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When dreams are authoritative, more authoritative than the Bible

The host of the YT channel Eyes Open in California Dreams wrote this to me in the comments section of one of my videos:

Ken Ammi I remember our little back and forth a while back about a dream that God showed me pertaining to the Giants. I had another dream about the Giants. This is the 4th time God showed me about the Giants. I know that the word “Giants” triggers you because it is a new word in comparison to the ancient Hebrew text, which I understand you point of view completely, but at this time, it’s the best I can do.

Nephilim is a common term that people also use today but I did understand your grievance with THAT word’s usage as well. So after watching this video, I have the understanding that you don’t believe that there were BIG people or creatures in the land after the Flood, regardless of what anybody calls them. I get that part. You are totally entitled to your own opinion about how you read the scriptures (this is why God gave us intellect). I do have to make you aware of one really important detail concerning the BIG creatures: they WILL be coming out of their subterranean caves systems soon.

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. There were BIG creatures in the land in the days of Noah and there will be BIG creatures in the land again prior to the Rapture. Here’s a link to the latest dream that I had. In the description boxes of my dreams videos pertaining to the Giants, I have linked the other dreams about the Giants. Check them all out. Start here.

This is the 4th dream in which God has shown me about them. In the 1st dream, I hid from the BIG creature under a pile of leaves indicating that the season will be Autumn. In the 2nd dream, I was actually a US Marine on a special mission to assault their cave system “hive.” In the 3rd dream, I was shown that they secrete some sort of flammable liquid from their skin which means that THEY themselves are flammable. In the 4th dream, I saw their cave entrance under a mountain road in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. God has definitely gotten my attention with these dreams. One of the biggest details I’d like to point out is that I don’t ever think about them.

Well, now after dream #4, I am actually thinking about those BIG things a lot. The reason why I’m writing you is not actually to debate whether or not they were here after the Flood, nor that they WILL return soon and that there WILL be a war fought with them with conventional weapons of war, but I am actually wanting to know WHAT people should call them to be “biblically” accurate? I am just curious as to WHAT you would call them? Raphaim? Nephilim? Giants (Lol)? Anakims?


Ken Ammi

Yes indeed, I recall: you asked your viewers for help researching, I assisted, and you were a jerk to me—mostly because you feel that your dreams are authoritative, more authoritative than the Bible.

I’m pleased that you reached out. One important thing is that God is certainly not giving you those dreams since their inaccurate: they’re what I term “neo-theo-sci-fi.”

Well, if you watched the video then you wouldn’t conclude that I “don’t believe that there were BIG people” but only that since we’ve no reliable physical description of them (no, not even from your dreams) then we can’t know they were big (which is a subjective term) and can’t know they weren’t big: we simply can’t say one way or another.

But indeed, they were not around “after the Flood.” Now, you say they were “BIG,” whatever that means and that, “they WILL be coming out of their subterranean caves systems” even though Gen 6:17 says, “every thing that is in the earth shall die.”

But hey, why argue: you say they’ll be around “soon,” whatever that means, so I’ll just keep a lookout. But maybe narrow down what you mean by “soon” so that I know when you inform you that you were either right or wrong.

Now, you took Jesus out of context to make a pretext for a prooftext. When you read what Jesus said, in His own context, via His own emphasis, to make His own point then you’ll realize that He said the same thing about the days of Lot (Luke 17) so you don’t get to force Him to say whatever you want to hear. His point was to offer two examples of people being unaware or unconcerned with coming judgment. Thus, it has utterly nothing to do with “BIG creatures.”

So, how many hours are you expecting me to listen to you waking up in the morning and asserting private, personal, special revelation?

I’ve already heard of something similar to “US Marine on a special mission to assault their cave system ‘hive’” which is clearly based on an internet hoax about Kandahar.

“THEY themselves are flammable” what a coincidence, so are we.

Since you “saw their cave entrance under a mountain road in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA” then it’s very, very easy: you can just go there and get all of these discussions over with instantly.

“WHAT people should call them,” the “BIG” “giants” of your dreams? They should say, “thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let your prophets and your diviners who are in your midst deceive you, nor listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed” (Jeremiah 29:8).

Raphaim? Nope, since all we’re contextually told about them is that some of them were “tall” (a subjective term) compared to the average Israelite male who was 5.0-5.3 ft. in those days.

Nephilim? Nope, since we’ve no reliable physical description of them.

Giants? Only if you define what you mean by that vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage term—and since you’re implying something about height then it no longer has anything to do with the Bible.

Anakims? They were a subgroup of Rephaim, like a clan of a tribe, and were the subjectively “tall” ones.

Shalom ol’ friend!




Well, that ended it right then and there.



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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page, or any of my other social network sites all which are available here.




