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What are aliens and UFOs?

There are many theories regarding what is variously referred to as aliens, extra-terrestrial, UFOs, flying saucers, etc. What is of interest is that there has been a point of convergence of sorts which has come about. This has occurred by people with very different theories somehow ending up with a theory of everything, as it were, pertaining to this particular topic.

In essence, there are three main categories into which all theories can be broken down:
1) Extra-terrestrial aliens
2) Demons
3) Human / government

In essence these categories can be succinctly defined as follows:
Extra-terrestrial are just that, aliens from other parts of the universe regardless of how near or far.

Demons is a reference to disembodied malevolent beings which seek to delude, confuse and control people via disguise as benevolent and/or malevolent extra-terrestrial aliens.

Human / government high tech projects / experiments which are behind literal UFOs—meaning literally Unidentified Flying Object, objects that are flying but are not identified, with no further connotation.

With this last point we begin to see how these three main theories begin to meld into one and 3) and 1) get tied together. There are also subcategories under each of these so let us consider some of these. Of course, the subcategories also break down into more and more and more and yet, this would take us into the very many theories whereas our purpose is to get to the one which seems to bind them all.

Extra-terrestrial aliens are said to be from various places in the universe, to have been visiting Earth for millennia. The claim is that there are various species which have been doing this from the greys to the reptilians and from big foot to humanoids who look just like blond haired, blue eyed Scandinavians. These various species can be either benevolent or malevolent…or both.

Demons are meant to convey the fallen angels referenced in the Bible. Yet, sadly, in our (pseudo) syncretistic world some would say that the terms demons, angels, aliens, higher beings, ascended masters, etc. are interchangeable terms which simply get confused occasionally and yet, these terms are not interchangeable (for example, an disembodied angel who was created by YHVH and rebelled is nothing like a physical being who was born and grew up in another sector of the universe—except, perhaps, in Mormon theology).

In any case, some claim that malevolent aliens have been mistaken as demons. Some claim that benevolent aliens are mistaken as angels or gods. Some, that gods are mistaken as aliens. And on it goes.

Human / government high tech projects / experiments are either said to be purposefully attempting to fool people into thinking that they are seeing actual flying saucers piloted by aliens or are simply conducting experiments and have resulted in, as a mere byproduct/side effect, people mistake their high tech craft for alien vessels.

The point of convergence between the three main theories is occurring as those holding to them are coming to similar conclusions.

For example, the extra-terrestrial aliens camp came to consider that travel from such vast distances and at such speeds ranges from unlikely to impossible. Of course, anyone can simply say, “Well, the aliens have managed to do it…somehow” but that is another issue as anything can be what if-ed to death. In any case, the basic conclusion is that these beings are not traveling vast distances but are traveling inter-dimensionally: through dimensions (portals, worm holes, black holes, star gates, etc.). This is also seen via those who believe that aliens visit us from the future in which case, it is not about distance but solely about dimension.

Demons and whatever other category of being people list herein, as noted above, falls within the inter-dimensional sphere.

Human / government technology may or may not be able to traverse dimension but that is irrelevant as if they are concocting illusion to cause delusion then they can make it appear as such via cloaking, holographic projections, etc. (see our recent articles Yitzhaq Hayutman’s revelation of the occult holographic third temple).

Thus, the main convergence, the point of agreement between these varying theories is the concept of inter-dimensionality. However, there is a deeper point pertaining to the theory relating to human / government technology and yet, this ties in with the other two as well.

The deeper point is the question of whether human / governments are interacting with and collaborating with aliens or demons. Some claim that aliens and demons have traded knowledge whereby to build high tech for whatever reasons: humans used for experimentations, selling souls, etc.

For example, some claim that via retrieval of downed alien craft and reverse engineering the Nazis were able to develop, for the time, very sophisticated weaponry. However, it is noteworthy that the highest tech of which the general populace knows is not the highest tech with which humans have come up since it is standard practice that governments keep the highest tech secretive.

Also, just prior to and during the Nazi regime Germany was a highly educated society and very involved in sciences such as engineering. Thus, the tech needs not be attributed to aliens or demons but to the human propensity towards creating…and destroying.

In the next segment we will consider: On aliens and/or demons: what are aliens and UFOs?


For some books by Christian authors on the alien, UFO, demonic phenomenon, see:

Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates

Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind The UFO Phenomenon by Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman

Facts on UFO’s by John Weldon and John Ankerberg

Encounters with UFO’s by John Weldon

Mind Invaders by Hunt Dave


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