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On the weaponization of the IRS – Satanic Temple edition

The Satanic Temple was founded in 2014 AD (they also hide behind the term “Reason Alliance”) and even though they consisted of a small handful of members they very, very, very quickly were raised to virtual stardom. I say “raised to” because they certainly have help at least from local media and the cyber-realm. Their main activities have been putting on socio-political activism such as protesting in favor of human-child sacrifice (which some call “abortion”)—see my posts on them here.
Their current stunt is to establish Satanic clubs in public schools. They are actually very open about the fact that their main interest is not to actually establish such clubs but they want to be denied from establishing them so that, as a byproduct result, Christian clubs will be shut down and no longer allowed—they seek censorship by proxy.

They are a privileged group whom local media and the cyber-realm do not actually report on, do not actually interview in a journalistic or even actual reporting-like manner but rather, they are constantly given PR platforms from which to claim whatever they want in an unchallenged manner and with no skepticism or follow-up by the media and/or cyber sources.

The Satanic Temple’s Lucien Greaves aka Doug Mesner having sex with the grave of Fred W. Phelps, Sr.

Thus, they can portray themselves as they please and, by the way, if you disagree the virtually hypnotically programmed reply is “Satanic panic” and that is that.

Now, you may recall how under the Obama admin the IRS was weaponized so as to ensure that organizations with which the then current socio-political zeitgeist de jour disagreed (anything conservative) were rejected from or delayed in receiving certain tax statuses. Thus, the IRS was militarized and turned into an activist groups motivated by political bias.

The director of Exempt Organizations for the IRS, Lois Lerner, resigned in disgrace in 2013 AD with a bonus and full pension. In 2015 AD an “investigation” by the Obama buddy Eric Holder’s Department of Justice found that under Lerner the IRS suffered from “mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia…poor management” only and that “the belief” mind you, as in mere perception “by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them based on their political viewpoints” is mistaken—I supposed that the statistically proven evidence is a mere “belief.”

Also in today’s uber-high-tech world, Lerner somehow managed to have “lost” relevant evidence that was once on her computer.

Now, while most mere mortals have to wait for years to receive tax-exempt status, the Satanic Temple was forced to wait an intolerable 10 day, yes just over one whole week.

They applied for the status in October 21, 2014 AD and it was granted on a date which makes me think that someone at the IRS was not only in on it but was very specific about what they were doing as it was on October 31—the Satanic un-holyday or Halloween or, rather, Feast of Samhain. Your government at work folks!


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