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Evilbible – the Polemical Saga Continues, part 2 of 5

Let us begin this segment by considering a litany of red herrings which are prefaced by the statement,

In any event (whether included in evilbible website or not)

This seems to mean, “I also am not considering the evidence that you have presented and will simply ignore the discussion upon which I am supposed to be engaging. Instead, I will pull out my smoke and mirrors and ask, “Oh yeah, what about this? And this? And this? And this?…” etc.

‘Gods Word of Bible’ has Ezekiel:16 shows up God as a dirty old man grooming an orphan for sex and later an impotent jealous husband who can neither ‘satisfy’ nor punish his adulterous wife:sexy Jerusalem, who slept for FREE with practically the whole of the known world!

She also bestowed presents on the ‘passerby’s who graced her bed and fired her loins! [sic: for the whole thing]

Obviously the reference to “dirty old man” etc. is fallacious and emotive. Within Ezekiel ch.16 God employs various metaphors in order to explain that while He liberated Israel from 400 years of slavery in Egypt (slavery which atheist do not condemn; no books, no lectures, no interviews, no videos-just get back to condemning Jews!) and raised them into a nation they turned away from God much like a wife who turns away from her loving husband and commits fornication.Here is a taste of the various metaphors in that chapter:

on the day you were born,,,

I made you thrive like a plant in the field,,,

I spread My wing over you,,,

I washed you in water,,,

I anointed you with oil,,,

I clothed you,,,

Yet, later on when Israel rejected God,

But you trusted in your own beauty, played the harlot because of your fame, and poured out your harlotry on everyone passing by who would have it,,,

You took some of your garments and adorned multicolored high places for yourself, and played the harlot on them,,,

Moreover you took your sons and your daughters, whom you bore to Me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your acts of harlotry a small matter, that you have slain My children and offered them up to them by causing them to pass through the fire?…

You erected your shrine at the head of every road, and built your high place in every street…

You are an adulterous wife, who takes strangers instead of her husband…

The reference to high places and shrines are a reference to rejecting God and worshipping false gods instead. Part of these worship systems was human/child sacrifices (the sort of Gentile Pagan human/child sacrifices which atheist do not condemn-just get back to condemning Jews!).
Yes God presents us with a very understandable way of considering our relationship to Him. Thus, it is not the unbeliever who is condemning “sexy” Israel “who slept for FREE with practically the whole of the known world!” and because they “bestowed presents on the ‘passerby’s who graced her bed and fired her loins!” but God Himself.

The comment continues,

Bible-authors have a fetish for incest between older men and teenage girls / young women:e.g., Lot’s 2 daughters plying him with wine and sleeping with him in turns, simply to get pregnant [Genesis:19: 31-38]

Tamar seducing Judah, her lecherous father-in-law, using a veil (!), which was the uniform of prostitutes in those days, simply because Judah wouldnt [sic] let his youngest son take Tamar as wife-widow of his 2 elder brothers, whom hot Tamar had probably ****** to death. [Genesis: 38: 13-19] [expletive removed]

Note how exaggerated this claim is; the claim is that “Bible-authors have a fetish for incest” and out of the 66 books that make up the Bible and the 40 authors who wrote them the commentator provides precisely two examples.
Of course, this is fallacious from the get go-emotive certainly, but fallacious nonetheless-since I could likewise make the same claim of newspapers: reporters and journalists have a fetish for incest since they report on it. Since the Bible authors are likewise reporting what occurred then it is fallacious to claim that they “have a fetish for incest.” Again this is emotionally charged, exciting, adrenaline spiked but clearly fallacious.

Note also that this commentator did not bother providing an absolute standard by which to condemn incest of even having a fetish for incest by merely writing about incest. They merely launch into condemnation via an argument from outrage without even providing a premise for their outrage and thus leaving their condemnation baseless.

Just read ‘Job’ and see how evil God acts like a demented servant of Satan/Devil.Bible also describes prosperous places on (flat!)earth without Gods presence!

(e.g., The city of Enoch, Nod, east of Eden!) Genesis-4:16-18.

Just how is God the servant of Satan/Devil when the book of Job makes it clear that Satan/Devil cannot make a move without God’s allowance?
“Bible also describes prosperous places on (flat!)earth”? Firstly, the flat earth is an atheist myth. Secondly, Isaiah 40:22 refers to the circle/sphere of the Earth.
As for Genesis-4:16-18, simply too much is being read into it: this is a classic case of taking a text out of context and making a pretext for a prooftext. The context is that Cain was having a conversation with God in a particular locality and then departed that locality and traveled to another locality.

The comment continues thusly,

Bible-God is a non-vegetarian with fetish for slaughter of first-born over fruit of soil from toil: He prefers non-vegetarian over vegetarian (offerings), herders over farmers, Genesis-4:3-7. Fostering inter-brother hate: Genesis-4:8-9 God is protector of brother-murderer! Genesis-4:10-15 (+ safe exile: Genesis-4:16-18)

I am not certainly if that “God is a non-vegetarian” is supposed to be a condemnation. If it is; the commentator did not provide an absolute premise upon which to condemn carnivorism. That God prefers non-vegetarian over vegetarian (offerings) and herders over farmers is clearly fallacious as the very text which is referenced, Genesis-4:3-7, makes it clear that this was not about the contents of the offering but the contents of the heart, the attitude, etc.

And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the LORD. Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat.
And the LORD respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.So the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”

Does God foster inter-brother hate? No, Cain took it upon himself to choose hate, and murder.Did God protect the brother-murderer? Atheists cannot seem to decide on whether God is not forgiving enough or is too forgiving: I suppose they use which ever club is closer at hand when they seek to condemn and beat upon the Bible.In any regard, primarily God states that Cain is now cursed, that he will have to toil in order to have the ground produce for him, and will be a fugitive and a vagabond. Let me guess; now God is too harsh right?

Then God basically states that it is not for other human beings to take the life of the murderer in this case. Note that the commentator provided no absolute premise upon which to condemn murder or, for that matter, protecting a murderer.

The comment continues,

God & Noah foster inter-brother hate & sanction of hereditary slavery: Genesis-9:18-27

There is absolutely no indication that God fostered inter-brother hate. As for Noah, simply stated: Cannan, one of his sons, acted wrongly while two of his sons, Shem and Hapheth, acted rightly. If this causes jealously or “hate” it is indicative of a personal choice (yet, of course this is a mere assertion on the part of the commentator). Moreover, stating that “God & Noah…sanction of hereditary slavery: Genesis-9:18-27” is fallacious since, for one, God is not in view since the speaker is Noah. So what of Noah? He pronounced a curse to the effect of that Canaan “shall be to his brethren” a “servant of servants.” He also states “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem…May God enlarge Japheth, and may he dwell in the tents of Shem.” Noah is clearly praising the two who did rightly and condemning the one who did wrongly.
Note that the commentator provided no absolute premise upon which to condemn inter-brother hate, or even fostering inter-brother hate or slavery.


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