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Is Nephilim-Giantologist Steve Quayle a Plagiarist?

It is with some heaviness of heart that I must note that all indications, as evidenced below, are that some extended sections of Steve Quayle’s book “Genesis 6 Giants” have been plagiarized.

Quayle and I are both supposed to be Christians and both supposed to be authors so this is doubly troublesome as both of those labels are supposed to imply something about ethical integrity.

My investigation of Quayle’s book began as research of the latest of my books on Nephilim and giants namely, the book Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers: A Comprehensive Consideration of the claims of I.D.E. Thomas, Chuck Missler, Dante Fortson, Derek Gilbert, Brian Godawa, Patrick Heron, Thomas Horn, Ken Johnson, L.A. Marzulli, Josh Peck, CK Quarterman, Steve Quayle, Rob Skiba, Gary Wayne, Jim Wilhelmsen, et al. wherein that which follows has been published.
I read over various page of Quayle’s website genesis6giants. Along the way I encountered a e-version of a book by another author and discerned similarities.

I contacted Quayle via his website merely to un-accusingly ask if the contents of his website were chapter samples from his book. Yet, I received no reply.
I sought to contact the publisher “End Time Thunder Publishers” but can only imagine that this is the title of Quayle’s own self-publishing endeavor since I could not find any company info and thus, no contact info.
I also reached out to Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich’s ministry website “Prophecy Watchers” since they carry many of Quayle’s books, DVD’s, etc. and have a longtime relationship with Quayle but I received no reply.
I am granting that our tech being what it is, that I “contact” someone does not mean that they received my email or their own notification via their website, etc. and refused to reply.
All I can state is that I made my attempts.

I my book I only noted that vast portions of Steve Quayle’s website are copied and pasted from another author’s book (with no apparent attribution) and thus, made reference to “DeLoach/Quayle.” I will be updating my book with this new info. And the new info is that I have been able to verify the following.

The first edition of “Genesis 6 Giants” sells online, with Amazon as an example, for $315.01-$468.70 so I was not about to purchase one.
I asked across my 9 or so social networking sites if anyone had that book just so that I could ask them to look up certain things for me but no one had it.
However, someone was kind enough to donate the funds to purchase the 2nd edition which is “Revised, Updated, and Expanded” and sells for $45.00. Thus, I cannot speak of the 1st ed. although a dissatisfied Amazon customer noted that the 2nd edition is just that, the 1st ed. with a few bells and whistles.

Some of the come in the form of 6 whole chapters that are merely copied and pasted from An Excerpt from Edward J. Wood’s “Giants and Dwarfs” (available in e-format here).


Yet, this is not the issue since Wood’s book was published in 1868 and so it is in the public domain and is attributed by Quayle.

Steve Quayle published the 1st ed in 2005. Charles DeLoach published his book “Giants: A Reference Guide from History, the Bible, and Recorded Legend” in 1995 (by Scarecrow Press which was eventually taken over by University Press of America and/or Rowman). Quayle’s website and 2nd ed, published 2015, contains extended sections from DeLoach’s book without attribution and are therefore plagiarized.

Now, Quayle quote and otherwise references various authors and does refer to and footnote DeLoach.


Yet, there is no indication that various chapters of Quayle’s book are copied and pasted from DeLoach’s.

There are times when Quayle’s copying and pasting fail him, on a technical level: the level of the usage of technology, such as when he has it that “at the time of Israel’s invasion, the Anakim, Awim” while DeLoach has the transliteration correctly as “Avvim.”

A least on one occasion, Quayle took a footnote by DeLoach and inserted into the text:


As you can see from the images, I do not have DeLoach’s book in hardcopy but only via Google books.

Google books are extended previews and do not display every single page thus, there are some sections I could not double check.
Moreover, that which follows are merely examples from entire chapters (plural).
Also note that for any statement that I directly point to between the books, that which comes before it and that which follows are also DeLoach’s words pasted into Quayle’s books so there is much more than meets the eye.

Steve Quayle’s book is on the left, DeLoach’s on the right (you can click on the images to enlarge them).


I pondered what some responses may be and thought to note a few:

I am violating the New Testament principle of going to my brother first, then bringing someone with me, and then going to the church if the brother does not repent. Well, that is of primary use for a local church. As noted, I attempted the first step, attempted the second via contacting Prophecy Watchers, and have no idea how to attempt the third step since I have no idea where Quayle attends services. Also, it is acceptable for me to attempt to confront him much as Paul did to Peter—with the exception that I know not where to do it face to face.

But perhaps I am making this public due to well, fill in the blank: envy, hatred, inability to deal with Quayle’s facts-based views, etc. I also noted that this is about our both supposedly being Christians and authors and the integrity which is supposed to come therewith. My book and articles on my site contain the details of why the most problematic portions of Quayle’s book are the part he himself (as far as I know) wrote since they contain many non-biblical claims.

I just want to sell my books. Well, of course authors want to sell their books (and I have also given many away) since a “worker is worth his wages” and I never met anyone who made such a complain who worked for free at their own job.

Overall, any such objections would be to distract from the issue that the ball is in Steve Quayle’s court—even if it is not to me to whom he must give account. If you are disturbed by this information, then please contact him and he may reply. In other words, do not shoot the messenger but attempt to take the New Testament steps and pray that Quayle will set thing aright—for his own sake and the sake of those who reply upon him for wisdom.

See my various books here.


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