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Does Angelina Jolie describe an Illuminati ritual in her leaked video?

Many have posted versions of a video which is said to date back to 1999 AD in which someone video recorded Angelina Jolie speaking with at least two people: a man and a woman.
I refer to “posted versions” because many include their editorializing into or around the very short video—much as I will do herein.

The general claim is that she is describing an Illuminati ritual which she likens to S&M and tattooing as well as referring to killing her snake.
There seems to be a bit of confirmation bias amongst some who have heard of such rumors for a long time and want to turn her statements into an admission of such.

I can certainly understand why such claims are being made about her statements as they certainly point in that direction (although nothing close to a reference to the Illuminati or any such Order is stated).

It is a case of virtually straightforward statements peppered with hints that go in another direction. This along with the fact that she is not exactly articulate is what makes for the conclusions that many have reached.


Angelina Jolie states:

It’s like I would, I would film these in order to encourage like everybody, all different types of sexual—but there is that thing where it’s like, a lot of people misunderstand it maybe with S&M and they think it’s super[ficial?] and I have to like, explain to people how like, where it’s more like you’re tied down because you need to be able to like have something hold you down to keep you still or like you’ll fight or go absolutely mad and like, you’ll be able to heal once you’re beaten like or something.
So it comes form that real, real place like yeah, as opposed to being accessories or something like it’s kind of, it’s like, tattoos with me after the ritual there was that time when I was like, “Oh, I have tattoos” and after a while you’re like, you can explain them—it comes form that real place.

The woman states:

Yeah, I only saw that [mumbled something] film that she [perhaps referring to Jolie] bought over that night.

Jolie continues:

People were like darker like, that kind of you know but it’s a great thing to be able to see everybody’s sexual just like, sexuality or—but it’s so weird when you just—I have the most amazing compromising pictures of people.

The man states:

A nipple plant three whole revolutions: one, two, three, ye-ouch!

Jolie replies:

I don’t remember that three revolutions. Like the twisting of a nipple or something?

His reply is:

Yeah, three full times.

The woman states:

I only saw that one she brought over that night through.

He cuts in with:

And then the dripping candle wax on [something that was bleeped in the posted video]

Jolie states:

My snake, I tried, I had to kill him.


I have not been able to find a full and uncut version of the video and so am unsure if there are more statements around these ones. The rest of the video’s audio is difficult to hear in part because someone receives a phone call.

Where I transcribed “different types of sexual some transcribe “celebrities” but it does sound like “sexual” and this is also more contextual.

I would think that she is speaking strictly of S&M, which is depraved enough but she seems to either hint that it goes beyond that or that it is different due to circumstances: such as that it involves the circles in which she travels such are would be compromised by her pictures of them doing that which she describes and then there is the whole snake killing thing.

She seems to be interested in being some sort of herald of sexual depravity, “different types of sex…” Some claim she is referring to rituals that may involve S&M but are different because she seems to like the one with the other. However, she may be saying that she wants people involved in “different types of sex…” and notes S&M as an example.

In any case, there is an attempt to make sense of the likes of S&M regarding bondage being required so as to hold a person in place. But why hold them in place? Why agree to be held in place? Due to the result which is a styled physical alchemy of deconstruction followed by reconstruction. In this case, it involves suffering such pain that the sensation if ecstatic, open you up to demonism as your mental and spiritual guard is down and produces various chemicals in the blood such as adrenalchrone, bilirubin, etc.—blood which other can then drink for a styled high.
For example, being beaten so as to reap the psychological and spiritual benefits of experiencing healing—“healing” as in becoming something other than you were, as well as physically.

Some claims that she refers to tattooing as a part of the ritual and this may very well be. In fact, by definition tattooing is a bloodletting ritual—this is a fact whether you are doing it for the Illuminati or because you had one tee many martoonis or poked too much smot one night. Yet, she seems to be likening the results of S&M or whatever she is talking about to tattooing: you endure pain but then reap a benefit: S&M results in whatever she seems to derive from it and the pain of tattooing results in a tattoo.

However, she does imply a tattooing ritual if, that is, this is what she means by “after the ritual there was that time when I was like, ‘Oh, I have tattoos.’”

Clearly, these people are so perverse and bored that they sit around watching films of such activities wherein people are “darker” in doing that which they wilt and these activities lead to films and photos with which to keep each other silent, “the most amazing compromising pictures.”

Lastly, there is that out of nowhere comment about killing her snake, but why? Who knows? Many say as part of a ritual animal sacrifice and I will venture the guess that they abused it in a bestiality manner and injured the poor animal during a session and she put it out of its misery.



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