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Dogmatheism – The New York City Atheists Proselytizers

Come out, come out wherever you are-reach deep into your pockets and see if you can come up with an amount that matches your lack of “faith”!!!

Yes, they are at it again. Having nothing better to do with vast amounts of money more atheist bus ads are being purchased.

This time the New York City Atheists are placing ads to read,

You don’t have to believe in God to be a moral and ethical person

This time the atheist talking points have been voiced by Ken Bronstein; president of New York City Atheists, a sect of the American Atheists denomination.

Atheists sure know their PR and this time mere bus ads are being officially introduced at a news conference-tantamount to Moses coming down from Mt. Sinai with God’s Ten Commandments-or something.

mosesandtencommandmentsandgod27stencommandmentsandbible-7286629Ken Bronstein offered the obligatory cognitively dissonant statement which has been a requirement of atheists PR campaigns in stating that they sought to_

find a statement that we thought was positive, it wasn’t bashing religion and it wasn’t huge_They’re not attacking or disparaging the Church as far as I can see.1

Well, my dear sir, keep looking further than you can presently see from deep within your well within the box atheist group think. “You don’t have to believe in God” is not attacking or disparaging the Church? Alrighty then.
Of course, needless to say, it is a given and grated that you will be hard pressed to find anything at all posted on the New York City Atheists website that is not attacking or disparaging the Church.

But let us not lose sight on the main point, the bottom line of the ads-they were a styled adhān,

Jane Everhart, the director of communications for New York City Atheists, said that one goal of the campaign was to increase membership.

Mr. Bronstein said he was more focused on establishing “atheist pride” and promoting acceptance of atheism.

“I’ve had people call me in tears, and tell me they thought they’d never see a sign promoting atheism in New York,” he said.

Moreover, this was meant to promote the non-gospel of the atheist emotive/spiritual/religious/militant movement and is described as part of an “atheism awakening,” as per Ken Bronstein and as “part of our coming out,” as per Jane Everhart.

Before referencing some comments about atheism’s increasing a-evangelical zeal let us ponder why atheists insist in responding to arguments that no one has made.

The issue is not whether one can be moral and ethical without believing in God. The issue is that atheists have no premise upon which to base moral and ethical besides their own personal preferences which they express via arguments from outrage, arguments for ridicule, arguments for embarrassment, etc.

Atheists can muse upon moral issues and even come to construct ethical systems but they are impotent systems which either presuppose an atheist utopia where people are good for goodness sakes or else get the iron fist of the government behind them.

Since atheists believe that morality is constantly evolving Sam Harris argues that rape once played a beneficial evolutionary role. Dan Barker argues that rape is not absolutely immoral. Richard Dawkins believes that the fact that rape is wrong is as arbitrary as the fact that we evolved five fingers rather than six.

With sentiments of increasing membership, encouraging atheist pride, envisaging an atheist awakening and calls to coming out the statements by Frank Schaeffer that I had read the day before reading about the New York City Atheists are more than apropos:

The New Atheists have proved how inescapable religion/spirituality is (by whatever name we call it) by turning their movement into a quasi-religion with priests, prophets and gurus, followers, and even church services. Check out Richard Dawkins’ website and you could be looking at the website of any televangelist suffering from an acute messianic delusion.

Add a dash of hucksterism, replete with scads of merchandise, including a “Scarlet A pin” to be worn by the faithful to identify them as followers and to provoke “conversations” with the uninitiated leading to their conversion to atheism. A secular “Maharishi” of atheism may also be a fruitcake cult figure leading a “church” in all but name_

When I was watching Religulous in an Upper West Side theatre in New York it seemed to me that the laughter and shouted comments were just another version of “Amen!” and “Preach it brother!” I assumed these cries of affirmation were from the more spirit-filled atheists in the audience! In a moment of unintended self-parody Maher even delivered an altar call at the end of his film begging believers to join him in his unbelief_

The New Atheists turn out to be secular fundamentalists arguing with religious fundamentalists.2

During a time of worldwide recession atheists are collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations not in order to actually help anyone in real need but in order to attempt to demonstrate just how clever they think themselves to be-need anymore be said?


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