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Review of the We Love Trump website’s article, “EXPLAINED: ‘There Were Giants In The Earth In Those Days…’”

Undergoing review is the article “EXPLAINED: ‘There Were Giants In The Earth In Those Days…’,” We Love Trump, January 30, 202, written by a certain “noah” (sic.)—about whom we can know nothing since his “PROFILE” merely reads, “Base Name[:] noah” and, “Name[:] Noah.”

The focus of the review will be the segments that specifically pertain to the subject title’s reference to “Giants.”Now, noah begins by quoting Gen 6:4 thusly, “The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.”Note that the subject pertains to, “Giants” but the quotations pertain to, “Nephilim”: more on this to come. Thus, we may conclude that by the vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage modern English word, “Giants,” noah is referring exclusively to, “Nephilim.”Yet, we will come to find that he actually uses that English word to refer to various things. And since he does not elucidate what he means by it in most usages, he leaves it to the reader to attempt to discern his meaning.He rightly notes, “Nephilim = hybrid creations of Angels mating with humans” and, “Sons of God = very clearly defined in the Bible by the doctrine of first usage (and elsewhere) as Angels.”Now, that sets the stage for the Angel view which was the original, traditional, and majority view of the Genesis 6 affair (as I term it) amongst the earliest Jewish and Christian commentators—for many, many, many centuries: as I proved in my book On the Genesis 6 Affair’s Sons of God: Angels or Not?: A Survey of Early Jewish and Christian Commentaries Including Notes on Giants and the Nephilim.Now, consider this compilation of statements by noah:…as you get a little deeper into the Old Testament you’re going to get to all the stories about God telling the people of Israel to go into neighboring cities and wipe them all out!…why did God instruct Israel to kill all the other groups of people?Because their genetics had become corrupted from Genesis 6:4…that’s in your Bible folks…how do you explain that?…How do you explain that?…One of the disturbing aspects of the Old Testament record was God’s instructions, upon entering the land of Canaan, to wipe out every man, woman, and child of certain tribes inhabiting the land. This is difficult to justify without the insight of a “gene pool problem” from the remaining Nephilim, Rephaim, et al., which seems to illuminate the difficulty…God orders Israel to kill everyone in one of these giant tribes.At this point, I will a begin criticizing since he claims about his article, “it’s going to suddenly connect a lot of dots.” Yet, some of the data points are valid, most are not, and the manner whereby he connects them is (purposefully or not—that is not for me to say) by watering down the data so as to force-fit it together into a grand narrative.His proposed elucidation is, “The way you explain that question goes directly back to Genesis 6:4.”He notes, “Genesis 6:4 tells you flat out that when Angels mated with Humans they created Giants….’Mighty Men’…..Nephilim!” (sic. and ellipses in original): note that in this usage, “Giants” is merely rendering (not even translating) “Nephilim.” He further notes, “From that point forward, you have Giants all throughout the Old Testament…How do you think they got there?…they appear everywhere after that point.” So as to continue tracking his usage of, “Giants,” keep in mind that what he just told us is, “From that point forward, you have” Nephilim, “all throughout the Old Testament…How do you think” Nephilim, “got there?…” Nephilim, “appear everywhere after that point.”Yet, from that point forward, you have Nephilim in only one single verse in the entire rest of the Bible (Num 13:33).He goes on to specify, “The Old Testament constantly talks about races of Giants…the Anakim, the Rephaim, and many others. Remember Goliath? He wasn’t just tall like Shaq, he was a Nephalim [sic.] descendent.”This is one of the problems with employing the word, “Giants” and it causes many people to chase a vague modern English word around an specific ancient Hebrew Bible.He has been using, “Giants” to mean, “Nephilim” but is now shifting to referring to a wholly other people group. Firstly, it is inaccurate to refer to plural, “races of Giants” and then listing, “the Anakim, the Rephaim” since Anakim were a clan of the Rephaim tribe.Secondly, Goliath was an Anakite Repha, not a Nephil, nor could he have been since they did not make it past the flood—more on this to come, a lot more.Thirdly, since Rephaim were 100% human then, again, they were not a race of Nephilim and the only way they were a race is that they were of the human race.Now, note that in seeking to describe these, “races of Giants,” noah writes, “You have the famous David vs. Goliath, and Goliath was a Giant. You have Og of Bashan who was believed to be anywhere from 9 -18 feet tall.”Thus, he has shifted his usage of the word, “Giants” yet again, as having something to do with unusual height. Yet, that is not in the least bit the English Bibles’ usage of, “Giants.”Those Bibles that employ it are merely rendering (not even translating) the Septuagint’s/LXX’s rendering (not even translating) of, “Nephilim” as, “gigantes” which merely means, “earth-born”—yet, be mindful that the LXX made a mess of things by also rendering, “gibborim” and also, “Rephaim” as, “gigantes” thus, reading within context is key, as always.Now, the Masoretic Text has Goliath at six cubits and a span/just shy of 10 ft. but the earlier LXX and earlier Dead Sea Scrolls and earlier Flavius Josephus all have him at four cubits and a span/just shy of 7 ft.As for Og, we have no physical description of him at all (not until mere folklore from millennia after his time)—see my book The King, Og of Bashan, is Dead: The Man, the Myth, the Legend—of a Nephilim Giant?But we should ask what unusual height has to do with Nephilim in the first place, especially since the word, “Giants” implies nothing about height whatsoever in English Bibles? We shall come to that as well.He claims, “2 Samuel 21:20 tells you they were even genetically different — they had six fingers and six toes (Gee, kind of like 666?)” no, rather like 6666. He quotes, “20 Then there was another battle at Gath, where there was a giant who loved to fight. He had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. 21 He defied the Israelites, and Jonathan, the son of David’s brother Shammah, killed him.”But this is the aforementioned, what I will term, chasing an English word around a Hebrew Bible: this was about a Repha, the word he quoted as, “giant” is actually the word Repha.Now, it is interesting that noah went on to, “show you what AI (Artificial Intelligence) thinks about the topic. You may have heard about the new AI Tool called ChatGPT that was released to the public….I asked it who the Nephilim were.”Here is what, “It told me…Genesis 6:4 is a verse from the Bible that tells the story of how humans and angels had children together…The Nephilim were a group of giants who were very strong and powerful. They were also known as the ‘sons of God,’ because they were believed to be the offspring of angels and humans…God decided to send a great flood to cleanse the earth…” Firstly, the AI claimed, “Nephilim…were also known as the ‘sons of God’” but there is no indication of that at all.Secondly, note very carefully that the AI claimed, “God decided to send a great flood to cleanse the earth…”Keep that in mind as we consider that noah went on to write:I’ll let Dr. Chuck Missler (a true ‘giant’ in his own right and a wonderful teacher and scholar) explain…[“]Why did God send the judgment of the Flood in the days of Noah?…the unique events leading to the Flood are a prerequisite to understanding the prophetic implications of our Lord’s predictions regarding His Second Coming…fallen angels procreating weird hybrid offspring with human…Jesus prophesied, ‘As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be,’…”Firstly, Jesus’ statements about the days of Noah has nothing to do with Nephilology. In Luke 17:26-30 we see that He contextualizes His meaning and emphasis thusly:Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all—so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.Thus, He provided examples of unawareness or lack of concern of coming judgment.Secondly, note that Missler stated, “the unique events leading to the Flood…fallen angels procreating weird hybrid offspring with human” into which you can put a pin for the moment, as with the AI’s statement.Now, noah tells us, “Together Skiba and Missler are the best on this topic…Trey Smith…All telling you the EXACT same story.” Indeed, they are telling you the EXACT same story and that story is just that: a story, an un-, non-, and anti-biblical tall-tale and for the same reason—to which we shall come.For a review of Missler’s and Skiba’s views (RIP for both), see my book Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers: A Comprehensive Consideration of the claims of I.D.E. Thomas, Chuck Missler, Dante Fortson, Derek Gilbert, Brian Godawa, Patrick Heron, Thomas Horn, Ken Johnson, L.A. Marzulli, Josh Peck, CK Quarterman, Steve Quayle, Rob Skiba, Gary Wayne, Jim Wilhelmsen, et al.Incidentally, in that book I chronicle how their shared, “story” came to be and the line of those pop-researchers who promulgate it—adding more and more of what I term neo-theo-sci-fi-tall-tales along the way.We come to the main point when noah notes, “these peculiar unions in Genesis 6:4 which seems to be cited as a primary cause for the Flood…It was this unnatural procreation and the resulting abnormal creatures that were designated as a principal reason for the judgment of the Flood.”Thus, noah notes that Nephilim were, “a primary cause for the Flood…a principal reason for the judgment of the Flood.”The AI notes, “God decided to send a great flood to cleanse the earth…”Missler notes, “the unique events leading to the Flood…fallen angels procreating weird hybrid offspring with human.”Yet, noah (and Missler and Skiba and Smith, et al.) go on to claim, “The strange offspring also continued after the flood.”So, Nephilim were, “a primary cause for the Flood…a principal reason for the judgment of the Flood…God decided to send a great flood to cleanse the earth…the unique events leading to the Flood…fallen angels procreating weird hybrid offspring with human” and yet, “The strange offspring also continued after the flood.”Clearly, to claim post-flood Nephilim implies that God failed: He meant to be rid of them but could not get the job done, the flood was much of a waste, He missed a loophole whereby they survived or just came right back (and now one needs to literally invent a story about how they survived or came back).But noah argues his point by following directly with this (partial) quotation of Gen 6:4(a), “There were Nephilim in the earth in those days, and also after that…” This begs the question: after when? Since he did not include the rest of the thought, the rest of the verse, then it is quite simple to merely imply an answer of, “the flood.”Yet, the flood is not even mentioned for the very first time until a full 13 verses later (v. 17). And, actually, he began the article by quoting the entire verse, “The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.”Thus, the verse is telling us exactly to what days it is referring, “those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them” which as per v. 1 was, “When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them” since that was when, “the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives…”Thus, “those days” were when they first did so and, “after that” means just that: thereafter. They began doing so as per the v. 1 timeline and continued doing so and yet, that is all pre-flood. Lest God failed, the flood brought it all to a full and final end.Yet, noah further argues, “the presence of the subsequent ‘giants’ in the land of Canaan.” Yet, by writing in such a manner he is making it difficult for his audience—and making it easy to plot out an all-encompassing theory and yet, one based on vagaries.Since he has referred to Nephilim, and Rephaim, et al., including unusual height as, “giants” then we need to narrow him down to that he, at this point, is referring to Nephilim.So, he got post-flood Nephilim from a segmented misreading, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and misapplication of Gen 6:4 and further claims, “It’s in Genesis 6:4 when the Bible says the Sons of God came and had children with the Daughters of Men and they became Giant…The Sons of God are angels (fallen angels), the daughters of men are human women, they produced children and as you can imagine the hybrid beings were huge….giants!…The Bible calls them Giants or Nephilim” [the ellipses at, “huge….giants!” was in the original].It is tricky to dissect that Genesis 6:4 says Nephilim, “became Giant” so we will go about it in three ways:If he is claiming that it states that they became unusually tall well, there is no indication of that—especially not in Gen 6:4 since, again, the word he is reading in English as “Giants” is merely rendering, “Nephilim”, and Nephilim did not need to become Nephilim since they were Nephilim by ontological definition: one does not need to become what one is already.He is reading into the Hebrew and is actually misreading it since he is clearly appealing to, “the same became” portion of the verse which states that they became, “gibborim” meaning, “mighty.” Thus, the verse does not say they became whatever word noah thinks is the source of what he writes as, “Giants” but it is a mere descriptive term for “might.”One could, I suppose, claim that the LXX’s Gen 6:4 has it that Nephilim, “became Giant” since it would read as that they became, “gigantes.” But, again, “gigantes” implies nothing about height and the oddity in the LXX is actually doing what I just touched upon: due to its odd multi-usage of gigantes, it has it that the Gigantes became gigantes.Note that noah asserts that Nephilim were, “huge….giants!” but, again (and again) that, “The Bible calls them Giants or Nephilim” is just mashing together a vague modern word, the usage of which we have elucidated, along with a specific ancient Hebrew word. And incidentally, concluding that they were unusually tall based on the word, “giants” is a word-concept fallacy.Lastly, what of, “God telling the people of Israel to go into neighboring cities and wipe them all out!…God instruct Israel to kill all the other groups of people…God’s instructions, upon entering the land of Canaan, to wipe out every man, woman, and child of certain tribes inhabiting the land…God orders Israel to kill everyone in one of these giant tribes”?Recall that noah’s answer was, “Because their genetics had become corrupted from Genesis 6:4…that’s in your Bible folks…a ‘gene pool problem’ from the remaining Nephilim, Rephaim, et al.”Yet, by now we can see that his answer is invalid and for various reasons. Thus, “how do you explain that?…How do you explain that?” I do not explain it: God did so.He told us various times why He commanded such things and never once said a single word about Nephilim (nor relation to them).It pertained to unethical practices for which He oft gave those cultures centuries of which to repent—I cover this in detail in my book What Does the Bible Say About Giants and Nephilim?: A Styled Giantology and Nephilology.So, noah seems to seek to defend God against charges of being unethical but anyone who has a handle on the data will see that he is mistaken and so his attempts to defend will only make matters worse. ________________________________________________ Addendum: I thought to note some of the comments posted to the article which shows that it is quite easy to tell an exciting tall-tale which those unconversant with the facts will cheer on—again, at the price of implying that God failed (faulty Nephilology effects theology proper). Keith James commented, “Noah, In my view , the best article you have ever published Bravo.” mtice commented, “…I think you nailed it on the Nephilim.” JCluvsTrump commented, “And so, to sum up, this proves that Joe Biden is a direct descendant of Lucifer.”Given the context of the website, it is difficult to discern whether that is a sarcastic joke or is deadly serious. Robert Trump commented, “…In my opinion the nephlim are still here along with the greys and reptilians.” zonablue commented, “Actually makes sense.” Sami Rath commented, “Well researched discussion, Noah. Of course, as you said, ALL of this information is (clearly) explicated in the scriptures. Good presentation of this. I think you should get it published in book format.” ThePast commented, “Have you ever watched a 30 minute for some information and at the end is a 20 second segment with what you needed? Ever watch an entire movie base on a 15 second piece of information? It’s amazing how scholar wanna be’s can take one verse and turn into a 60 page scenario or a full movie? One verse from Genesis has provided new interpretations for every noun written. The Nephilim now have a lengthy history base on speculation and personal beliefs. The real answer can be found in any reputable bible dictionary.” Interesting, point. Let us note that all interpretations are not created equal. As for, “bible dictionary” well, as you saw, I wrote the book: I literally wrote the book Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries on Angels, Demons, Nephilim, and Giants: From 1851 to 2010. 2ndOrion commented, “The word ‘Nephilim’ Was left out of the King James Version of the Bible. What version of the Bible is that word in?” Not that it matters but the answer is: ASV, AMP, CSB, CJB, ERV, EHV, ESV, EXB, GW, HCSB, ICB, ISV, LSB, LEB, MEV, NOG, NABRE, NASB, NCV, NET, NIRV, NIV, NLT, NRSVA, OJB, RSV, TLV, and WEB. Opinionated & FED-UP commented, “Hmm, you’re right. In the search, they say these verses are “related” to NEPHILIM – but the word NEPHILIM itself has been redacted.” Well, “redacted” seems like a hyperbolic manner whereby to refer to: just followed the LXX. For some odd reason, this person then just posted a lot of verse citations such as Genesis 6:4, Numbers 13:33, Genesis 6:1-22, Genesis 6:1-4, Jude 1:6, Genesis 6:1-8, Numbers 13:30-33, Genesis 6:1-7, Numbers 13:31-33, Jude 1:6-7, 2 Peter 2:4, 2 Samuel 21:20, etc., etc., etc., which left me confused about what the point was supposed to be. 2ndOrion commented, “Oh, Google says it is in the Hebrew Bible.” herbloke commented, “Gargle? Almost everything they show us biased.”That is a socio-political statement which is a styled goalpost moving fallacy. 2ndOrion commented, “…Regards to those Giants. Did they make their own Ark to get through the Flood? Nothing is said of any of them getting on the Ark. Did the Original People of Australia also make their own Ark? They seem to have their own separate history.”Well, if anyone besides Noah made their own Ark and survived the flood then God failed and also, that would contradict the Bible five times: Genesis 7:7, 23; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; and 2 Peter 2:5. mtice commented, “‘The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—whenever the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, who bore them children.’ This happened before the flood, and also after it. There is a spiritual war going on. Isn’t it interesting that after the flood, giants appeared in the land of Canaan, exactly where God promised Abram where they would settle. If they hadn’t wiped out the giants and all the corrupt DNA, there would not have been a pure bloodline for the coming Christ.” We well know that all of that is mistaken, and a rewrite would be, “If” God, “hadn’t wiped out the” Nephilim, “and all the corrupt DNA” via the flood, “there would not have been a pure bloodline for the coming Christ.” herbloke commented, “Wasn’t there stories of ships dumping large bones in the early 1900s?” Well, “stories”? Who knows but what does it matter since, “large” is as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as “giants” (or “tall,” “big,” “huge,” etc.) and since, again, we have no reliable physical description of Nephilim then we cannot correlate “large bones” to them.    See my various books here.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A plea: I have to pay for server usage and have made all content on this website free and always will. I support my family on one income and do research, writing, videos, etc. as a hobby. If you can even spare $1.00 as a donation, please do so: it may not seem like much but if each person reading this would do so, even every now and then, it would add up and really, really help out. Here is my donate/paypal page.Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Twitter page, on my Facebook page, or any of my other social network sites all which are available here. 



