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Christian Bale to follow up “Exodus” movie with a movie about Muhammad

With the success of his biblically based, and thus accurate, rendering of the Christian Bale movie “Exodus,” Ridley Scott is setting his sights towards other religious text based movies with the movie; “Muhammad.”

Many Christians constantly play the woe is me martyr’s victim card in claiming that only their faith is mocked and wrongly depicted in media of various formats—see the mockingly titled webpage: Unbelievers Compliment Christianity.

Yet, while Ridley Scott made what is virtually a book, chapter and verse version of the biblical story of Moses and the Exodus—I mean, you could virtually take your Bible to the theater and follow along with the movie—his depiction of Muhammad, Islam, Allah and the Qur’an many raise a few Muslim eyebrows.

It appears that Scott decided to stray from historical facts and the text of the Qur’an and will have a little fun with this one. He has drafted a screen play which turns the life of Muhammad into a fantasy story, of sorts. Whether what ends up hitting the big screen is historically and Qur’anically accurate will have to be determined by historians and religious studies professors.

Scott has Muhammad expressing the view that the first impression of the revelations he began to receive was that it was demonic, that he was being manipulated by the jin/djinn and claims to be a victim of black magick. Thus, he attempts suicide on various occasions.

He delivers false prophecy and is made to claim that Allah is “the best of deceivers” in the screen play.

Muhammad ends up proclaiming revelation which turns out to be from satan and ends up taking it back (a unique form of replacement theology; just replace satanic verses which you previously claimed to be from Allah).


He invents the law of abrogation whereby he can conveniently ignore earlier revelation by appeal to later revelation. Thus, he begins his prophetic career whilst still relatively unknown, not well off and with few followers by preaching kindness, but then preaches vengeance when he gains a popular following and wealth from embarking upon robbing raids.

Muhammad is depicted as having tortured a man, named Kinana in the script, for money. He is depicted as murdering those who criticize Islam and those who leave it, apostates.

Muhammad is portrayed as being misogynistic (even whilst he loooooves the ladies) referring to them as stupid, immoral and being a majority of hell’s population. He allows his followers to ravish their female captives. Muhammad allows for men to beat their wives. He marries the wife of his adopted son after receiving a conveniently self-serving revelation which allows for her divorce.

Muhammad has circa 9 wives (plus various friends with benefits) whilst claiming, via revelation, that only four are allowable to Muslims; one of his wives is portrayed as being 9 years old when they consummate their marriage.

Muhammad attempts to divorce his wife, which the script names Sauda, because he falls out of love with her, no longer finding her attractive. He cuts a deal with Allah which allows her to keep eating; to be fed and thus, be sustained as a dependent.

Muhammad allows Muslims to practice what is called mut’ah in the script, which basically allows husbands to pimp out their wives. He makes a vow to one of his wives that he would not have sex with a slave girl but, oopsy, he does so anyhow.

Muhammad describes heaven as a place wherein a man will have plenteous wine and women; women specifically designed to be pleasing to the, shall we say, superficial male. At one point, he preaches revelation about how adult women are to breastfeed adult me as a means to cool the jets, as it were, of a man who is attracted to them but to whom they are not attracted—the verse is written on a leaf which is subsequently eaten by a sheep. Perhaps as a shout out to the LGBT community; Ridley Scott portrays Muhammad as a cross dresser.

Muhammad endorses the Bible and affirms its authenticity and reliability even whilst contradicting it; such as claiming that Jesus was not crucified.

In an Islamic version of Star Wars; the movie will have Muhammad claim that Allah uses stars as “stellar missiles” which he shoots at demons when the try to sneak into heaven.

While on the subject of astronomy; Muhammad is made to claim that when the Sun sets, it sinks into a muddy pool of murky water.

Muhammad is made to claim that he cannot perform any miracles and that the ultimate proof of his revelation will be the literary excellence of the Qur’an. Yet, the first Caliph is named Uthman in the script; he is depicted as being so concerned for contradictory variety amongst the various different Qur’ans that he precedes to collect all Qur’anic manuscripts, complies an official version and burn the manuscripts.

An idolatrous structure is depicted as the focal point of Muslim pilgrimages wherein a black stone is placed and revered. Pagan rituals and folklore are incorporated into Islam.

Allah is portrayed as having no love for unbelievers, having created hell specifically for sinners and punishes Jews and Christians for the sins of Muslims.

Muhammad is portrayed as the greatest Muslim and the seal of, the final, prophet and yet, he does not know if he is saved. Finally, he states that if he is a false prophet he would die in a specific way, and that is the exact way in which he is portrayed as having died.

The movie is set to be released in 2016 AD and we will have to see how they whole thing plays out.

To learn more about Islam, see the webpage here and the following:

Misconceptions in Reason and History

Muhammad and Jesus

On the Qur’an’s Composition


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