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Giant Aliens in Peru and Giants in Lovelock Cave

What do recent (as of 2023 AD) reports of giant aliens in Peru and reports of giants in Lovelock Cave have in common?

Let’s begin with the sorted tale of the former which begins with mysteriously flummoxing and emotively frightening reports such as Armed 7-Foot-Tall Green Aliens Allegedly Removed a Man’s Face in Peru by MSN which reported, “The small rural district of Alto Nanay in Peru is under attack…The Ikitu indigenous people who inhabit the region claim that seven-foot-tall translucent green aliens have been terrorizing the town…launching nightly assaults on residents.”

Community leader Jairo Reátegui Ávila noted, “These gentlemen are aliens. They appear to be armored like the Green Goblin from Spider-Man. I shot one of them twice and he wasn’t injured; he rose and disappeared. We’re very frightened about what’s happening here in our community.”

Also, “a 15-year-old girl was reportedly cut on the neck” and, “a photo of a mutilated Peruvian man, with some alleging that he’d ‘had his face removed with surgical precision’ by one of the aliens. However, that image was taken from a video shared months ago, with many attributing his appearance to a piranha attack.”

Thus begins the blurring of the lines between claims and click-baiting grifts.

MSN published a follow up titled Mystery of 7ft-tall ‘aliens’ dubbed ‘Face Peelers’ attacking Peruvian villagers solved wherein it’s noted, “what villagers called ‘goblins’ or ‘aliens’ was actually hooded men wearing jetpacks and armor” since, “The Ikitu population that lives in these dense forests is surrounded by gold…The men are part of a crime syndicate that’s been terrorizing the region for decades. Branches of drug cartels also dabble in the gold-mining business. According to prosecutors, they’re working on a terror campaign so the locals stay in their homes and away from the cartels’ illegal gold pits.”

So, this went from, “the Ikitu tribe…stated that these forest creatures have terrorized them” to (likely Western click-bait inspired) interpretation of the creatures being not from the forest but being aliens, to the revelation that they are just very human (even if inhumane) domestic terrorists—depending of what any given person, or culture, means by aliens. “Some villagers have likened the ‘aliens’ to the mythical ‘pelacaras’ from folklore, creatures said to feast on human faces, fat, and organs.”

Dávila also noted, “Their shoes are round-shaped, which they use to float… Their heads are long, they wear a mask and their eyes are yellowish. They are experts at escaping…His face is hardly visible. I have seen his whole body floating at a height of one meter…”

Here is a photo of the floating alien/pelacara from a local woman’s cell phone.


Here’s a nocturnal image.


Thus, this was much ado about nothing regarding other-worldly giant alien but about a land grab?

As I have written about in Lovelock Cave Giants: lost or found? and Review of “Did 14-foot giants exist Did they differ from humans Author explores these ancient beings” the Peruvian situation is tantamount, in some ways, to the assertion of giants in Lovelock Cave and a Smithsonian coverup conspiracy—due to something to do with evolution and the Bible, or whatever.

Well, the Lovelock cave claims have been very, very lucrative to un-biblical neo-theo sci-fi tall-tales giant post-flood Nephilologists. That is because they claim that Nephilim who lived in North America were cornered in a cave, summarily killed, and then the Smithsonian stole away their bones so as to hide the truth about the Bible (whatever that has to do with anything) and to deny evolution.

It’s a great click-bait scam that mashes together various tantalizing real data points with folklore and modern conspiracy mythology.

The bottom line is that the real conspiracy is that people who make a living selling un-biblical tall-tales to Christians are the conspirators—wittingly knowingly or going along with the ignorant flow unwittingly and unknowingly. Such is because it comes down to European racists denied Native their ancestral lands by stealing away skeletons/bones so as to claim that there was no indication of any ancestral presence thereon. Also, they denied them credit for building structures such as burial mounds by claiming that such primitive savages couldn’t have been sophisticated enough to build any such things—and the pop-Nephilologists still play into that by demanding that it must have been built by Nephilim.

Note also how smoothly and quickly the Ikitu correlated/(mis)identified the (supposed) otherworldly beings with the pelacara.

This is just like Nephilologists who suffer from what I term Gigorexia Nervosa do (the obsessive desire to see giants and just making them up where they are nowhere to be seen): any tall-tale that even hints about subjectively unusual height is watered down and sold as Nephilology news (including Bigfoot). Consider that pop-Nephilologist LA Marzulli was scammed by seller of wild and wacky tales of all sorts, Jaime Maussan and/or his comrades by being presented with a small scary-fairy-like being. Marzulli instantly correlated it to the being described in Revelation chap 9 even though the only similarity is that both feature wings.


Another pop-Nephilologist, posted a video titled Peru Alien Attack Expedition Report the info section for which reads, in part, “after-action report and analysis of Timothy Alberino’s expedition into the Amazon jungle of Peru to investigate the alleged alien attacks and face peeler (pelacara) phenomenon of internet fame.” And I LOVE the, “of internet fame” part as if that has anything to do with anything—besides the tacit admission that this was a click-bait opportunity.

A pinned comment by Alberino notes, “Although I cannot say for certain who the face peeler perpetrators are in Peru, I can confirm, unequivocally, that the phenomenon is real and ongoing. My hypothesis is that they are nefarious humans with reverse-engineered alien tech, and possibly working with a nonhuman faction.” So, humans but still with an alien angle: apparently jet packs are, “reverse-engineered alien tech.”

BTW: Peruvian drug cartels have jet packs?!?!?!? Where’s my jet pack?!?!?!?!?

A follow-up pinned comment by him reads, “I want to clarify that, in my opinion, the face peeler attacks in Peru have nothing to do with the alien abduction phenomenon perpetrated by the grays. The grays do not hoover on platforms and are perfectly capable of incapacitating abductees without force or chemical agents.”

So, after being an on-the-scene investigator, he concluded, “nefarious humans with reverse-engineered alien tech” but not do so with, “alien abduction phenomenon perpetrated by the grays” since he’s some sort of expert on the grays.

Thus, overall, Alto Nanay in Peru and Lovelock Cave in Nevada, USA have in common landgrabs and scary tall-tales.

See my various books here.


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