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Michael Howard on Enoch & the Watchers: The Real Story of Angels & Demon

Under consideration is Michael Howard’s article Enoch & the Watchers: The Real Story of Angels & Demons which was published in New Dawn Magazine—with which we first encountered as per my Review of Uri Dowbenko’s New Dawn Magazine article “New (Reptilian) World Order”

One issue with the article I will note upfront is pretty common to such pop-research and that is lack of specific references. For example, Howard refers to “LUCIFERIAN legend and tradition” to “Jewish tradition” to “modern theosophical occultism,” etc. and yet actually cites very little info which makes it hard to double check claims, follow up, etc.
Now, I first ran across this article on Stevie Stephens’ nevnephilim website and when I tracked down the original I noticed that Stephen had all caps certain terms and also added some comments at the ends. Thus, I will leave Stephens’ emphatic formatting as is.

Michael Howard began by referring to a 2002 AD British Sunday Telegraph article which reported that “the Vatican has banned the veneration of those FALLEN ANGELS who do not appear in the AUTHORISED texts of the Bible” which is good news for Bible believers and yet, we are told, “prayers are only to be directed to the three archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael who are mentioned in the Bible” the problem of which is that Michael and Gabriel are mentioned in the Bible but Raphael is not. Also, Michael is specified as being an Archangel but Gabriel is not (Jude 1): in fact, Michael is the only one referred to as such—whether this means that he is the only one or simply that there are others who are not named, etc.

Howard refers to “the apocryphal and banned BOOK OF ENOCH” and adds that “Enoch is accredited as having written THREE APOCRYPHAL books in Jewish tradition” (although one of those claims that Enoch wrote 300 books see here). Now, he also states, “The early Church had excluded the book…because it described these fallen angels and their activities (why was it omitted)?” This is rather odd since he tells us that it was “banned…excluded…because” of the fallen Angels issue but after telling us why, he asks, “why was it omitted.” Now, as to why it was banned / excluded he provides no quotations or citations but merely offers an assertion.

Whatever is being referred to by “Traditionally” we are told that “the Ben Eloha or ‘sons of God’ numbered several hundred and they descended to Earth on Mount Harmon” (Hermon) which is the touchdown location as per 1 Enoch aka Ethiopic Enoch which further specifies that it was two hundred which fell.
We are told that they are also variously known as “the WATCHERS, the Grigori and the Irin.” Also, “In Jewish mythology the Grigori…resembled human beings” which they would since Angles look just like human males—no wings, no halos. And “that Watchers…incarnate themselves in human bodies” which they would not need to do as they are already incarnated within their own physical human-male-like bodies.

A further definition is offered as that “the NEPHILIM…were the GIANT RACE that once inhabited the earth…The flood was to annihilate this Satanic race, but the Bible goes on to say that there were more Nephilim AFTER THIS DESTRUCTION (Gen 6:4).”
Many do categorize the Nephilim as something to the likes of a “giant race” which is due to the term Nephilim (along with a few other Hebrew terms) is often translated as “giant.” Yet, giant only and solely means taller than average: and Hebrew males of those days were 5.5 ft.

As to “more Nephilim after” the flood: this is an assertion even with the citation to Genesis in place. The text does not states pre-flood and post-flood but “in those days, and also after that” which is being taken to mean pre-flood and post-flood. Yet, one can just as easily, and more in keeping with immediate as well as greater context, to take is to mean “in those days” with a timeline beginning point which verse 1 has as “when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them” which could be as early as when Adam and Eve’s offspring first started having offspring, and “also after that” being just that: after that beginning point and yet, still pre-flood.

Many begin with a post-flood Nephilim assertion and go on from there to claim that anyone mentioned in the Bible thereafter who is “tall” or “very tall” or a “giant” must have Nephilim DNA. Thus, Michael Howard refers to how Satan “somehow mingled his seed again with the seed of the human race.”

Michael Howard then refers to “the half-human, half-angelic ‘first murderer’ Cain” but does so without quotations or citations for support since, of course, none are to be had which is why he merely asserts it.

Howard also refers to Nephilim as “a monstrous race of warlike, blood-drinking cannibalistic giants…At first they were fed manna by Yahweh to stop them consuming human flesh, but they rejected it. They slaughtered animals for food instead and then began to hunt down and eat human prey.”
Warlike may be a reasonable assumption but it is just that (at least within the pre-flood context—within the post-flood context, see below, it is a non-issue). The blood-drinking cannibalistic claim comes from the Enoch text and is also not biblical.

He also asserts, “Additional references also hint at experiments that led to the creation of ‘monsters’ by the interbreeding of animals with different and unrelated species” which, of course, goes into the issue of what is a species which I will not tackle here. Yet, if you are interested about the interbred monsters issue, see Did the Watcher fallen angels genetically manipulate humans & animals?

A less than helpful illustration from the article

Michael Howard notes, “The Kurds claim to be the descendants of the ‘Children of the Djinn’ (spirits), the offspring of a mating between the djinns and mortal women.” Commonalities in the world’s myths and legends seem to be due to the dispersal of humanity into tribes, clans, nations, etc. after the Tower of Babel event after which they would have taken shared history with them which eventually change on this or that point and came to be called myths and legends.

He tells us that “these ‘mighty warriors’ have a special place reserved for them in Sheol, the Jewish underworld. There they are said to lie in state ‘with shield and spear intact.’” No citation is provided but this is interesting. Now, there is no such concept within the Bible as any sort of return of the Nephilim however, there is a return of the sons of God (by any other name). Tying together Jude and Peter’s statements on Angels that sinned, they were incarcerated in the Abyss/Tartarus and/or, as Revelation 9 puts it, the Bottomless Pit from which they will be released. Revelation describes them in highly symbolic terms which actually fits very well with the general ideas that they were incarcerated “with shield and spear intact” even if all that means is something to the likes of at the ready to wreak havoc.

After referring to the Book of Enoch lists which fallen Angel taught what forbidden arts (from metallurgy to occult rituals), Howard writes, “It is obvious from these descriptions of the teaching abilities of the WATCHERS that they were cultural exemplars and the bringers of civilisation to the early human race. However, in orthodox Judeo-Christian religious texts they are misrepresented as evil corrupters of humanity. Perhaps they started off with good intentions, but had their minds diverted by the sexual beauty and chemistry of human women?”
Firstly, keep in mind that that is apocryphal and not Biblical—although, you know, they did not have TV back then so fallen Angels surely taught their wives, et al., various things. This is much like the Prometheus tale(s) according to which Prometheus was condemned due to giving humanity fire (and other tech) against Zeus’ will.

Howard notes, “In the Luciferian tradition, the biblical serpent is regarded as the personification of knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment who liberated the first humans from the spiritual ignorance imposed on them by Yahweh.” Indeed, such concepts, perhaps best succinctly encapsulated by so called Christian Gnosticism (a contradiction in terms), are the bread and butter of just about every mystery-religion-secret-society-magickal-witchcraft-occult-cult. In essence, they follow Satan’s lead in a copy but corrupt manner whereby everything God does is copied but done backwards, upside down, inside out and in reverse—for details see They hate Christianity, but why?

On the “Luciferian tradition” view that Adam and Eve “ate from the Tree of Life” is that which “initiated the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth and of human souls incarnating in physical form” and eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil brought them true wisdom: enlightenment, see John Lennox pwns Atheist’s satanic doctrine.

Howard refers to Lucifer as “the first-born of creation” which his certainly odd and no citation is offered. This is part of the problem with referencing “LUCIFERIAN legend and tradition” to “Jewish tradition” to “modern theosophical occultism,” etc. since one can pull this and that from here and there and tie loose ends with assertions.

We leave off in the manner in which Stevie Stephens ended his post which is (all caps his), “THE BIBLE WARNS THAT ALTHOUGH THE NEPHILIM WERE DESTROYED BY THE FLOOD IN NOAH’S TIME, THERE WAS A FURTHER IRRUPTION OF THEM AFTERWARDS (see Gen 6 again) RESULTING IN MORE GIANTS AND SATANIC BEINGS ON EARTH!” This is an assertion and is an erroneous one.

He also wrote, “WE ARE ALSO TO EXPECT THIS TYPE OF DEVILISH ACTIVITY IN THESE LAST DAYS, ‘FOR AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH…..AND LOT…..SO SHALL IT BE WHEN THE SON OF MAN RETURNS TO EARTH’” This is an assertion and is an erroneous one as that text merely refers to going about ones business unaware or unconcerned about the coming judgment, see The eschaton and the Nephilim – as in the days of Noah.

He then write, “THE NEPHILIM ARE BACK AND ARE WITH US AGAIN!…YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!” yet, they are not nor will they be.


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