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Discussing Dr. Tim Chaffey on How Fallen Angels Biologically-Engineered The Giants

Such is the title of a video by Right Response Ministries which led to the following discussion when a certain @redraven1410 commented

The Word Giant means Earth Born, not Huge of Stature, .Many Nephilim may very well have been huge of Stature.

I believe the gene that limits growth is contributed by the Father in some species and the Mother in others .

The Canaanites viewed the Joshua and Caleb and the  10 spies as “grass hoppers” ( very small).

If you lack a growth limiting gene, you would continue to grow for your entire lifetime

I, @kenammi355, replied

The Word gigantes means Earth born.

There’s no indication “The Canaanites viewed the Joshua and Caleb and the  10 spies as ‘grass hoppers’ ( very small).”


Giant means…GIANT

[note how this person ignored the second correction]


That’s incoherent since it begs the question it proports to answer. Let me put it this way, the key questions are:

What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?

What’s your usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants”?

Do those two usages agree?


I use the Hebrew definitions. Not my opinions or any ones opinions


Fascinatingly, I’ve asked those key questions to dozens and dozens (and dozens [and dozens]) of people who go on and on (and on [and on]) about “giants” and literally zero have replied. BTW, “Giant means…GIANT” isn’t Hebrew.


The fallen angels are able to morph or shape shift. They can appear as a handsome man and deceive the women.  The offspring of the fallen angels and the human are called nephalem.  You are correct in that giant is not Hebrew. That is an English term.  But there are skeletons of the nephalim they are huge, as in giant huge.


Well, but there’s actually zero biblical indication that “fallen angels” or any Angels, “re able to morph or shape shift. I’m unsure how you can identify “skeletons of the nephalim” since we’ve no reliable physical description of them.

That brought the discussion to and end as no more replies were forthcoming.

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