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Uri Dowbenko on sex and the edited Bible

Under continued consideration (find all segments here) is an article Uri Dowbenko published in New Dawn Magazine and is titled New (Reptilian) World Order, November 10, 2013 AD which is a a full frontal assault on anyone who disagrees with Dowbenko.

Barbara Hand Clow then takes aim at the Bible, which has been Uri Dowbenko’s target all along, “In temple secrecy, we were taught everything about the visitors, but this information was taken out of the Bible.” I know not to what she is referring by “temple secrecy” except that she may be admitting being a member of an occult-mystery-religion-secret-society but that “this information was taken out of the Bible” is great news since it is a specific claim and we can ask for evidence. We have thousands upon thousands of manuscripts of the Bible and so is something was originally therein but was “taken out” then we could see it quite plainly.

Uri Dowbenko tells us “sex has gotten a bad name ever since the trauma of the Anunnaki who came to this planet and raped the women of Earth” interestingly, Genesis 6 states that even the fallen sons of God Angels did not rape but married the daughters of men.


Barbara Hand Clow asserts that “Prior to this time…‘all sex was very natural’” and if “all” means “all” then feel free to understand Dowbenko and Clow singing the praises of pedophilia, bestiality, incest, homosexuality, LGBTQP, etc., etc., etc. In fact, we are specifically told, “Male gods even had a lot of sex with each other…Anunnaki were the ones who could mate with human females” apparently, after they incarnated into 8-10 ft. tall reptilians, or something.


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