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Washington Post on #pizzagate, #spiritcooking & #fakenews as conspiracy theory

From the Washington Post comes another attempt at the ol’ Jedi mind trick, this is not the evidence you are looking for, move along, move along.

Hereinafter I will review two of their articles and leave the sleuthing to my previous posts on this issue as I cannot repeat everything as this story keeps being told with added details.
Was John Podesta “Spirit Cooking” with Marina Abramovic just a conspiracy theory?

Spirit Cooking Pizzagate: on John Podesta, Marina Abramovic, cannibalism & child trafficking

Hell’s Kitchen – Spirit Cooking with John Podesta & Marina Abramovic

New York Times on #pizzagate and #fakenews

Two articles were written by Abby Ohlheiser, Fearing yet another witch hunt, Reddit bans ‘Pizzagate’, November 24, 2016 AD and No, John Podesta didn’t drink bodily fluids at a secret Satanist dinner, November 4, 2016 AD.

The first refers to the whole pizzagate and spirit cooking issue as follows, “The Pizzagate conspiracy…the ‘Pizzagate’ conspiracy…conspiracy theory…the conspiracy’s believers…the conspiracy theory…conspiracy theories…the conspiracy” and the second, “…a conspiracy theory…conspiracy theorists…imaginary bombshell…this theory…conspiracy theory” just in case you may be tempted to take it seriously. Well, it may be a conspiracy theory but the point is that the term is employed time and again in a derogatory manner.

How does the Washington Post’s Abby Ohlheiser debunk the conspiracy theory? In the selfsame manner in which the New York Times did: by merely asserting that there is nothing to it:

None of the wildly accusatory claims are true….
“Pizzagate” has yet to produce any actual evidence for its extremely weighty and life-ruining accusations, but every debunking of its claims — including the one in the Times — has only convinced its believers that they must be right, and that the circle of pedophiles and sympathizers trying to cover up their findings must be even bigger and more powerful than they imagined…

WikiLeaks-released email…proves a secret link between the Clinton campaign and Satan worship (which, just to be clear right here, it does not).

Perhaps there is no link between the “Clinton campaign”—which consists of hundreds if not thousands of people—and Satan worship but if do not want to appear to be involved in Satanism then perhaps Bill Clinton can stop publically stating that Hillary has necromantic experiences such as that the dead spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt. Senior government staffer Cheryl Mills wrote this to Hillary Clinton, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch” FYI, chicken or chicken lover/chickenlover is a hidden reference pedophilia in general and even if it is not in this case she still references animal sacrifice to a Pagan false-god.

In any case, the issue is that “the Clinton diaspora with accusations of a secret pedophile ring” so we are supposed to feel bad for them. Reddit’s CEO Steve Huffman complains of “getting called a pedophile constantly” so we are supposed to feel bad for him. Comet Ping Pong pizzeria owner James Alefantis about whom “Pizzagate enthusiasts decided that his restaurant was the secret headquarters of a child sex-trafficking ring run by Hillary Clinton and members of her inner circle” so we are supposed to feel bad for him. Plus John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Marina Abramovic, et al. And with these victims of conspiracy in view the empathy game is afoot.
Note, by the way, that we are told “Pizzagate enthusiasts decided…” which I would correct as “Pizzagate enthusiasts concluded…” and did so based on very many connections, creepy photos of children in bondage-type poses, very disturbing comments by Alefanis and his cyber-buddies, etc.

As accusations flew and evidences discussed one main center of such discussions became a Reddit forum. Well, as I found out when I attempted to post thereto, Reddit decided to shut the whole forum down and deleted all entries made therein.

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To make matters whose, Reddit’s CEO Steve Huffman, “openly admitted to changing user comments on r/The_Donald [another Reddit forum] that were critical of him to temporarily seem as if they were criticizing the moderators of the pro-Trump community” and stated, “As much as we try to maintain a good relationship with you all, it does get old getting called a pedophile constantly. As the CEO, I shouldn’t play such games, and it’s all fixed now. Our community team is pretty pissed at me, so I most assuredly won’t do this again.” So, he can go into the matrix and make it appear as if you wrote something you did not write.

Abby Ohlheiser, notes that “For some parts of the Internet, the leak of stolen emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta provided an opportunity to scour for evidence of wrongdoing…that included a huge search for stronger ties between convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons. What those sleuths found instead were lots of references to pizza, which then led to speculation that the emails about pizza must be code for something bad.” Misleading again since she narrows the focus solely to pizza, does not bother referencing context and so one is left to conclude that the Clinton diaspora were just hungry one night and were discussing where to eat. From the emails I would conclude that the Clinton diaspora have a bright future in the realm of weight loss programs. This is because they are utterly obsessed with food, particularly Italian food and specifically pizza and pasta. How they do not all weight 300 lbs. is certainly mysterious.
So, there are at least two issues: one is that pizza and pasta (as well as cheese, hot dogs, chicken, etc.) are terms employed by pedophiles in order to communicate secretly with each other. So, how to tell when mere food is being referenced and when there is something else afoot? Context. The Clinton diaspora either employ grammatical structures the like of which no other English speaker does or they are speaking in riddles.

Now, Ohlheiser references a series of reports posted by the Washington Post titled, “What Was Fake on the Internet this Election” whereby they cover, “fake and misleading stories.” Since on the surface this sounds great this is leading many to suddenly or not so suddenly agree with censorship—and, pray tell, who watches the news watchers?
It is within this context that Ohlheiser points out that Tony Podesta emailed his brother John to inform him that Marina Abramovic wanted them to join her for a meal, “at my place” which is a key point. Now, being talentless, Abramovic took to performance art whereby a talentless person makes a spectacle of themselves so as to make up for or hide their lack of actual artistic talent. Thus, Abramovic recommends ingesting “fresh breast milk with fresh sperm,” writes “on walls in blood,” simulates cannibalism—something which interests John as he has a painting depicting cannibalism on his office wall, etc. Now, it is noted that John was invited but “Podesta never responded” and subsequently Tony emailed him, “Don’t worry Marina missed you” which implies that John did not attend (at least not that one time).

Now, after recommending drinking spermatozoa, writing in blood, etc. suddenly, Marina Abramovic turns into a prim and proper Victorian Era maiden in stating that she is “astonished and appalled that references to my work are being misrepresented” within the context of this whole spirit cooking pizzagate issue.

She notes that “the dinner was ‘just a normal menu, which I call spirit cooking. There was no blood, no anything else. We just call things funny names, that’s all.’” References to sperm and blood is supposed to be funny? Perhaps, she needs to give up performance art and take lessons in comedy. Her problem is that her “spirit cooking” is well known and includes all sorts of disturbing, disguising and literally Satanic references (such as symbolism).


So was it merely a normal menu? I certainly do not know. Yet, even if it was: what was the meal about in the first place. Well, many stated that it pertained to her fundraising endeavors and yet, recall that I noted that her stating that it was to be “at my place” is a key point. Well, she was once asked, “What place do you see the occult having within contemporary art; can magick be made (not simply appropriated/ performed)?” It is mysterious why anyone would think that a mere artist is qualified to answer such as question. In any case, she replied (emphasis added), “Everything depends on context you are doing what you are doing. If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art on in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art. The intention, the context for what is made, and where it is made defines what art is or not.”
Thus, there it is right from her own mouth (or, keyboard) if “contemporary art” of her sort is done at a “private house” such as “my place” it is no longer art but magic (actually, magick as the questioner put it).

This will go on and on at least out of the sight of mainstream media and only on the internet and we shall see what becomes of it all which I suspect will be nothing at all.


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