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Paul Davies on cosmology: modern science vs. the Bible, part 2 of 4

We continue considering Paul Davies’ statements about cosmology and the Bible.

We are now in the side tracking segment in which we note that if you ever happen upon Yahoo! Answers you know that it is an, shall we say, interesting site. Since anyone and everyone can pose questions and provide answers you know what to expect: loaded questions that are really meant to be statements and answers that are less than useful. Find this whole series here.

However, on occasion it is interesting to read the Q&As just to see what some people are thinking.

At that site someone named “dead fundie” (which just may be a pseudonym) asked how the Bible’s claim that God created the universe ex nihilo—from nothing jibes with current scientific theory?

You would think that the answer would be something to the likes of, “Just fine, thank you.” Or, “Indeed, the Bible predicted that which current scientific theory has concluded,” or something to that likes.

Let us considering the various erudite elucidations posted at Yahoo! Answers. This first one was chosen, by the questioner, as being the best answer:
To answer your question, it doesn’t, but god is entirely unnecessary.

Well, that’s settled then, is it not?


Another answer was:
The Bible never claims that God made the universe out of nothing, that is what some people may have claimed the Bible said. If you read the Bible for yourself you will find quite the opposite.
The Bible says that God created the universe from his dynamic energy and power.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1
“Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who…Due to the abundance of DYNAMIC ENERGY, he also being vigorous in POWER” Isaiah 40:26
“If you send forth your SPIRIT, they are created” Psalms 104:30
“I myself have made the earth and have created even man upon it. I–my own HANDS have stretched out the heavens, and all the army of them I have commanded.” Isaiah 45:12 God has “stretch out” or expanded the universe.
Therefore, the Bible shows that God created the universe, not out of nothing but, from his energy and power, with the aid of his spirit (holy spirit). Energy slowed down transforms, cools, and coalesces into lower forms of energy and matter.

It appears that the issue is over the meaning of “nothing.” If by “nothing,” utterly nothing is meant, then God could not have created the universe out of nothing since there being nothing would include that there was no God as well. “Nothing” is in reference to preexisting matter which would lead to a creator who goes about “imposing some sort of organisation or structure upon a previous incoherent state.”

The answer assumes that since God employed “dynamic energy and power…abundance of DYNAMIC ENERGY…POWER…SPIRIT…” with His “own HANDS” then there was something “before” the beginning. Indeed, that is the point: natural theology / general revelation conclude that based on that which the universe implies about its coming into being that its cause was pre-existent, exhibited characteristics of personhood (such as volition), etc.—see On the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the Invisible Pink Unicorns, et al.

This answer has it right, whilst apparently not getting its own point: indeed, there was never a time when there was “nothing” since God is eternal. Yet, in particular reference to that out of which the universe is made—the space / time / matter continuum—there was a time when there was “nothing” or, no such thing as the continuum.
The point is being missed because most people did not bother to define their terms. They should have first asked “What do you mean by ‘nothing’?” This is also why that “God has ‘stretch out’ or expanded the universe” is, very oddly, taken to mean that the universe pre-existed and God merely stretched it out. However, God created the universe and stretched out his creation.


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