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Kirk Cameron, a Christian, disapproves of homosexuality: shocking news

Read all about it! In shocking bit of news Kirk Cameron, a Christian, expressed views in keeping with his theology and thus, disapproving of homosexuality. And the internet goes wild because, well, apparently, some personages have not been paying attention for the past few millennia during which time the Jewish and Christian (and Islamic and Bahaʹi Faith, etc.) scriptures, the Bible, condemned homosexuality.
Kirk Cameron also holds that marriage is to be between one man and one woman. In this he agrees with the Clinton Administration and the Obama Administration.

Indeed, not being an adherent of the commandments of the pop-cultural-politically-correct-movement-de jour, Kirk Cameron (did we mention he is a Christian?) still disapproves of homosexuality! How dare he express the narrow minded, anti-diversity and intolerant views in this day and age?
Well, in a right back at you move, those who condemn him for speaking out in perfect harmony with millennia worth of theology are expressing what? Narrow minded, anti-diversity and intolerant views because they are not tolerating him.
The comments unfolded as Kirk Cameron was a guest on the Pierce Morgan show where he was invited in order to discuss his new movie Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasure which is due to be released on March 27, 2012 AD.

Pop Watch notes that Cameron’s response to the fracas which ensued was:
I spoke as honestly as I could, but some people believe my responses were not loving toward those in the gay community. That is not true. I can assuredly say that it’s my life’s mission to love all people.
I should be able to express moral views on social issues, especially those that have been the underpinning of Western civilization for 2,000 years — without being slandered, accused of hate speech, and told from those who preach “tolerance” that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square.
I believe we need to learn how to debate these things with greater love and respect, I’ve been encouraged by the support of many friends (including gay friends, incidentally).
Piers Morgan foretold the obvious present and future in stating to Cameron that, “some people would say that telling kids that being gay is a sin, or getting married is a sin or whatever – that in itself is incredibly destructive and damaging, in a country where seven states now have legalized it.” Firstly, note that his standard is whatever seven (out of 4) states approve—usually by judicial fiat.

Morgan’s words came true now when not only is the internet at large and generically in general hypocritical but so it the pro alternatives to heterosexuality group GLADD which stated:
Saying that gay people are “detrimental to civilization” might be “loving” in Kirk Cameron’s mind, but it’s gay youth and victims of bullying who truly suffer from adults like Cameron who espouse these ideas…
Obviously, Cameron has the right to recite his anti-gay talking points, just like fair-minded Americans have the right to tell him that his views are harmful and have no place in modern America. They did play the PR card by affirming that Kirk Cameron has the right to express views which encourage the bullying of homosexual youths. Now, focus on the utter hypocritical nature of the statement. Cameron stated that homosexuality is, “unnatural” and “detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization” (yes, GLADD misquoted him).

To this, GLADD retorts by condemning Kirk Cameron’s view as being encouraging bullying, leading to suffering and that “his views are harmful and have no place in modern America.” This is the same as stating, it is aka, it is words to the affect of, stating that Cameron’s views are “detrimental and ultimately destructive to” modern “civilization.”

GLADD and Morgan are saying the same about Cameron as Cameron is saying about homosexuality—seems like a draw.

But the draw goes deeper still as Cameron rightly retorted the following to Piers Morgan regarding Morgan’s “incredibly destructive and damaging, in a country where seven states now have legalized it” statement:
Yes, but – but you also have to understand that you yourself are using a standard of morality, to say that telling people that such and such of a behavior is sinful. Umm, you’re using a standard of morality to make that statement and say that this is terribly destructive, so everyone is going to have a standard against which they… [ellipses in original, emphasis added] Morgan denied it, actually:

No, no listen, I’m not an American. I’m making the point that seven states in America have now legalized gay marriage.

“No, no” actually it is “Yes, yes” as G. K. Chesterton pointed out, “all denunciation implies a moral doctrine of some kind.” The one to which Piers Morgan is appealing is minority (judicial) opinion.

Then came the shocking revelation as Kirk Cameron pointed out:
Well Piers, you’re – you’re speaking to am who is a Christian and I believe that all of us are sinful. I could stand at the top of the list and say that I need a savior and I need an over haul of the heart more than anyone and so that’s what I teach my kids.
I teach them the values that I hold dear. I treasure the God that loves me and forgives me of my sin and I would teach that to my children as well as having a wonderful relationship with them that my wife and work on every single day.
So your value system, my value system – we are all going to pick a standard against which we judge behavior morally, all of our laws ultimately at their core are going to be based on a moral umm ah evaluation.
Indeed, the fact that Morgan, et al., are flummoxed that a Christian disapproves of homosexuality only goes to show how very far away from the Bible’s doctrines many “churches” have fallen.

That seven US states have legalized same sex marriage is a very poor standard as it shows that the majority do not agree. Moreover, by this logic, whatever states decide make for morality. Thus, if in the future all states make same sex marriage illegal then Morgan, et al., will have to say that, that is perfectly acceptable as that which the states say goes.

But what about our kids?:
[Piers Morgan] So what do you do if one of your six kids says, “Dad bad news, I’m gay”?

[Kirk Cameron] I’d sit down and I’d have a heart to heart with them, just like you would with your kids. I’d talk to them about…

[Piers Morgan] But if I sat down with one of them – If one of my sons said that I would say, “that’s great son, as long as you’re happy.” What would you say?

[Kirk Cameron] Well, I wouldn’t say that’s great son as long as you’re happy. I’m gonna say ah you know there’s – there’s all sorts of issues that we need to wrestle through in our life and just because you feel one way, doesn’t mean that we should act on everything that we feel.
On Morgan’s view the, apparent, premise upon which life’s decisions are to be made is “as long as you’re happy.” Yet, Cameron hit the nail on the head since, “just because you feel one way, doesn’t mean that we should act on everything that we feel.” Indeed, Morgan’s statement is just something that appeared to sounds good but absolutely nobody in their right mind would say that all is acceptable as long as it makes you happy.


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