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On the “Sizes of Biblical Giants & Where They Could Be Hiding Today”

The following discussion took place due to the Right Response MinistriesYouTube video Sizes of Biblical Giants & Where They Could Be Hiding Today | with @hauntedcosmos_

A certain @user-ft5qc4ls3v replied

Hi guys, thanx for the truth. What we also should understand is that “THE GIANTS WILL RETURN”. Revelation 12 – when Satan and the fallen angels are thrown out of the heavens on to earth. The beginning of the time of the anti-Christ and or 7 year Tribulation.

I, @kenammi355, replied

The key questions are:

What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?

What’s your usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants”?

Do those two usages agree?


Giants, man of renown and sons of God, are all the same  for the fallen angels that came to earth.


Fascinatingly, I’ve asked those key questions to dozens and dozens (and dozens [and dozens]) of people who go on and on (and on [and on]) about “giants” and literally zero have replied.

By “Giants” you seem to be referring to Nephilim but then be mindful since in the Bible you’re reading, that’s only the case in only 2 verses.

Now, Nephilim were ” man of renown” but “sons of God” and “fallen angels” are the ones who fathered them so it’s not the case that Nephilim “man of renown and sons of God, are all the same  for the fallen angels.”


You are right, giants are usually referred to the ofspring of the Nephilim or fallen angels. But that doesn’t mean that the fallen angels who came to earth before the flood were not and can not be called giants.  The offspring giants were very small compared to the fallen angels or giants.


Since you didn’t want to help me understand you better by answering the key questions, I will work the accurate data into this reply.

I can’t be “right” that “giants are usually referred to the ofspring of the Nephilim or fallen angels” since that’s a confused statement and I never said any such thing so let’s review:

“giants are usually referred to the ofspring of the Nephilim”: Nephilim may have had offspring but they’re not mentioned, biblically speaking.

“giants are usually referred to the ofspring of…fallen angels”: not so since that’s only the case in a mere two verses. The other 98% of the time it refers to Rephaim and they have utterly nothing to do with Angels nor Nephilim.

“the fallen angels who came to earth before the flood” are never called “giants.”

If by “The offspring giants” you’re referring to the offspring of Nephilim then, again, we’ve no such data.

“very small compared to the fallen angels”: what makes you assert that, especially when Angels are described as looking just like human males so then you must be asserting that “offspring giants” were little people.

“very small compared to the…giants” but the word you’re reading, in your English Bible, “giants” has utterly nothing to do with size of any kind. Ergo, the answer to the third key question is, “No.”

That brought the discussion to and end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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