JMR Phillips, Sr. (aka Pastor Mike: Pastor of the Berean Bible Church in Redding, CA) wrote a paper tiled The Nephilim.
He quotes Gen 6:1-2 thusly:
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Of sons of God, he notes, “the concept that this referred to angels…wasn’t conclusive enough for me” since, “it can also refer to men who have believed on Christ as their Savior and is used throughout the NT. But in the OT it is used five times and all in reference to angels.”
Indeed, the NT usage is from centuries, if not millennia later, and in a different language.
Job 38:7, as one example, shows us that “sons of God” can refer to non-human beings (which the LXX has as “Angeloi”: plural of “Angelos”) since they, at the very least, witnessed the creation of the Earth.
Jude and 2 Peter 2 combined refer to a sin of Angels, place that sin to pre-flood days and correlate it to sexual sin which occurred after the Angels, “left their first estate,” after which they were incarcerated, and there’s only a one-time fall/sin of Angels in the Bible.
The original, traditional, and majority view among the earliest Jewish and Christians commentators, starting in BC days, was the “Angel view” as I proved in my book, On the Genesis 6 Affair’s Sons of God: Angels or Not?: A Survey of Early Jewish and Christian Commentaries Including Notes on Giants and the Nephilim.
He does end up siding with the Angle view but, in part, for a bad reason, “this union between the daughters of men and the sons of God produced a species of human beings known as the Nephilim, a race of Giants, men who were exceptionally large and exceptionally strong. “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:4” (emphasis in original).
Note that he jumped from the specific ancient Hebrew word “Nephilim” to the modern generically subjective English one “Giants” so it’s hard to follow.
Biblically contextually, “the Nephilim, a race of Giants“ means, “the Nephilim, a race of Nephilim” so key questions are: What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles? What’s Pastor Mike’s usage? Do those two usages agree?
Well, we seem to get the answer to his usage since he asserted, “Nephilim…were exceptionally large” so that means the answer to the third question is, “No” because the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles is that it merely renders (doesn’t even translate) “Nephilim” in 2 verses or “Repha/im” in 98% of all others and so never even hints at anything to do with any sort of height whatsoever.
And, large is just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as giants.
Also, the dirty little secret is that since we’ve no reliable physical description of Nephilim then their height is a non-issue and that alone debunks 99% of un-biblical Nephilology–the modern branch of which is just un-biblical neo-theo sci-fi tall-tales.
Thus, we will have to see whence he got such an idea.
Referring to the late-comer of a view, the Sethite view, which is based on myth and prejudice, he notes, “If this was referring to the godly line of Seth intermarrying with the ungodly line of man, how in the world could differing religious beliefs ever produce a race of giants?? It’s ludicrous to deduct that a saved man and an unsaved woman could produce a child twelve to twenty feet tall simply because one was righteous and the other one wasn’t!”
It’s a prejudicial and mythical to assert a, “godly line of believers” and an, “ungodly line” since there was no such thing.
Also, that view has it that the godly line weren’t really godly since they were such terrible sinners that their sin served as the premise for the flood—so, that’s rather odd.
Yet, again, arguing from ludicrousness based on a not being aware of what modern English Bibles mean by giants is ludicrous. There’s literally zero reliable indication of anyone in the whole Bible who was, “twelve to twenty feet tall.”
Pastor Mike notes that an objection to the Angel view is, “
everything was to propagate after its kind…Like was to reproduce like…It flies in the face of the Bible and science to say that now they are producing humans twenty feet tall!”
Well, the last bit is irrelevant made-up stuff but Angels are always described as looking like human males, performing physical actions, and without indication that such isn’t their ontology. We were created, “a little lower” (Psa 8:5) than them, and we can reproduce with them so, by definition, we’re of the same basic, “kind”—see my book, What Does the Bible Say About Angels? A Styled Angelology.
Playing off of the Sethite view, he notes, “These humans had six fingers and six toes; once again breaking the pattern of like producing like. Occasionally one will find humans with six fingers or six toes, but this was the physical characteristic of these beings.”
Well, there’s literally zero indication that Sethites or Cainites or Nephilim had extra digits so this is another made up non-issue.
He notes, “These giants were produced as the result of an event when these sons of God came into the daughters of men. It was an event that took place before the flood. And when the flood came it not only destroyed the giants, but it also destroyed the entire line of Cain! It was Noah and his three sons who began the antediluvian age of human beings, but there were also giants, Nephilim, after the flood, and this was due to another event with these sons of God, or events.”
Yet, of course, that it, “was due to another event with these sons of God, or events” is something that had to be invented due to the error of chasing the undefined modern English word giants around a Hebrew Bible in an uncritical manner.
Overall, he concludes, “fallen angels of God were able to bear, or procreate, children with the women here on earth. And that this hybrid union created a race of giants that have been recorded in different countries as being easily eight feet tall, nine feet tall, eleven feet tall, eighteen feet, twenty three feet and larger!”—see how elastic (one usage) of giants is: it can range from 8ft to twice that tall—which, of course, are arbitrary numbers and in the very next paragraph, he throws in, “thirty six feet tall” since well, why not?
His version of dealing with the kinds issue is to assume, “beings from the heavenlies…somehow modify the genetics of man” well, biblically they modified via good olˈ fashioned copulation since the narrative moves from beholding to marriages to coming into to offspring.
Pastor Mike then throws in, “What this study will reveal is that this matter of aliens, abductions, genetic experimentation, etc., the stuff of science fiction, is not as far fetched as people would like to believe! Especially when we get down into the areas of the giants that lived in the land, giants who were the offspring of these alien interactions with women and the end time Antichrist!”
Thus, Gen 6 is dealing with, “alien human hybrids that were giants – the Nephilim” (emphasis in original).
He notes, “The Septuagint has it as, ‘But the giants were upon the earth in those days, and also after that.’ The direct translation of the Hebrew has it as, ‘And the nephilim were upon, or in, the earth in those days, and also after that.’ The KJV and the Septuagint both translate nephilim as giants.” Yet, the question becomes the usage of giants in the KJV and that’s it’s impossible that the Septuagint translated as giants since that’s an English word and English didn’t exist when that, BC, translation was done. Rather, he means that the English translation of that translation that he’s reading has giants and so the question becomes usage of giants in the Septuagint. FYI: the actual Greek Septuagint has Nephilim and also gibborim and also Rephaim all as gigantes (or sometimes gegenes or gigas) which means earth-born. All giga/gege words are references to the false Earth goddess Gaia—ergo, earth-born would mean born of Gaia.
Pastor Mike pondered, “One of the problems that I had was with the word nephilim, because writers kept going over and over the idea of to fall, from the root word naphal, to fall. I wondered how could they get the idea of giants out of it and how could they read it into it the idea of the fallen ones, etc.” But he really can’t ask that unless he knows what their idea of giants was.
He notes, “The first usage of Nephilim is in this passage, but the next usage is in Numbers 13:33 way after the flood, when Moses was leading the nation of Israel into the land of Canaan. ‘And there we saw the giants, (nephilim), the sons of Anak, which come of the giants, (nephilim),: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” It is here that the nephilim are described as being of such great stature that they were gigantic!”
Let’s re-write that with actual facts filling in the generic gaps:
“The first usage of Nephilim is in this passage, but the next usage is in Numbers 13:33 way after the flood, when Moses was leading the nation of Israel into the land of Canaan, 10 unreliable guys whom God rebuked made up a false evil report wherein they embellished the original report in that chapter and merely invented. ‘And there we saw the giants, (nephilim), the sons of Anak, which come of the giants, (nephilim),: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight” as some non-LXX versions have it. It is here that the nephilim are described as being of such great stature that they were gigantic! But since that was just made-up stuff, there’s literally zero reason to believe it.”
Recall the, “the dirty little secret” well, he notes, “our Genesis passage there is no reference to them being of such immense proportions that they were gigantic in size” so he must accept the evil report if he, for whatever un-biblical reason, wants subjectively unusually tall Nephilim ergo, “we will certainly discover that they were immense in size” from one unreliable sentence.
He notes that he found the solution via, “an old article written about the word nephilim and its connected idea of nephilia…” which is an Aramaic root (also transliterated as naphiyal). He adds, “Nephilia was the old Aramaic name for the constellation Orion! The most noteworthy alternative opinion regarding the derivative word of Nephilim is that it refers to a class of angels descended from Orion. In ancient Aramaic , the constellation Orion was known as Nephila, therefore Orion’s descendants would then be known as Nephil im” which he picked up from Peake’s Commentary on the Bible.
But since there’ no indication of whatever, “angels descended from Orion” then it seems much like unto referring to Lucifer, the son of the dawn with reference to Venus: since at certain times of the year it precedes the rising of the Sun—see my book What Does the Bible Say About the Devil Satan: A Styled Satanology.
Yet, based on one single usage of one single Aramaic root, Pastor Mike concludes, “nephilim came from Orion!” even though they were born on Earth.
He then goes back to Gen 6, quotes it thusly, “And the nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also after that” and somehow concludes, “This shows that these nephilim, these giants, were on the earth before the flood and after the flood” even though he then wrote, “all the nephilim were destroyed by the flood” ergo, “to have nephilim/giants after the flood, then it would have to mean that these sons of God not only came to the earth one or more times before the flood, but also one or more times after the flood, and by means of having direct intercourse with women, or through genetic manipulation, were able to create a race of hybrid giants. And they may still be doing this today!”
Note that he quoted a text that doesn’t say a single word about the flood which to him means that it referred to the flood.
Note that he cut a verse, a sentence, a complete thought in half and did so just when it was telling us to what days it is referring. Well, it can’t mean anything about the flood since:
1) the flood’s not even mentioned for the very first time until a full 13 verses later.
2) the ONLY post-flood reference to Nephilim is from an “evil report” by 10 unreliable guys whom God rebuked.
3) God didn’t fail, He didn’t miss a loophole, the flood wasn’t much of a waste, etc.
Gen 6:4 states, “Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.”
The question becomes: when were those days?
Well, Gen 6:1 told us, “When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.”
The next question becomes: when was afterward?
Since it was after those days then it was simply after, “When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them…”
Thus, the began doing it then and they continued to do it but that’s all pre-flood.
Note that, “all the nephilim were destroyed by the flood” but God must have failed since He missed the (un-biblical), “sons of God not only came to the earth…more times after the flood” loophole so that the flood was much of a waste. Also, not even the Israelites could manage to do what God failed to do since, “they may still be doing this today!”
And, of course, all of that logical, theo-logical, and bio-logical torturing of facts is due to one single sentence from an evil report by 10 unreliable guys whom God rebuked: that one sentence is that upon which all post-flood and giant Nephilology.
He notes that in Gen 3:15, “‘And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel’…thy seed refers to a human son born to a human woman, whose father is the devil!” but there’s zero indication that the Devil is anyone’s physical father.
Oddly, he notes, “gibborim…is found throughout the OT…its main emphasis lies on power and strength” of a sort, anyhow, it means might/mighty but a person can be mighty but not be personally strong, only powerful as in authoritative, rich, etc. For example, Boaz is called a gibbor but there’s no indication that it was for any other reason than that he was wealthy. Thus, when Pastor Mike asserts, “gibborim from the sons of God were distinguished as being extremely strong, and in more ways than one, and strong in contrast to Adam’s race!…they were much stronger, (as well as being much larger), than any of Adam’s descendants” there’s literally zero indication of that—FYI” Boaz was of Adam’s race and there’s no indication he was larger than average.
He reiterates, “Nephilim came from those from Nephilia, or the constellation Orion!”
He then asserts, “a hybrid species on earth known as the Nephilim, the Gibborim, the Heroes of old, the Rephaim, the Anakim, and the Emimites.” Yet, that’s a category error that violates the law of identity since Rephaim were a tribe of which Anakim and Emimites (typically Emmim) were like clans and Nephilim were strictly pre-flood hybrids, Rephaim were strictly post-flood humans, and there’s zero correlation between them.
He then circles back to, “They were not only stronger than other men, and much larger” at which point, of course, he quotes Num 13:33 and notes, “This is the first” and only, “place we come to that describes the Nephilim as being gigantic in size…as being giants for the first” and only, “time, in the sense that their size was so great that the Israelites” actually merely 10 of them, the unreliable ones whom God rebuked, “were tiny in comparison.”
Again, since he’s relying on the unreliable and one version of the unreliable, he fixates on height again since, “the sons of Anak, who were derived from the Nephilim…Deuteronomy 9:2, ‘A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims…” with tall being just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as giants and here being subjective to the average Israelite male who was 5.0-5.3 ft. in those days.
In fact, he even quoted, “Deuteronomy 1:28, ‘Whither shall we go up? our brethren have discouraged our heart, saying, The people is greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there’” apparently not considering that Moses was there relating the Num 13:32-33 event but never one time mentioning Nephilim: Moses was too practical, he wasn’t concerned about some fear-mongering scare-tactic tall-tale, he was more concerned about the real dangers on the ground, not some, “Don’t go in the woods!!!” fantasy story.
Yet, his take away is, “The Anakim are described as being of great size and number, tall” with great size being just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as tall and giants.
He keeps digging his view’s own grave by re-reiterating, “this is the first description of the Nephilim as being giants in size. The comparison is not to be taken in that they were just a couple of feet taller than the Israelites, but that they were so gigantic in size that the Israelites were like grasshoppers to them” which is another instance of his exclusive reliance upon one unreliable sentence.
At this point, he does note, “Some writers have surmised that the spies who came back with the negative report were speaking in hyperbole, over exaggerating their size, so as to not appear cowardly, but if this was so, then Joshua and Caleb would have immediately spoken out to correct them. Instead they didn’t argue the size, but agreed that they were giants, but said that they could take them with the Lord’s help.”
Note that to make that point, he plays mind-reader assuring us what Joshua and Caleb would have done. Well, it was not a formally moderated debate and we don’t have a full transcript. What we do have is that the evil report consisted of five mere assertions and they’re not back by even one single other sentence in the whole entire Bible—and it contradicts Moses, Caleb, Joshua, God, and the rest of the whole Bible.
Since his fixation if his misconception of giants, Pastor Mike then tells us, “In the late 1950’s, during road construction in the Euphrates Valley of south-east Turkey, many tombs containing the remains of giants were uncovered. At the sites the leg bones were measured to be 120 cms (47.24 inches). Joe Taylor, Director of Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, was commissioned to sculpt the human femur. This Antediluvian giant stood some 14-16 ft tall.” Indeed, all we have is a sculpture: Taylor was merely told of a newsletter he never saw merely asserts someone saw such a bone: here’s the video of Taylor himself admitting that:
We’re then told, “the bed of Og, king of Bashan, was 9 cubits by 4 cubits (approximately 14′ by 6′)…making Og somewhere between 13 to 16 feet tall!” the way it works is that since we don’t have a physical description of the Repha, Og, then his height is merely asserted based on various mere assumptions: that “bed” wasn’t something on which he slept, it was a ritual object—see my book The King, Og of Bashan, is Dead: The Man, the Myth, the Legend—of a Nephilim Giant?
Quite oddly, after merely asserting that Anakim were Nephilim 2.0, he ends up merely asserting, “The Anakim: This was another name for the Watchers. It means ‘the descendants of Anak’, or Enoch, Cain’s son. Though it was said that a flood had been sent to destroy them, there were still entire cities of Anakim in Canaan as late as the time of Moses.”
That is as linguistically problematic as it is anachronistic.
Watchers is just a Second Temple Era aka for Angels and thus far, not even in Pastor Mike’s tall-tales have Anakim been Angels.
Also, they were literally, “the descendants of Anak” who was Arba’s son (Josh 15:13) from centuries post-flood, not centuries pre-flood, “Enoch, Cain’s son”: just because, apparently, to him Anak sounds like Enoch when pronounced in English is no way to formulate an argument.
Thus, since Anakim (merely the male plural of Anak) didn’t exist until centuries post-flood, there’s literally zero indication that, “a flood had been sent to destroy them” and yet, on Pastor Mike’s view, it didn’t work since, “entire cities of Anakim in Canaan as late as the time of Moses.”
He then notes, “Goliath had four relatives, also giants” and yet, not even on his misuse of that term is there any justification for that. He myopically tells us, “Goliath somewhere at a minimum of 9′ 6” tall, all they way up to 11′ 6” tall!”
I say myopic since he didn’t bother mentioning that the Masoretic text has him at just shy of 10 ft. Yet, the earlier LXX and the earlier Dead Sea Scrolls and the earlier Flavius Josephus all have him at just shy of 7 ft. (compared to the average Israelite male who was 5.0-5.3 ft. in those days) so that’s the preponderance of the earliest data.
And so that also goes for the only one of his relatives, sons, only one of whom is physically described at all (and then, hardly so): Pastor Mike has him as, “a huge man” with the text generally being referred, “great stature”—with huge and great stature being just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as great size, tall and giants.
He then wrote, “It appears that the Nephilim branched out into four different lines: the Anakim, the Rephaim, the Zuzim and the Emim” but, again, he doesn’t realize that they’re all Rephaim and they’re all unrelated to Nephilim yet, he again (and again and only exclusively) quotes the non-LXX version of the evil report as his authority.
Pastor Mike asserted, “There are four lines, as near as we can tell, that branched out from the Nephilim; they were the Anakim, the Emim, the Zuzim and the Rephaim.”
Sadly, he quotes from Deut 2 many times which shows how they’re all Rephaim but misses that in those reliable records, there’s literally zero correlation to Nephilim.
He completed that sentence with, “And they all had the same characteristics. They may have looked a little different, but they were all giants in size” which is an assertion based on that we’ve no reliable physical description of Nephilim and that Rephaim, by any other name, were taller than 5.0-5.3ft. on average.
Interestingly, and sadly, he goes on to write in terms of, “giant (Rapha)” so he knows how that word is being used 98% of time but yet, still keeps asserting unfounded things about their height.
Every biblical indication is that Emmim were a 100% human clan of the 100% Rephaim tribe and yet, Pastor Mike merely asserts that since (one meaning, definition, usage of), “The word in the plural, emim, tells us that we are dealing with fear in all this…if it’s true that they descended from the Nephilim, that they were half human and half celestial being hybrids, and that they were violent and giants, then it is easy to see why the Moabites called them Emim – Terror!“ and yet, that’s a big IFfor which there’s literally zero indication.
He then asserts, “Emim are somehow connected with the stars, and they would be seeing that they descended from the Nephilim from Nephilia, and that they were excellent physical specimens of humanity – the master race!”
He then circles back to Og’s imaginary height, “somewhere between 13 to 16 feet tall!” and, “Goliath somewhere at a minimum of 9′ 6” tall, all they way up to 11′ 6” tall!” and adds, “And he was a little guy compared to the other descendants of the Nephilim” for which, again (and again) there’s literally zero reliable indication.
He circles back to, “These giants were living in the promised land when God brought the Israelites into it. (When they said giants they weren’t kidding)” but that’s the whole entire point: they weren’t saying what he thinks they were saying—and he’s aware, “giant (Rapha)” 98% of time.
Yet, he’s not consistent in applying that linguistics fact since he went on to write, Bashan was referred to as the land of the giants, apparently from there being so many giants living there” which biblically contextually means, “Bashan was referred to as the land of the Rephaim, apparently from there being so many Rephaim living there.”
Yet, he keeps emphasizing, “they were all giants. What this showed is that their gene lived on!” because, apparently, God failed.
He then turns to, “Amorites, who were also said to be very tall in size. Amos 2:9, ‘Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath.’”
Amos 2:9 says, “the Amorite…whose height was like the height of the cedars and who was as strong as the oaks; I destroyed his fruit above and his roots beneath.” He was clearly just saying they were big and strong and not implying conducting a one-to-one ratio based mathematical calculation. In fact, people who do measure cedars and claim Amorites were that tall never get around to a calculation correlating the strength of oaks—since they’re only interested in tall-tales. Plus, if they take it that incoherently literal then they have to conclude that Amorites had fruits and roots growing right out of their bodies.
Moreover, “Nephilim…giants…Anakim, giants…Emim, giants…Zamzummim were a tribe of giants” and, “Now we get to the Rephaim.”
He generically, without telling us by whom nor when nor if reliably nor how so, “The following ideas have been associated with the Rephaim: the dead, minor deities, humans that have been deified, the shades of the dead, giants, spirits of the dead, dead souls, an exclusive group, heroes, a population of giants banished to the netherworld, a race of giants that existed after the flood. It gives us the idea that it was a race of super humans, who were not totally human, who were of such immense size and strength, that they were regarded as divinities.”
Those assertions are mostly due to biasedly focus on one amongst the ranges of meanings of the root word rapha to conclude that this biblically 100% human tribe were actually living dead-zombies.
One reason for this is that they take one definition or meaning or usage of the root and apply it to the people group, the tribe.
Another is that they literally insert Pagan mythology into biblical theology—or, Rephaology. That is because in texts such as Ugaritic ones, when kings and heroes died they were referred to as kings and heroes but when they had been dead for some time, they were called Repha/im—the transliterated Ugaritic being rp‘um or rapi‘uma—and could be summoned from the death to attend rituals, etc.—see my article Dead Kings and Rephaim The Patrons of the Ugaritic Dynasty.
Yet, Pasto Mike states this about Rephaim, “They, like the others, may have started in the beginning as the result of the sons of God with human females” but there’s literally zero indication of that: he is being forced to first accept a non-LXX version of the evil report and than unjustifiably merely assume that if one clan of Rephaim were Nephilim 2.0 then all Rephaim must be as well. Again, such an assertion is illogical, ill-theo-logical, and ill-bio-logical.
Note how locked into fixating on one idea giant-Nephilologists can become that when he notes, “zamzum…means to hum, or to make a noise” he can only imagine that, “they made, and probably very loud due to their immense size” well, in that case, some of my neighbors must be of immense size—with immense with being just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as huge, great stature, great size, tall and giants.
This time around, Pastor Mike decided that Nephilim is what both Angels and their offspring were called (for which there’s literally zero indication), “they got their name, Nephilim, not because they were the fallen ones, but because they were named after the Nephilim, those beings from Nephilia.”
By this point, he has been doing a lot of circling round and around to the same issues time and again so, he now tells us, “there were Nephilim on the earth after the flood!…the genetic line of the Nephilim was wiped out by the flood, we can only conclude that these sons of god came back to the earth again to do the same thing all over again!…from this original race of Nephilim/human/hybrids four different branches came forth; the Anakim, the Rephaim, the Emim and the Zamzummim” and on it goes.
He then comes to, “how were the sons of god able to interact with human females in such a way to bring about a race of giants?” the answer to which, given his usage, they weren’t and didn’t. Yet, we get his ill-gotten point. He notes, “One explanation that is put forth is that they are able to transform themselves into human beings, after which, they are capable of performing any physical concept that other human beings can do” but that’s a historically essentially unknown via that came about only in modern times and still hardly makes a blip on the radar.
Then, “Another explanation is that there are many different categories of celestial beings, some have wings and fly, others have four faces and hooves, and some are just like men.” Note that he moved the goalpost from Angels to celestial beings. Well, sure Angels, Cherubim, and Seraphim differ but that’s because they differ: they are different categories of being and only Angels mate with women.
He circles back to, “giants…existed after the flood…the flood wiped out the preflood nephilim giants, and apparently conquest by various tribes and peoples throughout the world wiped out the post flood nephilim giants, or did they?” and this is when post-flood Nephilologists become very, very dangerous—and we can only pray that they are utterly ignored.
He goes on to Q&A himself, “You might say, well Mike just look around. Do you see any 10′ to 12′ tall people walking around today? And the answer is no.”
Ok but, he claims, “they were here in the Americas as reported by many peoples, the Europeans, the Spanish, the Mexicans and the Indians saw them” because when you’re playing fast and loose with linguistics, you can merely assert that anyone of any subjectively unusual height was a Nephil. Thus, to him, someone, “over 7′ in height” were Nephilim because a report form 1578 AD reported that height.
Now, “if this creation of these human nephilim hybrids did come about as the result of DNA modification,” keeping in mind that such is just a way so sci-fi-up physical copulation, “an ongoing operation by these sons of god, before and after the flood” sought to, “create and perfect the perfect human nephilim hybrid! An idea very similar to the Aryan super race theme, where even the word Aryan is similar to the word Orion (Nephilia).”
That is because, “The problem with these human nephilim hybrids is that their chief physical characteristic was that they were gigantic in size” with gigantic being just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as immense, huge, great stature, great size, tall and giants.
Thus, “If the Nephilim sons of god were still performing genetic experimentation on women today, (which they probably are), and turning out giants 15′ to 20′ tall people would certainly take notice of that and start asking questions. But what if they had found a way to isolate the gene that caused the tremendous growth and turn it off , so to speak? Or find the gene they were lacking that caused their growth and put it in?”
Ponder that and recall my concern about danger as we continue.
“What if these nephilim/human hybrid giants had been lacking this gene ever since the Nephilim/sons of god’s had been experimenting on women and because they lacked that gene they grew to their tremendous size?”—yet, I’m going to say it: with tremendous being just as vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage as gigantic, immense, huge, great stature, great size, tall and giants.
Yet, neo-Nephilim have been reduced to, “a normal 6′ tall…they would be able to fit right into the ebb and flow of human life here on the earth without standing out, without being detected in any way, because now they would look like everyone else! Except for the one major fact that they are not truly human!”
Do you see how utterly dangerous that is? The way you can identify not truly human half-Aryan/Orion/alien/Angel/Nephilim/Watchers who are to be gotten rid of as abominations is to look for people who fit right into the ebb and flow of human life here on the earth without standing out, without being detected in any way, because now they would look like everyone else!
God help up! God help anyone that some deranged post-flood Nephilologists (mis) identifies as a Nephil. Historically, many, many, many people—from us Jews to Aboriginals, et al., have been mass and serial murdered due to being (mis) identified as not being fully human or not human at all.
Such is why I included a chapter titled, “Nephil Kampf” in my book Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers: A Comprehensive Consideration of the claims of I.D.E. Thomas, Chuck Missler, Dante Fortson, Derek Gilbert, Brian Godawa, Patrick Heron, Thomas Horn, Ken Johnson, L.A. Marzulli, Josh Peck, CK Quarterman, Steve Quayle, Rob Skiba, Gary Wayne, Jim Wilhelmsen, et al. since so many pop-post-flood Nephilologists teach the same incoherent and ungraceful and shocking dangerous delusions.
These would be poor unsuspecting 100% humans that people like Pastor Mike would merely assert, “their goal was to wipe out the human race, as God created it, thus destroying Adam’s seed.”
Yet, Pastor Mike is not done as he circles back to eschatology, “the devil will have his son born of an earthly woman!…the Antichrist!” for which, again, there’s literally zero indication.
But it gets worse since this would be, “a fully human hybrid, who has Lucifer’s nature in him!…the end time Antichrist, we can expect to see the same parallel. He will not have the fallen nature of Adam because he did not come from Adam’s seed. Instead he will have the nature of Satan, who will be his father, but he will be far more sinful, evil and violent than anything Adam was in his sinful state.”
Thus, “We had seen that the Nephilim human hybrids were known for being much larger…of tremendous size…Nephilim from Nephilia…the false prophet and the antichrist will direct the world’s attention and worship to Lucifer is because Lucifer is his father!” but will literally be, “a fully human hybrid”: which, of course, is a contradiction in terms—humans are human and hybrids are hybrids.
Note that, “he will direct all his seething rage against Christians” and these people who look just like people, “are not truly human…there is no salvation for them.”
At this point, he tells us, “when the Nephilim died, before or in the flood, that their souls did not go down to Hades, but instead wandered around the earth as disembodied spirits seeking to indwell a human body” which is just folklore from centuries, if not millennia, after the Torah. For a biblical view, please see my article, Demons Ex Machina: What are Demons?
And he somehow circles back to, “they could be walking around on earth right now, as normal humans, but no one could be able to see it!” circle to, “The Bible is very clear that giants walked the earth before the flood and after the flood” circle to, “Nephilim are still walking around today, only in normal size.”
And he brings it home by circling to, “This Antichrist will be the product of the seed of Satan joined with the egg of a human mother. In his flesh he will be human, but in his soul he will be of the devil.”
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