagined to state that the white race is a race of gods.

Not surprisingly, they also refer to “Jesus (who was not a Jew but rather of the white Adamic race)…Jesus clearly traces the bloodline of the righteous only through the white Adamic race.” This is why such anti-Semitic racists need the gap theory because even though it is un-, non- and anti-biblical it allows them to simply assert claims such as that, “the black and yellow races were on the earth long before Adam.”

The claim that there was “an unholy sexual union between Satan and Eve” is logically followed upon by them with a claim that because the tree was Satan, other trees were other people, “Eve led Adam into this debauchery by coaxing him into having sex with a member of one of the Pre Adamic races.” This leads to the claim that “two literal, biological seedlines are to come forth from Eve” and that as a byproduct of a side benefit (at least to anti-Semitic racists) that “the two seedlines would be in direct conflict with one another and in the end the Satantic seed will be crushed. And there is to be a major “enmity (hatred)” between the two seedlines…direct conflict and have a deep seated hatred of one another until the end times.” They rely on such a claim so as to justify their unjustifiable anti-Semitic racism.

Jonathan F. Sullivan has noted:

…early Identity members struggled with traditional Christian anthropology; specifically, they wondered how both blacks and whites could be descendants of the same original human. Drawing upon Victorian science, it seemed clear that, for instance, blacks and whites display different physical characteristics, making the idea of a common ancestor unlikely. Drawing on the work of Isaac de la Peyrre, a 17th century Calvinist who advocated the idea of two creations (one for Gentiles, the second for the creation of Adam) and of Dominick M’Causland, a 19th century Englishman who wrote Adam and the Adamite, British-Israelism had developed a historical theology of creation based upon the presupposition that all nonwhites were descendant from a sub-human, pre-Adamic species.

Such a development in theological thought also clears up certain questions that arise from the biblical text. For instance, when faced with the dilemma of where Cain’s wife came from, Identity theology asserts that she was of one of the pre-Adamic races. [Michael Barkun, Religion and the Racist Right (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1994 AD), p. 154]

So, backing up to their premise, they note that “‘serpent’ spoken of here was not a literal snake, but rather Satan in human form.” Thus, “when Satan is referred to as a ‘serpent’ here that it’s not talking about him being manifest in the form of a literal snake. The same thing applies to the use of the word ‘serpent’ in Genesis chapter three.”
I agree that, as per Revelation chaps 12 and 20 for example, “serpent” is symbolic of Satan. However, there is no indication that Satan manifested in human form and he is not “an exalted angelic being” because he is a Cherub: Angles and Cherubim look different, have different job functions and different titles.


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