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The Quadripartite Equine Riders, part 9 of 11

Dennett the Mesmerist
Prof. Daniel Dennett uncovers an interestingly odd plan to hypnotize theists, in a manner of speaking:

“I think, what I would love to do is to invent a memorable catchphrase or term that would rise unbidden in their minds when they caught themselves doing it, and then they would think oh, this is one of those cosmic shifts that Dennett and Dawkins and Harris and Hitchens are talking about. Oh! right! and they think this is somehow illicit, just to create a little more awareness in them of what a strange thing it is that they’re doing.”

atheism, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris
I do not mean to belittle Prof. Daniel Dennett but I find this adorable. Not only is Prof. Richard Dawkins singing the praises of natural selections ability to raise our consciences and, as we shall see below, Sam Harris claims to “spread the light of criticism,” but now Prof. Daniel Dennett wants to act as our conscience, our guiding light of absolute materialistic reason. I term this the DHDH Meme (for Dennett-Harris-Dawkins-Hitchens).
atheism, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris

danieldennettandatheism-1447030 “These are not the droids you’re looking for”
atheism, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris

Atheism is Humbler and Holier Than Thou
Sam Harris states,
atheism, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris

“You raise this issue though, of whether or not we would wish the churches emptied on Sundays. And I think you were uncertain whether you would, and I think I would agree. I would want a different church. I would want a different ritual, motivated by different ideas but I think there’s a place for the sacred in our lives, but under some construal it doesn’t presuppose any bull****. But there’s a usefulness to seeking profundity as a matter of our attention, and our neglect of this area, I think, as atheists, at times makes even our craziest opponents seem wiser than we are.”

atheism, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris
In this regard I will simply direct the interested reader to my essay Atheism is Holier Than Theism, in which I provide various quotations that go beyond atheists claiming to be more logical, and even more moral than theists, but holier as well.heism, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris


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