ECKANKAR was formerly known as Eckankar, the Ancient Science of Soul Travel
“Although the ECK teachings have ancient roots, Eckankar was introduced as a modern-day religion in 1965 by Paul Twitchell. A seeker from an early age, he was introduced to a group of spiritual masters who would change the course of his life. These were the ECK Masters. While they trained Paul to become the Living ECK Master, he explored a wide range of spiritual traditions under different teachers. The high teachings of ECK had been scattered to the four corners of the world. Paul gathered these golden teachings of Light and Sound and made them readily available to us.”1
Some of the ECK Masters have been: Fubbi Quantz 500 BC Gopal Das 3,000 BC “founded the mystery cults of Osiris and Isis.” Kata Daki “her true age is beyond belief.” Lai Tsi Rami Nuri Rebazar Tarzs “handed the Rod of ECK Power in 1965; said to be over five hundred years old.” Towart Managi Paul Twitchell Yaubl Sacabi “The ECK Master among the Mycenaeans (who invaded Greece during the period between 2000-1700 B.C.)…leading figure among the Greek mystery cults and is now the guardian of the…sacred book of ECK, in the spiritual city of Agam Des, the home of the Eshwar-Khanewale, the God-eaters.”
Sri Harold Klemp2
On October 1981, Sri [pronounced shree] Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master “became the spiritual leader of Eckankar…As the Living ECK Master, Harold Klemp is responsible for the continued evolution of the Eckankar teachings.”3
Mahanta: “A title to describe the highest state of God Consciousness on earth, often embodied in the Living ECK Master. He is the Living Word. An expression of the Spirit of God that is always with you.”4
Noteworthy Quotes:
“Of all religions on earth today, Eckankar offers the most direct teachings on the Light and Sound of God.”5
“The color pink is from the Astral Plane, the source of emotions and many problems.”6
“The ECK teachings place you on an advanced track back home to God.”7
Other Beliefs:
“In ECKANKAR you can learn to prove spiritual truths to yourself through your own experiences.”8
“spiritual laws taught in Eckankar, such as the Law of Cause and Effect (karma).”9
“Past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel are all part of Eckankar.”10
“What’s the main reason that seekers come to the path of ECK? A recent survey showed most came because their inner senses, intuition, told them the ECK teachings were true.”11
View of…
“we are Soul, a divine spark of God.”12
“God speaks to us through past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel.”13
“The whole secret of God is that if you think that the worlds are created by a supreme being, then you must feel that you are powerless to change anything, thus leaving you at the mercy of that creator. You should know that the worlds are of your own production. You may change that world, rebuild it or improve it to suit your own desire.”14
ECK Master Rebazar Tarzs said, “God is what ye believe It is. No man is wrong about the existence of God, and yet no man is right about his knowledge of God. There is no mystery in God except that It is what each Soul believes that It is. So the riddle is that; but all men will quarrel and argue about the greatness of God and their own knowledge of Him…Yet every man is right in his knowledge of God. But does this mean that the drunkard is as right as the great minister who preaches from the pulpit? Yea, I say that he, the drunkard, is as much upon the path as the preacher is in his pulpit. . . . Each is in his own place according to his understanding. Ah, but there is the answer.”15
“A very new member of ECK…did the Spiritual Exercises of ECK every day during her first two months of studying the ECK discourses. These are monthly lessons in the spiritual works that the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master usually sends to ECKists for the expansion of consciousness…The Light of God filled her Spiritual Eye, and a few notes of music (the Sound of God) followed. Then came the sound of rushing air or wind. She was moving in her true spiritual form, the Soul body. But suddenly doubt and fear filled her heart. A former Pentecostal, she immediately called out the name of Jesus. Things started to go in reverse. Where once she had moved forward, she was now traveling backward in the spiritual worlds…[she] told herself that she would put her complete faith and trust in the Mahanta. Again she moved forward. The lesson gained from this Soul Travel experience was that if she placed her trust in anyone other than the Mahanta, she would indeed regress instead of moving forward spiritually.”[emphasis added]16
“Call Him anything you like, Love, the Christ Consciousness, the Nazarene, the Logos, the Bread of Life, but it makes no difference. He is anything that you can think of and more too. However, do not put Him in a Special category, for ALL Saviors and prophets who came to earth to help mankind did their part and passed on the glory of the heavenly kingdom.”[emphasis added]17
“All ECK Masters come from a long line of spiritual Masters; the Mahantas come from the same line, but they are directly connected with the SUGMAD (God) and each can be called the Son of Heaven; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Every ECK Master is the ECK Itself, but the Mahanta is not only the ECK of Itself, but the only true representative of the SUGMAD upon every plane in the whole universe of God. He is often known as the mystical body of the SUGMAD. The line of the ECK Masters goes back into the ages, far beyond the formation of the worlds of the psychic planes.”18
Holy Spirit:
“Divine Spirit, the Light and Sound of God.”19
“You can explore the vast worlds of Divine Spirit through membership in ECKANKAR.”20
“Followers of Eckankar believe that the Light and Sound are twin aspects of the Holy Spirit, the divine life current
that flows from God. This current, known as the ECK, sustains all life.”21
“The Sound of God was the rushing wind that visited the disciples during Pentecost. Some hear It inwardly. It can be heard as the sound of rushing water; the single note of a flute; the music of violins, woodwinds, or bagpipes; or even the buzzing of bees.”22
“Soul Travel is a more direct, conscious way to transcend the human consciousness in order to hear God speak through Its voice, the Holy Spirit.”23
“in Eckankar, I found this humming to be one of the many sounds of God. It was the movement of God’s Voice—the Holy Spirit, or ECK—vibrating the ethers of time and space.”24
“The Creator, the Highest Being, speaks to creation through the Holy Spirit, the ECK.”25
“Sing HU [a holy name of God] silently or aloud for a few minutes, and then listen quietly. You may experience the Holy Spirit.”26
“Its teachings, which resurfaced in 1965, emphasize the value of personal experiences as the most natural way back to God. Whatever your religious background, they show how to look and listen within yourself—to expand your consciousness and enjoy spiritual freedom.”27
“There are many routes we can take to heaven. God has established so many different paths and means for us that there is a way for everyone…If you are ready, the Spiritual Exercises of ECK will help you find your own custom-made approach to the Kingdom of God.”28
“As a wayshower (not a savior), the Living ECK Master gives you all the help necessary to walk your path to Self-Realization, and ultimately, God-Realization.”29
“Christ told Nicodemus, a Pharisee and ruler of his sect, ‘Except that man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God.’ It means that we must be brought to light from darkness; from ignorance to enlightenment; from blindness into sight, by the action of the Cosmic Spirit within each of us….This is the Jivan Mukti, the liberation of Soul, or the birth of the Christ child within one, as many wish to believe.”30
“If anyone studies ECK closely, it’s found that nothing can compare with It, and It alone can serve humanity, the world, and the beings on the other planes. Unless one realizes this, and at the same time realizes that he must he turn serve ECK, there is no hope.”31