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Stats: Atheists on God, morality, science, socio-politics, etc.

…USA Atheism which is shown to be a, primarily, young white male liberal Democrat same-sex

marriage and abortion supporting phenomena…

In relation to my article Are Atheists Healthy, Happy, Moral, etc.? I am going to consider some of the findings reported in Michael Lipka’s “Fact Tank – Our Lives in Numbers,” Pew Research, November 5, 2015 AD.

Fascinatingly, he notes:

Some adults who describe themselves as atheists also say they believe in God or a universal spirit…8% of those who call themselves atheists also say they believe in God or a universal spirit…At the same time, some people who identify with a religion (e.g., say they are Protestant, Catholic or Jewish) also say they do not believe in God.

This goes not show various things such as how difficult such research becomes and how fast and loose people play with terminology.
A statement with which I empathize is a reference to “religiously unaffiliated Americans (many of whom believe in God).” For example, if you denounce manmade religion but treasure a personal relationship with Jesus you may very well consider yourself to be religiously unaffiliated.


Michael Lipka notes that “Pew Research Center’s 2014 Religious Landscape Study found that 3.1% of American adults say they are atheists when asked about their religious identity…there are many people who fit the dictionary definition of “atheist” but do not call themselves atheists. About three times as many Americans say they do not believe in God or a universal spirit (9%) as say they are atheists (3%)…4.0% of Americans call themselves agnostics” (emphasis in original).

Here are some specific stats on USA Atheism which is shown to be a, primarily, young white male liberal Democrat same-sex marriage and abortion supporting phenomena:

Atheists, in general, are more likely to be male and younger than the overall population; 68% are men, and the median age of atheist adults in the U.S. is 34…more likely to be white (78% are Caucasian vs. 66% for the general public) and highly educated: About four-in-ten atheists (43%) have a college degree, compared with 27% of the general public.
Self-identified atheists tend to be aligned with the Democratic Party and with political liberalism. About two-thirds of atheists (69%) identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals (compared with just one-in-ten who say they are conservatives). Atheists overwhelmingly favor same-sex marriage (92%) and legal abortion (87%). In addition, three-quarters (74%) say that government aid to the poor does more good than harm.

I am always fascinated by the controversial concept of measuring education, intelligence, etc. If by “education” we simply mean noting how many years they attended a school (or, series of schools from Pre-K to College, etc.) then that is simple enough. However, just what does even a Ph.D. mean? How does this result in intelligence, etc.?

Public school education is tantamount to being indoctrinated into the Atheist Catechism. Thus, the more “education” (read indoctrination) the more one can comfortably be an Atheist. After all, one could literally go from Pre-K and even beyond college without having Atheism (secularism, simple lack of references to Godism, etc.) challenged. Each and every subject is taught in a secular manner and references to God are essentially outlawed. Combine this with Atheist evolution indoctrination in children’s books, movies, TV shows, etc. and you can end up with a highly “educated” person who has been trained to “think” only within Atheism’s narrow parameters: materialism, naturalism, etc.
Public schools teach what to think and not how to think.

Another stat that needs interpreting—and will likely be interpreted variously—is “atheists are more likely than U.S. Christians to say they often feel a sense of wonder about the universe (54% vs. 45%).
The question is “a sense of wonder about the universe” in what way; strictly in terms of cosmology or as Atheist seeking to fulfill their natural inclination to worship something greater than themselves? I have noted that Atheism is neo-Pagan and one way in which this is the case is that they replace awe in God with awe in nature, see: Atheism Spirituality and my notes on Neo-Pagan Atheism.

Shockingly, “About a third of atheists (32%) say they look primarily to science for guidance on questions of right and wrong, up from 20% in 2007.” This is not surprising as to many people “science” has a very, very broad meaning. For example, some Atheists are “faith” filled believers in scientism. This is proved by the fact that they can think that science has anything whatsoever to say on questions of right and wrong. In fact, science functions upon an ethical premise which is honesty in research and reporting conclusions. It does not provide evidence of this ethic nor does it prove it but it assumes it.
Also, there have been times when people looked to science (even if it was just the pseudo-science-de jour) for guidance on right and wrong and the results were the mass murders of hundreds of millions at the hands of Atheists, see: Atheist wars vs. Religious wars.


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