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Video and article: Apple CEO Tim Cook joins the homosexual movement

Apple CEO Tim Cook’s recent announcement that he chooses a homosexual lifestyle brings up again, the issue of homosexuality as a worldview. There is a difference between, on the one hand, the homosexual next door who just wants to love someone of the same gender and have everyone mind their business and personages such as Tim Cook who feel the need to announce to the entire planet that he is gay and makes it a part of his tech business…and yours.

No, he did not merely come out as that would best be done to friends and family. Rather, he has joined the homosexual movement and expressed that homosexuality forms the very core of his being as he expressed it in philosophical and even theological terms.

Frankly, it is most likely that even those with problems with homosexuality are not so concerned about the homosexual next door as they are with those who join the activist movement; those who are not content to come out of the closet but also want to kick in your door in order to metaphorically enter your home via every media format there is. This is one of the special privileges of homosexuals, by the way; gross overrepresentation in the media and representations that are always positive.

In his article, “Tim Cook Speaks Up,” Business Week, October 30, 2014 AD, Tim Cook wrote that even though “Throughout my professional life, I’ve tried to maintain a basic level of privacy” he has now decided to make the most intimate details of his private life the business of the entire planet.

He appeals, for inspiration, to the Baptist minister Dr. Martin Luther King to the effect of King’s statement “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” This sets the springboard for Cook becoming an activist within the homosexual movement. As CNN Money puts it in referring to, “Tim Cook’s push for LGBT equality.” He decided to give up on this, most telling, part of his privacy because it “has been holding me back from doing something more important” which is to become an activist.

He notes that “Plenty of colleagues at Apple know I’m gay” even before his worldwide announcement and yet, “it doesn’t seem to make a difference in the way they treat me.” Indeed, that is because at that time, he was the homosexual next door. But how will people treat him now? Well, is there condemnation from the media? Of course, not; they applaud his every word. Is the public at large—even those nasty white Anglo-Saxon conservative Christian republicans—calling for him to be fired or for him to resign or for the boycotting of Apple? No, of course, not! That is why, despite what you hear from the biased media; the majority is not that intolerant.

We have all heard of businesses who are suffering, at the hands of the media and legal systems, for not performing services for same sex marriage. But just what happened when a New Mexican homosexual hair dresser refused service to Governor Susana Martinez due to her political views opposing same sex marriage? Nothing, nothing at all.

Tim Cook elucidates thusly, “So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.” What someone has to ask him is who is this unnamed god whom he preaches? Is he now the high priest of a new religion? Thus far, we only know two things about this god; it approves of pride and gifts people with homosexuality—a form of predestination and lack of free will choice.
Of one thing we can be certain it is not Allah / Islam / the Qur’an’s god since Allah condemns homosexuality, it is not the god of Baha’ism’s Baha’u’llah as that god also condemns homosexuality (learn more about Islam here and Baha’ism here).

This is really the focus on the point of referring to him as having joined the homosexual movement. Homosexuals such as Tim Cook take an attraction to persons of the same gender and turn it into a worldview complete with philosophy and theology. They take pride in being gay and it forms the very core of their being, their identity and becomes their life’s purpose.
Do not underestimate the incredible power of the homosexual movement for it not only gets homosexuals to form a worldview around same sex attraction but even gets non-homosexuals to join the movement. Thereafter any and all important issues are interpreted and decided upon via the lenses of the homosexual worldview; what is tolerant and intolerant, what is right and wrong, what political party should I support, which theology and holy book is true, etc., etc., etc. all of these questions, and more, are decided upon solely based on whether or not the views, politics and theology approves of homosexuality or not.

Tim Cook also appeals to the worst possible justification for homosexuality’s acceptance and that is…homosexuality’s acceptance. He wrote, “The world has changed so much since I was a kid. America is moving toward marriage equality…made our culture more tolerant.” But when he appeals to the cultural trends de jour he is placing himself at the whims of the cultural zeitgeist. The issue is that if that zeitgeist shifts over towards intolerance to homosexuality then he would have to say, “Oh well, here we go again!”

He also states “I don’t consider myself an activist” but whether or not he considers himself to be an activist is irrelevant as he just became one of the world’s most influential activists.

He ends by stating, “We pave the sunlit path toward justice together, brick by brick. This is my brick” much like the bricks made to build the Tower of Babel.



