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Discussing the claim “6 fingers on each hand, even has Gigantism in one finger! Giant Descendant!!!”

The video titled, “6 fingers on each hand, even has Gigantism in one finger! Giant Descendant!!! #shorts #youtube” led to the following discussion.

Stacy Perkins commented

All the proof that ppl should need, “There were giants in the earth in those days and after”. All praise to The Most High God Yahweh

I, Ken Ammi, replied

But after what?

JiibarO commented

The proof is the Gospel; no other proof is needed.

“And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.” – Luke 16:31

ADC Phenomenon commented

It’s a mutation. Jeeeeez.

Ken Ammi

It’s just a mutation that causes the genetic data to build a finger/toe to be multiplied. But unless you know the guy’s height, you can say it’s giantism.

Nikki Bridgewater @Ken Ammi

the flood

Ken Ammi @Nikki Bridgewater

Well, you’re inserting that into a text that doesn’t say that. In fact, we’re dealing with v. 4 but the flood isn’t even mentioned for the very first time until v. 17–a full 13 vss. later.

Leon Hudson @Ken Ammi

no but somethings can grow extra things like fingers toes but do not grow tall does mean he couldn’t have genes for the Giants like from the bible he just didn’t have the gene that makes you giant us active and if you are normal and have extra fingers and toes they most of the time can’t use then and they are deformed so they are removed then his works though genes from giants

Ken Ammi @Leon Hudson

I can’t know to whom you’re referring as “Giants like from the bible” since the English version you’re appealing to render (doesn’t even translate) both “Nephilim” and “Rephaim” as “giants.”

Dr. Froman @Ken Ammi

the after refers to the fact Giants hide in the earth and reemerged afterwards. The original Cannanittes were Giants. After the Exodus Moses led the Israelites to the land of Cannan to claim the Holy Land God promised them but when they arrived they did a recon of the land and found giants so large they said they felt like grasshoppers in their sight. Thus they wandered the desert for 40 more years because they didn’t want to tango with them big boys.

Its always a reference to state they are still there in the earth today.

Ken Ammi @Dr. Froman

Did the flood have anything to do with Nephilim–and if so, what?

What makes you think that “Giants hide in the earth”?

You’ll have to tell me what you mean by “Giants” since you use it to refer to Nephilim but when you say “The original Cannanittes were Giants” you must mean “Rephaim.”

At least that’s what you should mean if you’re seeking to be biblically accurate.

You’re too generic when you say, “Moses led the Israelites…they…they…and found giants” since that was merely asserted by 10 of the unfaithful, disloyal, contradictory, embellishers whom God rebuked for presenting an evil report: why do you believe them?

Their deception was the premise for why they “wandered the desert for 40 more years.”

Since “they are still there in the earth today”: where are they?

Dr. Froman @Ken Ammi

Ok 1 the Rephaim are descendants of the original Nephilim. Rephaim is the term for the later generations who weren’t as tall as the first generations and weren’t as powerful but we’re still very deadly none the less. Nephilim are just another name for giants all though that is technically debated since the translation is Fallen ones but also translates to one of great size and strength also meaning those who are tyrants. So Nephilim could basically encompass the fallen angels known as the watchers as well as their offspring the giants.

2nd The flood happened BECAUSE of the Nephilim and their horrible actions towards mankind by eating them and enslaving them but also by breeding with them mixing angelic blood with human blood along with all the other hybrid creatures created during those times which went against a fundamental law of no interbreeding of the species. Meaning humans stay humans, animals stay animals, angels stay angels etc etc. It was also a slap in the face to God and was one of the many attempts to destroy any chances of God keeping His promise to Adam and Eve about the coming of The Lamb to provide Salvation and allow a true and proper Spiritual connection with God again. Since Christ could only provide Salvation for mankind if He was true humanity and wouldn’t have worked if the Royal line was tainted with angelic DNA.

3rd I was being more basic so i didn’t have to go on this long explanation of everything that was going on since i figured you were already aware of the situation for the most part and I just wanted to answer your question of “after what?” Didn’t realize you were gonna get upset about someone just providing an explanation to what you asked.

4th The report wasn’t a lie the people found in the land of Cannan we’re descendants of Ana’k or the Anakim which are a specific group of giants and they mention how the people were huge and they felt as grasshoppers in their sight and how the cities were fortified and built to the heavens. It talks about how King Og and Bashan we’re the only ones left of Rephaim but that just means they were the tallest in the lands at that time. The further descendants were still massive people ranging from 8ft-10ft tall on average. The wandering for 40 years was due to the cowardice of the Israelites refusing to march into the land and take it and keeping their trust in God that they would be victorious in battle. Since they’ve been completely slacking in their worship of The Creator during their time in Egypt, basically forgetting about the God of their forefathers becoming weak willed spiritually is what lead to their punishment for their disregard for God’s promise on top of their already growing disdain for Moses and the God he was claiming to be serving for taking them from the comfort of Egypt. By showing utter disrespect, mistrust and disobedience towards God’s saving grace and coming gifts, they were forced to wander lost in the desert for their childish behavior and complete apathy for God’s wishes and promises.

5th There are plenty of stories from those lands and neighboring lands and well off distant lands who speak of giants being around well after the flood and how they ruled over many different civilizations for generations after and eventually we’re over thrown due to their cruel and inhumane treatment of the people they ruled over. Many of the stories mention how the few giants that survived the flood did so by hiding deep with in the Earth’s caverns and tunnels. The verse is clear and specific “There were giants ‘IN’ the Earth in those days and after….” Plenty of stories from other cultures around the world describe how the giants had set up cities underground before the flood came and continued to after it settled. Ancient folklore paints the picture where when they emerged from the Earth they are described with terms that talk as tho they were being born from the navel of the goddess that is Mother Earth. They came from out of their underground set ups and flourished again, but as they continued to breed with humans they’re offspring became shorter and shorter. Regardless they still ruled and were easily identified for being 7ft or 8ft tall in these later days still with 6 fingers and 6toes on each hand and foot and mainly having red hair and green eyes. They ruled in the Americas for generations before being overthrown and hunted but they just fled back underground where they knew they’d be safe.

6th If you don’t believe they’re still around that’s fine but that shows you don’t do your research since they’re TONS of modern day stories that speak of giants still inhabiting the mountains and the cave systems in the Earth. There’s videos of giants walking around in isolated areas caught on camera by military personnel who are on deployment or even civilians in areas like Afghanistan or Iraq, Russia, America and a few more countries. One of the most famous stories was an American special operations unit and their encounter with the Kandahar giant. There’s been videos posted of giants in the mountains where one video shows 2 that are starring and pointing at a girl filming with her phone and she’s freaking out seeing them. Another one was a guy doing digging work in the mountains and after he began hammering equipment into the rocks he starts hearing yelling and roaring coming from way down underground where he’s standing.

Whether you want to believe these stories or video footage is up to the individual but personally with ancient stories mentioning this for thousands of years ranging from the mythology of multiple cultures around the world to historical records of past countries and empires to Biblical accounts to modern day claims on top of video footage mixed with prophecy and the warnings of their return and accounts from illuminati members talking about their contact with them and future plans involving their new roles to play in the coming times of their return, i personally knew this to be true years ago and at this point its just getting more and more fun. Everyone else is entitled to their own opinion and belief that’s the beauty of God given free will but i recommend always doing through research for any and every idea or belief 1st before ever committing to anything. I hope this wasn’t too vague and generic for your liking.

Ken Ammi @Dr. Froman

I appreciate the detailed reply but henceforth, I’ll be unable to keep trading essays (since you wrote me over 1,000 words) so, I’ll be as succinct as I can be:

“Rephaim are descendants of the original Nephilim”: mere assertion.

“Nephilim are just another name for giants is jumping from a specific Hebrew term to a generic, vague, multi-usage, and undefined English one so I would need to know to what you’re referring by it.

“Nephilim” never “translates to one of great size”: that’s just a modern day error based on a few factors and isn’t a translation, it’s a (faulty) rendering.

What makes you think that “fallen angels known as the watchers” (MILLENNIA after the Torah was written) were giants/of great size?

No, “Nephilim” doesn’t encompass fallen Angels: that’s just linguistically confused.

There’s no reliable indication Nephilim were “eating them and enslaving them” nor do you say what “all the other hybrid creatures” were.

You say “The flood happened BECAUSE of the Nephilim” but that there were post-flood Nephilim so you imply that God failed.

Please don’t read into mere text: I was not upset but merely asked what you, personally, think in terms of “after what?”

You merely assert, “The report wasn’t a lie” but you then misrepresent the text various times. For example, “the people found…Anakim…giants…were huge and they felt as grasshoppers…cities were fortified and built to the heavens”:

  1. “the people” neither found nor saw nor claimed any such thing: that was just the 10 unfaithful, disloyal, contradictory, embellishers whom God rebuked for what they said within an evil report upon whom you exclusively rely for your claims.
  2. In the version you’re reading Anakim are mentioned and you seem to merely assert that they have something to do with Nephilim—please check the LXX of that verse. Now, even if (and that’s a gigantic IF) Anakim have something to do with Nephilim, you still can’t get all Rephaim having something to do with Nephilim from that one single verse but only the Anakim clan (not the whole tribe)
  3. Anakim were “giants…were huge” but the only thing we’re contextually told about them is that they were “tall”—and that’s subjective to the average Israelite male who in those days was 5.0-5.3 ft.
  4. You seem to be reading a version that implies “they felt as grasshoppers” referring to Anakim but most have it referring to Nephilim: in any case, since the report is unreliable there’s no reason to think anyone was so very, very tall.
  5. “cities were fortified and built to the heavens” is not even from Num 13, it’s from Deut 1 wherein Moses is merely relating the Num 13 and both reports—which, BTW, proves they were not above employing hyperbole, of course.

Since we’ve no physical description of Og at all, what has he to do with “the tallest” but fine, let’s go with it: Anakim were “the tallest in the lands at the time” which was my point about subjectivity since that just tell us they were taller than 5.0-5.3 ft.

You merely assert, “further descendants were still massive people ranging from 8ft-10ft tall on average.”

Perhaps there are “plenty of stories,” even though you don’t cite any, “from those lands and neighboring lands and well off distant lands who speak of giants being around well after the flood” but what does that have to do with Nephilim?

Since this is about Nephilim, when you say “Many of the stories mention how the few giants that survived the flood” you’re agreeing with “stories from those lands and neighboring lands” that contradict the Bible multiple times: Genesis 7:7, 23; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5.

You seem to be exclusively basing your theory on the KJV and you’re misreading it since “‘IN’ the Earth” was just an older way of saying “on” the Earth.

But fine, let’s go with it: you asserted, “hiding deep with in the Earth’s caverns and tunnels…’IN’ the Earth…underground…they emerged…underground” so you are, yet again, implying that God failed.

But note that your multiple contradictions of the Bible are based exclusively on “‘IN’ the Earth” but “giants IN THE EARTH” and also “God saw that the wickedness of man was great IN THE EARTH” so, apparently, humans were living underground, but you seem to have pulled a text out of context to make a pretext for a prooftext since the KJV has God stating, “every thing that is IN THE EARTH shall die” (Gen 6:17). Now, will you abandon your theory or will you claim that God was wrong, that He failed, etc.?

You assert “7ft or 8ft tall in these later days still with 6 fingers and 6toes on each hand and foot and mainly having red hair and green eyes” but I’ve no idea what any of that has to do with Nephilim.

You assert, “They ruled in the Americas for generations before being overthrown and hunted but they just fled back underground where they knew they’d be safe” so, that must have been pre-flood and they escaped again.

Again, we’re speaking of Nephilim but you keep punting to “TONS of modern day stories that speak of giants” so you will have to clean that up.

As for “you don’t do your research,” please see these books of mine:

What Does the Bible Say About Giants and Nephilim? A Styled Giantology and Nephilology

Nephilim and Giants in Bible Commentaries: From the 1500s to the 2000s

Bible Encyclopedias and Dictionaries on Angels, Demons, Nephilim, and Giants: From 1851 to 2010

The Apocryphal Nephilim and Giants: Encountering Nephilim, and Giants in Extra-Biblical Texts

The Scholarly Academic Nephilim and Giants: What do Scholarly Academics Say About Nephilim Giants?

The Pastoral Nephilim and Giants: What Do Pastors Teach and Preach?

Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers: A comprehensive consideration of the claims of I.D.E. Thomas, Chuck Missler, Dante Fortson, Derek Gilbert, Brian Godawa, Patrick Heron, Thomas Horn, Ken Johnson, L.A. Marzulli, Josh Peck, CK Quarterman, Steve Quayle, Rob Skiba, Gary Wayne, Jim Wilhelmsen, et al.

Nephilim and Giants: Believe It or Not! Ancient and Neo-Theo-Sci-Fi Tall Tales

On the Genesis 6 Affair’s Sons of God: Angels or Not? A survey of early Jewish and Christian commentaries including noted on giants and the Nephilim

The Paranormal in Early Jewish and Christian Commentaries: Over a Millennia’s Worth of Comments on Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Satan, the Devil, Demons, the Serpent and the Dragon

When you tell me you believe in stories and videos, I hope you realize that “Afghanistan or Iraq, Russia, America” are not citations to specific locations but more of a way of saying I need to investigate entire countries (and “a girl…a guy…in the mountains” is not a citation). The Kandahar giant claim is just an internet hoax based on a couple of anonymous guys making vague claims about generic regions and promulgated by two very unreliable people—when it comes to these issues—LA Marzulli and Steve Quayle (the plagiarist).

Overall, if by “giants” you refer to subjectively unusual people then why would anyone ever deny that there’s always been subjectively unusual people. Yet, you seem to correlate subjectively unusual people to Nephilim which is your main assertion and an assertion is all that it is—and, again, you, consciously or not, are implying that God failed.

Raqam Son Of Manasseh

Yeah right, a woman gave birth to a giant baby that grew to be 30 feet tall. You Christians don’t know the bible. You never did and never will. So you come up with mythology and made up fantasies. The mysteries of the Holy Bible will never be revealed to you Christians.

Leon Hudson @Ken Ammi

I’m talking about the elohim the son’s of yah or the watcher angels that came and took daughter’s of man as wives for them selves and taught man heavenly things read book of Enoch tells great detail about what they taught man. The elohim which means many are the gods of other nations like Zeus hoard all of the Hindu gods ECT. The watcher angels are in a dry desert place covered and chained until judgement day in the earth bound. But the nation built ingravend imagines of the in there honor to worship them.

no the wonder the desert for 40 years because yah said and slay them for I’m with and will fight for you bit there trust in him failed when they heard how tall they were and didn’t do as yah commanded the to do. For not that the had to wonder the desert so that the younger generation would go a take it and listen better then the generation the was alive at that time. Yah let the older die I the over 18 years old and younger at that time over eighteen died off.

Ken Ammi @Leon Hudson

Sure, 1 Enoch asserts stuff, see my book “In Consideration of the Book(s) of Enoch.” Biblically, the sinful sons of God Angels are incarcerated in Tartarus.

When you say “slay them” who is the “them”?

Yes, they “heard how tall they were” but that was a tall tale and “they” weren’t even there.

Leon Hudson

Ken Ammi are you a Jew at all I don’t mean like ones in isreal they stolen the identity from the Jew in 70 a.d when the Jews scattered around the world. Then the Jewish Romans took everything that the Jew had and almost all of the stuff the Jew had is still hiden under the vatican City 50 miles of isreal’s things. So don’t teach my of the Jewish things at all teach the true Hebrew if not I don’t want anything to do with it.

Yes the isrealites didn’t go into the land because of the Giants there because they didn’t obey at all because they did fear the heavenly father that told them to go take it. They seen what he did to the great army of Egypt. But they didn’t trust him enough that he would deliver the land to them from the giants. So he made them wonder in the desert for forty years because of this.

Ken Ammi

​​I’ve no idea to whom you’re referring by the vague, generic, subjective, and multi-usage English word “Giants” when you say “the isrealites didn’t go into the land because of the Giants…deliver the land to them from the giants.”​​

And that, as they say, was that since no more replies were forthcoming.

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