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Was John Podesta “Spirit Cooking” with Marina Abramovic just a conspiracy theory?

Having published Hell’s Kitchen – Spirit Cooking with John Podesta & Marina Abramovic, it seems that I am now part of what is being roughly termed an alt-right crazed conspiracy theory.
Well, for one: I did not publish it based on politics so that gets the political spectrum issue out of the way. Also, I actually stated that Abramovic invited Tony and John Podesta to attend a session of “Spirit Cooking” but that does not mean that they attended.

Well, alt-leftists are claiming that alt-righters lost their minds and claimed that this was evidence of a Satanic/Illluminati blood ritual, etc. and many did just that.
In Marina Abramovic Embroiled in Fake Hillary Clinton #SpiritCooking Controversy Claire Voon noted, “It’s totally chill if male Trump trolls bathe in pig’s blood, but not if a female candidate’s associate wants to attend a #SpiritCooking event.”
In logic this is known as a tu quoque and thus can be dismissed. But since I am not falling for the left vs. right false dichotomy, I will note that indeed, what Milo Yiannopoulos did a pro-Trump art show is in the very least grotesque. That was during a Lucian Wintrich display of pro-Trump photos at the Wake Up! Party which took place at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July, 2016 AD. I am uncertain what bathing in blood has to do with Trump or photos but hey, this is “performance art” and as I noted in my article, “Marina Abramovic…is actually a performance artist which is a reference to a person that he no actual artistic abilities and so they attempt to make up for it by making spectacles of themselves.” Of course, Yiannopoulos is a political activist which is just about the same as a performance artist.


Voon notes that Marina Abramovic’s invitation pertains to “a reward to top donors who had helped the Serbian performance artist successfully fund her Kickstarter campaign to launch the Marina Abramovic Institute.” Reportedly, Tony Podesta pledged $10,000. And, “John Podesta had also invited Abramovic to attend Clinton’s official campaign launch last June.”
We are then told that “Dinner, as detailed on Kickstarter, involved a simple lesson on ‘how to cook a series of traditional soups’” (as per what tradition?) as well as a recipe from Tibetan monastery for “golden balls.” Yet, Voon seems to realize that Abramovic did herself in by referring to it not as “Hey, come over for soup” but as “Spirit Cooking.”

As Voon elucidates, “But Spirit Cooking is also the title of a series of performances Abramovic staged in the ’90s. It involved her painting with pigs’ blood; people were quick to find published video footage from a 1997 that shows Abramovic painting phrases on the wall such as, ‘MIX FRESH BREAST MILK WITH FRESH SPERM MILK’ and ‘WITH A SHARP KNIFE CUT DEEPLY INTO THE MIDDLE FINGER OF YOUR LEFT HAND EAT THE PAIN.’”

Additionally, in a 2011 AD Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles show by Linda Yablonsky, soup was not on tap but rather “carving up and eating cakes designed to resemble Abramovic and Debbie Harry.”
I noted various other disturbing exhibitions in my article.


I love it when those who stick it to the man, who flaunt society’s conventions, the rebels, who employ Satanic symbolism and rituals in to their “art,” who exhibit all sorts of grotesque stuff such as blood and mock cannibalism all of a sudden become prim and proper Victorian Era Brits who say, “Oh my, why I’ve never!”
As it turns out Abramovic has stated, “I’m outraged, because this is taken completely out of my context. Anybody who wants can read my memoirs and find out that [my work] is far away from Satanism. My work is really more about spirituality [whatever that means] and not anything else. I’ve been doing my work for so long, and this is a misunderstanding.” and “It was just a normal dinner. It was actually just a normal menu, which I call spirit cooking. There was no blood, no anything else. We just call things funny names, that’s all.

Well, her problem (well, at least one of them) is that since her Spirit Cooking is well known to be the Satanic stuff which it is then she should not refer to mere soup and gold balls as such.

Also, she was once asked, “What place do you see the occult having within contemporary art; can magick be made (not simply appropriated/ performed)?” Her reply was not “What the ‘h,’ ‘e,’ double hokey sticks do I know about such things? Why even ask me? I am just, like, an artist and soup maker and stuff?!?!?!” Rather, she replied that “Everything depends on context you are doing what you are doing. If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art on in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art. The intention, the context for what is made, and where it is made defines what art is or not.”

Now, I do not know what makes her some sort of authority on this subject and as per my article, I noted, “Of course, she does not get to decide when demons think you are being serious—capiche?” but her point is that whilst not during a performance, which the dinner was not, it is magic.

Well, one thing is certain: such people view all publicity as good publicity and Abramovic is now about a million times more well known due to this fracas.
Also, it may not fare John Podesta very well to have a painting depicting cannibalism hanging in his office and when asked about it to reply, “It’s better to be the guy with the fork, than the guy on the table.”

Now, I have been in very, very, many, many offices and not one of them featured a painting depicting cannibalism. Apparently, it is just a coincidinc that John Podesta and Marina Abramovic have some interest at whatever level in cannibalism.


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