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Video and article: Topless Lady of Guadalupe Mary paining controversy

Every few years a gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico will feature work exclusively offensive to Christianity. For example, we previously published the article Santa Fe Reporter’s Lady of Guadalupe in a bikini (again) with the term “(again)” denoting a consistent pattern.
In this case, a painting by Paz Winshtein depicts a version of “Our Lady of Guadalupe” with most of her body exposed.

There are very many issues wrapped up in the simple displaying of such a paining which we consider succinctly below:

1) Such perversion should not be surprising coming from Santa Fe as it is known for its overwhelming materialism mixed with occultism and peppered with promotion of homosexuality (for example, on the official city website you can find homosexual tourism deals but no heterosexual deals).

2) The artist, gallery and those not offended only ever seek to, for some reason, only see Christian icons in the nude or near nudity and not any other figure of any other faith. Why not a Buddha with his shmendrick exposed or Muhammad showing off his buttockular area or Kali with her legs spread about? No, they would not dare—and if they do so after reading this then, it does not count—capiche?

3) Our Lady of Guadalupe is not a generically Christian icon but a Catholic one. The real offense is not a topless Lady of Guadalupe but the actual, original Lady of Guadalupe image. This is because an apparition appeared to Juan Diego, in 1531 AD, at the site of an abandoned temple to an Aztec goddess. The apparition instructed that a shrine be built to her there. Thus, clearly, a demon got lonely as it was no longer worshiped as an Aztec goddess and would now be worshipped as “Mary.” For many details on these points see True Freethinker’s section on the Catholic Church

4) Any Catholic who has ever been to the Vatican knows that it is peppered with artwork depicting naked people. Indeed, clergy who are supposed to be committed to celibacy cannot look around that city without viewing church approved nudity—imagine that mind warping catch 22.

5) For the artist’s part, Paz Winshtein’s painting is actually very telling as it is titled “Three Goddesses in One.” It depicts a basic Lady of Guadalupe form with hooded robe opened, against a black background with the goddesss wearing a Hindu goddess Kali-like necklace of skulls and framed with a black upwards pointing cresent moon topping the painting (the original Guadalupe painting has the black moon under the apparition’s feet so as to, erroneously, identify the figure as the woman in Revelation 12—for details, see Mary in Roman Catholicism, part 12 – Assumed Into Heaven?).
Paz certainly seems to have some varied interests as his Facebook page lists an interest of his to be an Atheists internet TV show as well as two transgender / transsexual shows.

Paz Winshtein was one amongst others within a show titled “Guadalupe” at the Eye on the Mountain Art Gallery. He stated that he is “pretty proud” of it and that he intended to merge this goddess with others so as to form a new version of the female goddess:
The skull necklace which is one of the symbols of the Hindu goddess Kali, then there’s the crescent, that’s like the ancient Egyptian goddess, Isis.

A certain Jose Villegas stated that “It doesn’t belong in this, in our community” because “It’s culturally insensitive, bottom line.” To show just how accurate Paz Winshtein’s combined goddesses painting is, Villegas has contacted a group (obviously a cult) called “America Needs Fatima” (which we mention in On the Treatment of Images).

You see, we also previously reported on the combined Catholic Feast celebration and art exhibit in Albuquerque, New Mexico that was titled “Guadalupe: Goddess of the Americas” (see here for details). The Archdiocese of Santa Fe did not respond when asked for an opinion as whether the Archdiocese was in any way involved, officially or unofficially, (or whether it was an individual priest who took it upon himself) and as to whether the Archdiocese considers the Guadalupe apparition to be the “Goddess of the Americas.”

You see, for such Catholics the pseudo-Mary is the focus of their worship; America does not need an apparition, this time the one from Fatima, but needs Jesus.

Paz Winshtein’s paining has nothing to do with the real, historical, biblical Mary. However, it has a lot to do with a demon who enjoys being worshipped as a female and has induced many cultures to do just that; at one time as Kali, another time as Isis and yet another as “Mary” our lady of this, that and the other. Some Catholic call “Mary” the “Goddess of the Americas” and Paz refers to her as a “Goddess” thus, at least on that point, they agree.


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