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InspiringPhilosophy on “Genesis 6a: The Nephilim”

Such is the titled of a video by the InspiringPhilosophy YouTube channel which led to the following discussion when a certain @tomcatpurr commented

I think its simply this, the sons of God are those who called upon the name of the Lord, then receive the Holy Spirit. The daughters of men are unbelieving women. When saved men marry unsaved women, children are more likely to not call upon the name of the Lord. After many generations there will no longer be any believers left, which is why God said my spirit will no longer strive with man, and why God had to start over with the flood. and will again by fire at the last day because the Holy Spirit will no longer reside among man.

I, @kenammi355, replied

So then, “those who called upon the name of the Lord” didn’t really call upon the name of the Lord since they were such terrible sinner since their sin served as the premise for the flood so, that’s rather odd.


No the people who called upon the Lord were good but died out until Noah was the only true believer left.


I’m unsure you can support, “Noah was the only true believer left” and this is still attempting to support a late-comer of a view since the original, traditional, and majority view among the earliest Jewish and Christians commentators, starting in BC days, was the “Angel view” as I proved in my book, “On the Genesis 6 Affair’s Sons of God: Angels or Not? A Survey of Early Jewish and Christian Commentaries Including Notes on Giants and the Nephilim.”


Majority don’t mean anything when it comes to the truth. it was also a majority who said crucify Him.


I’m still unsure you can support, “Noah was the only true believer left” and a late-comer of a view based on myth, prejudice and that only creates more problems than it solves (so, more than zero) don’t mean anything when it comes to the truth.


Its pretty apparent when God says all creation is corrupt. but found grace in Noah.


How is a late-comer of a view based on myth, prejudice and that only creates more problems than it solves “pretty apparent” based on “God says all creation is corrupt. but found grace in Noah”?

Again, you seem to be saying that “those who called upon the name of the Lord, then receive the Holy Spirit…saved men” weren’t calling on His name nor received the Holy Spirit nor were saved since, “all creation is corrupt” sans Noah.

That brought the discussion to an end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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