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Missing from Brazil: Bruno de Melo Silva Borges – occult investigations?

An investigation has been underway of what is being termed a mystery since Bruno de Melo Silva Borges has gone missing since Monday, March 27, 2017 AD.

Fabrizzio Sobreira, the point of contact for the Civil Police in Rio Branco, in Acre, Brazil has not revealed many details as the investigation is undergoing.

Bruno de Melo Silva Borges’ dad Athos Borges and mom Denise Borges reported nothing out of sorts as of the last time they saw him.

Borges was a student of psychology who previously studied law and administration and who, as his sister Gabriela Borges put it “began to develop a taste for philosophy in his teens…He read the whole Bible and read books of spiritism.”

She also states that by the end of the time when he was living at home he who tend to isolate himself in his bedroom, kept the door locked and that “It was a normal room with a bed and a wardrobe. Nothing on the walls.” This last point is emphasized because what is making this a case about which anyone outside of Brazil has even heard is that it is being reported with fantastical headlines such as the UK’s Daily Mail’s “A UFO enthusiast who mysteriously vanished last week left behind a den plastered wall-to-wall with Illuminati codes and symbols” which seems all but made up.

The Brazilian papers are more generic as they report that his apartment walls included encrypted coded messages, passages from the Bible and phrases from Leonardo da Vinci.


He also left behind 14 handwritten encrypted books which his sister claims he wanted to publish, eventually, “I think he wanted to read everything so he could write his books.”

He also had a statue of the philosopher Giordano Bruno (1548-1600 AD) who was considered a heretic by the Vatican Catholic church: I wonder if Bruno Borges considers himself a reincarnation of Giordano Bruno in which case, he may be traveling to Nola, Italy where Giordano was born.

Civil Police in Rio Branco, in Acre, Brazil,” Globo, March 29, 2017 AD

Student disappears in Acre and leaves 14 handwritten encrypted books,” Diario Gaucho, April 04, 2017 AD


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