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Hell’s Kitchen – Spirit Cooking with John Podesta & Marina Abramovic

I had three abortions because
children hold female artists back

—Marina Abramovic


Serbian “artist” Marina Abramovic has suddenly gone from American pop-cultural obscurity to all the rage as leaked emails from Hillary Clinton run for presidency campaign chairman John Podesta mention her.
She is actually a performance artist which is a reference to a person that he no actual artistic abilities and so they attempt to make up for it by making spectacles of themselves.


Spirit Cooking is the title of one of her books which includes recipes that seem to center around mystical alchemy (disguised as artistry) and involved psychoanalytic-like expressions of emotion along with consuming bodily fluids—blood, spermatozoa, breastmilk, etc.—which result in “aphrodisiac recipes” aka sex magick.


Here is one recipe:

7 days without eating, 7 days without talking, 7 days without sleeping, 7 days without sexual intercourse, 7 days not reading or writing, 7 days not watching television, 7 days not answering the telephone or fax
On the 7th day: take a bath in almond oil, eat one coriander seed, one almond, one spoon of honey with royal jelly, engage in intercourse with partner who went through the same process for 3 days and 3 nights, drink each other’s nectars, postpone climax until the last hour before sunrise on the third day.


Here are some of the statements written in blood (faux or not?), “Spin around until you lose consciousness, try to eat…,” “Fresh morning urine, sprinkle over nightmare dreams,” “With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand, eat the pain,” (left hand path) “Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm…”

Painting in John Podesta’s office: he clearly interprets it as cannibalism due to his reference to a “fork.”
And here is a photo from a Spirit Cooking session.


A June 28, 2015 AD email categorized as “15893” pertains to John and his brother Tony Podesta being invited to a “spirit cooking dinner” by Marina Abramovic. This invitation to a private meal and not a studio performance art piece (even if merely so called) is of interest as Abramovic was once asked, “What place do you see the occult having within contemporary art; can magick be made (not simply appropriated/ performed)?”

She replied:

Everything depends on context you are doing what you are doing. If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art on in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art. The intention, the context for what is made, and where it is made defines what art is or not.


Of course, she does not get to decide when demons think you are being serious—capiche? I mean, demons are not going to show up because you are spreading blood all over the place, writing 666, drawing pentagrams, etc. but then say, “OMG! This is just, like, art so…oh well, let’s go back to walking through dry places, seeking rest. So, does occult magick imitate art or does art imitate occult magick. Well, the question pertained to whether magick can be made and not simply appropriated/performed within contemporary art. Marina Abramovic’s subjective answer is that if within the context of art on in a gallery, then it is the art. However, if within the context of, and here is the key, a private house then it is not art but, as would logically follow, it is an occult magick ritual.

Thus, the Podesta bros were being invited to a straight up ritual. As a side note, note that Marina Abramovic affirms that occult magick can be performed on (and/or through?) a TV show and thus, for course, via movies.


Now, being invited to something does not mean that it is of particular interest to you and does not prove that you attended. However, being invited to something man very well mean that it is of particular interest to you and that you attended and participated.

John Podesta in Hillary Clinton dress-shirt

Some of Marina Abramovic’s “art” pieces appear to be based on things she has read in occult/witchcraft/magick/Satanism books. For example, she was involved in faux-cannibalism by eating a life-sized cake made in the form of a naked woman (don’t know if it was red velvet but it was read as in to appear to be muscles, blood, etc.), she has performed by stabbing her own hands over and over, she once experienced convulsions due to taking a hardcore pharmaceutical for catatonia, she has throws nails and hair into a flaming pentagram into which she jumped—and passed out (can you say became possessed?), she once invited her audience (super bored people) to use any of the following items on her as they wished: a rose, honey, a whip, olive oil, a feather, scissors, a scalpel, a gun, etc.


Again, whether Podesta was interested, attended, participated remains unknown. However, both his brother and Marina seems to know enough about his interested to invite him. Also, it is not surprising as, for example, in an August 29, 2008 AD email, senior government staffer Cheryl Mills wrote this to Hillary Clinton, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch.”

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean or even in what context he was doing this. I wonder if he is saying he just acquired 14 little Finding Nemos—paying off single parents for their children.

Current news is that John and Tony Podesta look very much like police sketches of men suspected of having kidnapped Madeleine McCann



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