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Serpent Seedline of Satan Neo-Gnosticism

Along with the insistence of promulgating the serpent seed of Satan theory comes constant and rightful rebuking of such popularizers. It is getting to the point, or so it seems, that they are forming a form of Neo-Gnosticism.

This theory asserts that Cain is Satan’s literal son as Eve had sex with Satan.

One of their big selling points is the assertion that God has kept the serpent seedline of Satan theory a hidden mystery—until now. Thus, such promulgators place themselves in the position of revealing one of the greatest mysteries of the ages.

This alone is enough to make someone feel special as they are on to something, by golly, and something big at that—perhaps the biggest thing around. After all, while serpent seedline of Satan theorists vary they, collectively, claim that it unravels Satan’s plans, exposes the Illuminati, topples the New World Order and you can toss into the mix Zionism, Freemasonry, shapeshifting reptilian aliens and Big Foot while you are at it.

People love a good mystery as much as they love unraveling one. Now, just because the Bible refers to mysteries that are to remain hidden for some time does not mean that the serpent seedline of Satan theory is such a revealed mystery.

Yet, if you do not accept the serpent seedline of Satan theory, the theorists are ramping up the claim that—well, for example:
One of the neo-pop-serpent seed of Satan theorists is Zen Garcia. He podcasted a show with Jonathan Kleck and the show description reads, in part, “God bless you whom have opened yourself to such understanding.” This is a very low level and tame example and yet, the take away is that if you do not accept it, it is because you have not opened yourself to such understanding (and you are thus, not blessed by God; at least not on this account).

Serpent seed theorists seem to consider themselves a special class and more enlightened than thou. It is very common for these theorists to make claims such as popularizer of the theory Enterthe5t4rz claims special revelation from the Holy Spirit on this issue.

Zen Garcia wrote, “The truth, for those that accept it, will build you faith tenfold and draw you closer to Yeshua. Because, now, you will finally understand…” this or that about the Bible with this or that being things that Christians have understood for two millennia now without any need for the theory.

In his self-description at the self-publishing Lulu site, Zen states this, “Seekers of lost paradise may seem fools to those who never sought other worlds.”

Joel H. Emerson wrote the following in his book The Serpent’s Seed, “THE SERPENT’S SEED expounds upon a Biblical doctrine that is essential for the proper understanding of both the Scriptures…”

On his site The Open Scroll Bob Schlenker notes the following in the article “Who is Cain’s Father? Part One”:

…unless you really grasp the importance of seed and what happened in the Garden between the serpent, Eve and Adam you’re missing a major “piece of the puzzle.” Without it, you won’t be able to interpret some really important elements of the counterfeit and the genuine agendas playing out in these last days.

Schlenker notes, “How can I write with confidence on this subject? Because the Lord showed me, and I know it” and his site is described thusly, “The Open Scroll is a ministration to the saints according to the working of the holy spirit in Bob Schlenker.”

It is as if they are forming a neo-Gnosticism based on their claims to have received personal revelations about the Serpent Seed theory and if you disagree then you are just not enlightened enough. They know the secret, the Holy Spirit has spoken to them and given them a special revelation, etc. Moreover, anyone who disagrees has not had it revealed to them yet and are thus not privy to this Holy Spirit personal revelation mystery.

Thus far and in general most such theorists are not claiming that this is a salvation issue and are not claiming that those who disagree are not Christians. Also, those of us who reject the theory are not claiming that this is a salvation issue and are not claiming that those who hold to the theory are not Christians (at least not on this basis alone).

In The Two Seeds of Genesis 3:15 (1982 AD, pp. 12-13, 18, 26-27), Charles Lee Mange aka Dan Gayman (about whom I wrote here) wrote:

No subject in Divine Scripture carries more weight and deserves our attention with greater emphasis than does the two seeds…
It is the seed plot of all scripture. The proper understanding of this scripture is vital to the total pattern of discerning all scripture…

If you seek to be a follower of Jesus Christ, if you are concerned with understanding the Holy Bible…will stand or fall in relationship to what you do with Genesis 3:15. Failure to understand and divide this subject could ultimately exclude you from membership in the ecclesia [the church] of Jesus Christ…

You by the grace of God now have the key to unlock the Bible…you have the understanding as to the meaning of Genesis 3:15. May you use this KNOWLEDGE to the GLORY of JESUS CHRIST and His kingdom…or God will curse you in your sin!…

Without the proper understanding and placement of this truth into the total Cannon [sic] of Divine Truth there will be very little, if any, progress made in lifting the veil of darkness from our people now in bondage in the churches…

The understanding of these two seed lines is truly one of the most critical theological questions of our time. To deny the seed lines of the Bible is to deny the testimony of the Prophets, Apostles, and the very words of Jesus Christ himself. Indeed the two seed lines established in Genesis 3:15 is the central issue at stake in the Gospel of the Kingdom…

Only the ecclesia, the very elect, can perceive and understand the truth of the two seeds of Genesis 3:15…

…you are without spiritual discernment if you have not already been convinced that the serpent had seed…

Overall, the theorists seem to me ramping up their self-appointed exhalation and we will have to see just how far they will go.



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