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Discussing Douglas Hamp & Dr Michael Heiser “MYSTERIES OF MT HERMON”

The following discussion took place due to the video MYSTERIES OF MT HERMON- The Way Congregation – Douglas Hamp & Dr Michael Heiser-The Awakening Report.

marlene g commented

Of course Doug has to mention that he too wrote a book about Nephlem and “it was very popular”.

Hands down Mike is twice the scholar, teacher and author.

I, Ken Ammi, replied

I am not sure that it was a contest. In any case, for all of Heiser’s solid scholarship: his biggest failing is that he teaches post-flood Nephilim but the Bible does not.

Christopher noted

Petty and divisive.

Ken Ammi

What is, your comment?


My comment was in response to the mean-spirited comment by marlene g.  My point is that her comment is petty and divisive. Why would a  person go out of their way to be mean?

Anne Shirley95 chimed in with

I’m glad that he mentioned his book, I keep forgetting about it. Now I’ll  remember, and I’ll go buy it.

Ken Ammi @Christopher

I see. I am sure there are many reasons but we should avoid doing so.

Paxphasmatis Riley

Many pastors are now using Dr Heiser’s divine council/supernatural work. The good ones will credit Dr Heiser and teach it for the benefit of their flocks. The bad ones smell the money and pretend that God revealed it to them alone while  mixing it in with their false prosperity teachings.

Ken Ammi @Paxphasmatis Riley

His material on the divine council is better than his work specifically on Nephilim were he teaches post-flood Nephilim while the Bible does not.

Ken Ammi @Lisa Parker

Note an oddity: you wrote, “Genesis says, the nephilim were, ‘…and after that…’…after the flood, so not sure what you’re referencing.” You did not quote the part where Genesis 6:4 refers to the flood, you inserted that yourself, they are your words, not the texts’ words. In fact, the flood is not even mentioned for the very first time in that chapter until a full 13 verses later. Gen 6:4 tells you exactly what it means by “those days” and thus, by “after” so please re-read it anew. BTW: did the flood have anything to do with Nephilim?

Feisty Nag

Rob Skiba covers this quite a lot. I believe “in those days and after” refers to the days of Jerod not the flood.

Ken Ammi

Well, Skiba is very unreliable–and also does not want to discuss these issues with me [see my book Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers: A Comprehensive Consideration of the claims of I.D.E. Thomas, Chuck Missler, Dante Fortson, Derek Gilbert, Brian Godawa, Patrick Heron, Thomas Horn, Ken Johnson, L.A. Marzulli, Josh Peck, CK Quarterman, Steve Quayle, Rob Skiba, Gary Wayne, Jim Wilhelmsen, et al.]

Yes, fine, let us grant that “in those days and after” refers to the days of Jerod: fair enough, that makes my point as well.

Baltic Hammer

Its in Genesis 6:4, not hard to miss.

Ken Ammi

I noted “let us grant that “in those days and after” refers to the days of Jerod: fair enough, that makes my point as well” so I am unsure what you mean by “Its in Genesis 6:4, not hard to miss” I know the quotation comes from Gen 6:4, what is it that I am supposed to have missed?

Diane Larry Gross

yes it does

Ken Ammi

“Yes” what “does” what about what?

Well, that ended that since everyone dropped the issue.

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