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My presuppositional apologetics conversation with a New Ager

This article demonstrates how to employ a presuppositional method of apologetics in dealing with New Agers. I found dealing with New Agers is very much like dealing with Atheists.

You can view and download the PDF here.

Here is a little taste:

…to the Jew: Jesus could be a prophet whose followers mistakenly deified or a false prophet. To the Muslim: Jesus is one of many prophets who were all superseded by Muhammad. To the Mormon: Jesus is one of many sons of one of the many Mormon gods. To the Buddhist: Jesus was a bodhisattva* or another Buddha. To the Atheist: Jesus was just a man who may have had some nice things to say (that is, if they believe Jesus existed at all).

To the New Ager: Jesus was an ascended master.


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Due to robo-spaming, I had to close the comment sections. However, you can comment on my Facebook page.

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