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DVD review: did Stan Deyo find the Garden of Eden?

Did Stan Deyo find the Garden of Eden? Well, if he did then it would amount to one of the greatest external evidences for the Bible’s reliability even found. It would also explain why you have not heard about it in any form of mainstream media which does not want to accredit the Bible.

Here is some background from his bio:

Stan Deyo has held Above Top Secret Security Clearance and worked undercover for the FBI…Stan’s diverse background encompasses: computer programmer of mainframes in 7 languages, PC and Macintosh, senior systems analyst, research physicist (both formally and self-educated), marine architect (self-educated), advanced propulsion engineer for marine, air and spacecraft, author of three books and six scientific papers…amateur archeologist in the Middle East…university lecturer in 3D computer animation and graphic art, Biblical student

The DVD Lectures & Interviews of Stan Deyo Vol.1 (Eden and Solomon) takes us on space time journey as Stan makes scientific, historical, geographical and grammatical argument for the location of the Garden of Eden.

Found at Stan’s products site, the DVD is actually a package deal consisting of the video of his lecture, a segment on “King Solomon’s link to today’s ‘antichrist,’” a bonus CDROM that includes images from the Garden of Eden (3D glasses included), as well as many images, links, sound tracks and movies from the lectures:

Also on the CDROM (which has to be played on a computer) are special files to be used with Google Earth to view the various rivers and places Stan discovered while researching these lectures. The files are “KMZ files” which can be loaded into Google Earth. You will be able to view the Garden of Eden in 3D mode on Google Earth and to see many photos taken inside the Garden of Eden by the thousands of visitors who have already been there without knowing it was the original Garden of Eden.

The location of King Solomon’s richest gold source is revealed in the lecture. Also, startling new information on the name of the antichrist and the false prophet. More information on the mysterious Queen of Sheba. This set is a must see for Christians interested in having discussion nights on current events and prophecy in the news.

The Google Earth feature is amazing as you can literally fly your way to the Garden of Eden from the comfort of your own home.

Considering that the topic and elucidations are very involved and complex, Stan does a great job of going point by point and making the information very user friendly. He also juxtaposes traditionally claimed sites for the Garden of Eden with why they are faulty.

The long and short of it is pertains to the Earth’s size and angular rotation. Also, research into ancient languages is said to uncover previously unconsidered clues.

The result is that he claims to have found the Garden of Eden—sorry, no spoilers here—and it is a locale that has long been, at least locally, been thought of as just being just that.

Something about which I have wondered for some time is what was Eden? There was a garden but that it was of Eden. In other words, there was an Eden and Eden had a garden.

Let us consider texts in this regard gleaning from Genesis 2:8 to 3:23:

The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed…

Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads…

Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it…

therefore the LORD God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken.

Thus, there was a something called Eden. A garden was planted to the East of Eden. From Eden a river flowed that watered the garden. Adam was to tend and keep the garden. After the fall into sin Adam was sent out of Eden and out of the garden.

Also of interest is that Stan claims that the Cherubim that were stationed to guard the Garden’s entrance as well as their sword are still there to be seen.

There was Eden and to the East of it was its garden. The river flowed from Eden to the East so as to water the garden. When Adam was sent out Eden and the garden he was sent East:

So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Genesis 3:24)

Later, when Cain murdered Abel he also was sent East:

Then Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. (Genesis 4:16)

Now, as per Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10, Cherubim are paranormal beings known as throne guardians in scholarly terminology who have four faces, four wings, etc. Yet, these are not seen within the Garden of Eden claimed by Stan and neither is a spinning sword. However, here Stan delves into the research of ancient languages and concludes that the Genesis  reference to Cherubim results in something other than the Ezekiel usage of Cherubim—or so it would have to be since Ezekiel gives us detailed descriptions of them.

As noted above, a river went out of Eden…from there it parted and became four riverhead but, pray tell, how do you track rivers that were utterly overcome by a later worldwide flood? This has been a point of frustration for Eden researchers for years. Well, Stan takes us underground, as it were, for the answer.

Whatever your interest may be with regards to the Bible; this DVD is an essential piece of a much larger puzzle and very worth viewing and contemplating

You can find Stan at his website’s home page, check out his interviews, etc.

You can find the DVD package on Amazon or on Stan’s products site.



