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VIDEO: Is Zen Garcia right on the Targums? On Cain as serpent seed of Satan

Link to JPS and Targum readings.

Link to “Zen Garcia on Adam & Eve as beings of light not from Earth.”

Another merely asserted claim that Zen Garcia made during the debate is that the canon of scripture used to include the Old Testament apocrypha. I can only imagine that he invented this due to his King James-onlyism (whatever version of KJV-onlyism he holds) as this is simply not the case. In fact, King James wrote about this issue

“As for the Scriptures; no man doubteht I will beleeue them; But euenfor the Apocrypha; I hold them in the same accompt that the Ancient did: They are still printed and bound with our Bibles, and publikely read in our Churches: I reuerence them as the writings of holy and good men: but since they are not found in the Canon, wee accompt them to bee secunde lectionis, or ordinis and therefore not sufficient whereupon alone to gorund any article of Faith, expect it be confirmed by some other place of Canonicall Scriptuere…And it is a small corrupting of Scriptures to make all, or the most part of the Apocrypha of equall faith with the Canonicall Scriptures, contrary to the Fathers opinions and Decrees of ancient Councels?” (The Political Works of James, pp. 123 and 137).



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