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Fifty Shades of Alien Grey Matter – Encounters, part 4


Within this series, see part 1, part 2, part 3 and concluding with this segment, I will glean from Martin Kottmeyer’s articles “Varicose Brains, Part 1: Entering a Grey Area,” “Varicose Brains, Part 2: Heading Towards the Future” and “Varicose Brains, Part 3: Headhunt,” Magonia. I will attempt to keep things somewhat chronologically. Following I will relate some of the details specifically relevant to the large headed small bodies grey alien archetype in general.

In that regard, many of the images I collected and posted as the original Fifty Shades of Grey article (see slide show of images at the end of this article).

1970s AD

Otto Binder, in a 1974 article surveying 400 occupant cases, indicated 280, about 70%, involved beings below average in height. There was no consistency. Of skin and clothing colouring he lists: All black; blue and bearded, green skin and hair, shining yellow eyes, black face, and glowing green torso; Dun, like potato bags; fish-scale skin, legs golden yellow; striped clothing; bright red faces; pure white skin. Anatomical features showed no consistency either. He lists Dwarfs, hairy bodies; glowing orange eyes; misshapen bald head; no arms; slit mouth, nostril holes; 3-fingered hands; shrivelled face, white hair, pumpkin head; 8-fingered hands; large chests; huge heads; furry, clawed hands; thin, hooked nose; heads like potatoes; one-eyed; elephantine ears; fingerless hands; twisted legs.

Some walk or run; some float; some can vanish. Some are vicious; some are shy; some are indifferent…

1974 AD, Allen Hynek’s “The UFO Experience” (Ballantine, 1974 AD), pp. 184-185 relates, “Large heads, spindly feet, and, generally a head that sits squat on the shoulders without much evidence of neck are often described.”

In a 1976 survey of occupant cases, James M. McCampbell similarly reports a clear dominance of humanoids being diminutive. 61 of 81 entity cases with quantitative estimates were dwarves.
Among those with no quantitative estimates, there are another 58 qualitatively considered dwarves. Add them up and there were 119 dwarf cases. The modal value was 3 feet.

Martin Kottmeyer notes that “When MacCampbell offered his analysis of ufonauts he would also notice that big heads appeared repeatedly.”

1973 AD, UFOlogist Antonio Ribera notes, “we can already talk about the classic humanoid: the humanoid with big eyes and a big head.”

1974 AD, a report by a certain “Monsieur X” notes, “The shape of the head is an inverted pear. It has two perfectly round eyes like marbles. The nose was small.”

1979 AD, Eric Zurcher “tried to find some order among 142 entity cases catalogued in France, but ended up with a confusing typology consisting of 8 main groups, but 16 sub-groups. The biggest group were ufonauts of small size”:

…The B group has bald heads that are slightly large. The eyes are bigger than normal. However they have pointed noses and chins. A beard was noted on one… The C group comes closest to our idea of Grays. The skull is completely hypertrophied in relation to the body. It is bald. It has a flattened nose and an atrophied chin…the skin is very white in this group. There is a hole in the place of the mouth…

One rather striking feature to this taxonomy is the absence of certain generalities of the modern Grays. Beyond the problem of no gray skin, there is no talk of large all-black eyes or long necks. Why does the French version have a mouth hole instead of a slit mouth?

Here you can find various images of grey aliens taken, mostly, from sci fi/fantasy books, comics and movies which subsequently inform pop-occulture.


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