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Find it Fast – Fast Facts: on religious wars

One of very many ubiquitously promulgated well-within-the-box-atheist-group-think-talking-points is to reference the very many religious wars.

Firstly, note that the argument from religious violence is not cogent.

Secondly, here is a nice quick reference on this issue:

The Encyclopedia of Wars (New York: Facts on File, 2005) was compiled by nine history professors who specifically conducted research for the text for a decade in order to chronicle 1,763 wars.

The survey of wars covers a time span from 8000 BC to 2003 AD.

From over 10,000 years of war 123 wars, which is 6.98 percent, are considered to have been religious wars. Moreover, half of those involved Islam.

Therefore, religious wars are statistically irrelevant and there are much, much, much bigger fish to fry (and you will note that I did not say that they are irrelevant but statistically irrelevant).

The World Christian Encyclopedia lists the number of Christian martyrs produced by secular governments as 55,597,000, by atheist as 31,519,000 (and by Muslims as 9,101,000).




