Ken Ammi’s True Free Thinker:
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  • The Christian Theological Dark Web asks: How did the Nephilim come back?

    The Christian Theological Dark Web Podcast posted the questions along with an accompanying vid: How did the Nephilim come back? What do you think?Andrea Jeanette Napiwocki repliedSo how did they? Or did they? Hmm? The Christian Theological Dark Web PodcastI think they went subterranean. Others think there were other incursions. True FreethinkerBoth are late-comer un-biblical…

  • Can Angels Have Sex? – With Timothy Alberino

    Can Angels Have Sex? – With Timothy Alberino | Tough Clips is the title of a video on the Angelegend YouTube channel which is Rob Rolson’s. I included a discussion with Rob in my book The Great Nephilim Debates: Featuring Gary Wayne, T.J. Steadman, Rob Rowe, and Eric Rolson. As for Timothy Alberino: his un-biblical…

  • Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible on Sons of God and Giants

    In his Annotated Bible, Finis Jennings Dake noted the following regarding sons of God and giants. “The Dake Bible was first published in 1961 and is the result of the work of a man named Finnis Jennings Dake (1902-1987), a Pentecostal minister. As a result of a criminal conviction, his ordination as a pastor with…

  • Charles Welch and Fredk Brininger on Nephilim Giants in the Berean Expositor

    Charles Welch and Fredk Brininger wrote of Nephilim Giants in The Berean Expositor, Vol. VIII, 1918 AD. The publication is said to be, “the organ of  NO SOCIETY,  the property of  NO SECT, the exponent of NO CREED” yet, of course, it presents teachings from a certain perspective. They quote an odd version that has…

  • Rabbi on the position of Mainstream Judaism on the identity of the Nephilim

    Undergoing consideration is an Ask the Rabbi segment from with Rabbi David Sperling answering, “the position of Mainstream Judaism on the identity of the Nephilim.” He notes that, “In Berashit the Torah writes…” wait, hold on: I can’t believe some people transliterate the Hebrew word for Genesis like that—oi vey—it’s typically something like Beresheeth…

  • TJ Steadman on Samson: giant or not?

    You can find all of my articles regarding TJ Steadman here. I once wrote an article titled Was Samson buff? since he is generally depicted as looking like a pro-bodybuilder even though we have no physical description of him—besides that he wore long hair. Thus, I was fascinated to read TJ Steadman discussing Samson from…

  • VIDEO: Systematic Biblical Paranormology lessons sessions

    Systematic Biblical Paranormology: Angelssession by Ken Ammi Systematic Biblical Paranormology: Seraphim,Cherubim, Satan and demons session by Ken Ammi Systematic Biblical Paranormology: Nephilim and “Giants” session by Ken Ammi Three helpful posts: Chapter sample: On the Post Flood Nephilim Proposal The Apocalypse of the Hidden Hand: The Bible’s teaching on the spiritual sovereign behind the human…

  • Claim: Over 40 giant nephilim skeletons found in Nevada cave

    On Facebook, a certain Jason abadi1 posted, “Over 40 giant nephilim skeletons found in Nevada cave” which, for some odd reason, included the following hashtags, “#anunnaki #nephilim #giant #nibiru #conspiracytok #fyp #shots #tiktok #viral #comedy #prank #harryporter #superhero.” I, True Freethinker, noted What makes you think they were “giant nephilim” skeletons (FYI: biblically contextually, “giant…

  • Rick Renner on Nephilim Cannibals! Unmasking the Pre-Flood Giants That Terrorized the Ancient World

    Due to his new book, Rick Renner wrote an article titled Nephilim Cannibals! Unmasking the Pre-Flood Giants That Terrorized the Ancient World for his publisher’s website—which actually seems to be a chapter sample from his book. He begins by noting issues related to the location of Noah’s ark, “the lower slopes of the Ararat mountains…

  • TJ Steadman on Apkallu as “big man from before (or out of) the waters”

    You can find all of my articles regarding TJ Steadman here. In his book Answers to Giant Questions, he tells us “Where the Mesopotamians used the symbol of the fish to indicate the survival of the Apkallu spirits through the Deluge, the Biblical account is mysteriously silent.” Yet, it is not mysterious since there are…