The YouTuber DejahVu posted a video titled Giants of the Old Testament and it still never ceases to amaze me how someone can speak, on the WORLD WIDE web mind you, on a subject that they get 99% wrong.
I mean virtually every single statement she made is wrong and not at levels of abstraction but just based on straight up front simple data that is either there or isn’t.
I’m just going to paste the comment that I left on that video and you’ll get the idea—and the vid is only 3:03 minutes, BTW, so it’s pretty amazing just how many fallacious statements she managed to pack into such a short vid.
You began by using the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” without defining it.
You then jumped to the specific ancient Hebrew term “Nephilim” so it’s hard to follow what you’re saying.
Also, what do, “almost every giant or race of giants” have to do with “Nephilim”?
In fact, Nephilim “were destroyed during the flood” and there’s zero reliable indication of “Nephilim descendant again after the flood.”
You seem to merely assert that there were based on chasing one English word around a Hebrew Bible so it’s no wonder you’re confused and are confusing others on the WORLD WIDE web.
One theory is that God wasn’t smart enough to figure out the genetic loophole and so the flood was much of a waste since God failed.
Also, that theory contradicts the Bible five times: Genesis 7:7, 23; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; and 2 Peter 2:5.
You also don’t realize that Rephaim, Zamzummim/Zuzim, and Emim were not “different giants”: those are just parochial a.k.a.s for Rephaim.
And when you say “listed as giants” well, there’s a reason that the others aren’t: they’re not Rephaim.
It seems that these questions are key:
What’s the usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” in English Bibles?
What’s your usage of the vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants”?
When you jump from Hebrew to Arabic, for whatever un-contextual reason, to tell us that a word means “giant” that only begs the question: what does “giant” mean?
As for Amos: what makes you think that Amorites had literal fruits and roots growing out of their bodies?
Emim/Rephaim “were as tall as the Anakim” (who were a clan of the Rephaim tribe) but “tall” is just as vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “giants” so you didn’t tell us anything. And “tall” is subjective to the average Israelite male who was 5.0-5.3 ft. in those days.
How can you conclude that Og was “9 to 13ft” based on a “bed” that was a ritual object not meant to be slept upon? [see my book The King, Og of Bashan, is Dead: The Man, the Myth, the Legend—of a Nephilim Giant?]
You say “Goliath…was huge” but “huge” is just as vague, generic, subjective, multi-usage and modern English word “tall” or “giants.” Besides, most reliably, as per the preponderance of the earliest data, he was just shy of 7ft.
There’s no indication “Nimrod…built the Tower of Babel.”
There’s zero indication that at “the Tower of Babel…very” or even slightly “likely was more recreation of Nephilim” as if God failed and the flood was much of a waste because He missed the recreation loophole.
There’s literally zero indication that “Joshua…going around these different Canaanite
city states and destroying the people” had anything whatsoever to do with “heavenly beings coming down and mating with human women creating these giants.” God told us many times why He commanded such things but never said even one single word about any of that.
As for, “they were trying to pollute the bloodline that Yeshua our Messiah was supposed to be born from” well, that’s a popular tall-tale but the fact is that those you merely assert where not fully human are in Jesus’ genealogy.
There’s also no indication of “cannibalistic” anyone in the whole Bible.
Thus, the conclusion that “when Joshua went into the land it was to rid the world of these Nephilim descendant giants” is 100% biblically, logically, bio-logically, and theo-logically incorrect and easily proved to be so.
Likewise with, “when you understand the story of the Nephilim and the Nephilim giants and
how they messed with the DNA of people and animals” and there’s also zero indication they “messed with the DNA of…animals” so that “the story of Joshua down to King David destroying them and ridding them of the land makes a lot more sense” since there’s zero indication of any such thing.
Friend, in the spirit of sharpening iron with iron please, please, stop listening to modern pop-Nephilologists and see what God revealed to us about these things—and not just by chasing an English word around a Hebrew Bible.
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