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Category: Uncategorized

  • Reply to an Atheist on Biblical freethinking

    Herein we continue, from the previous segments, considering objections raised by an Atheist from “The Skeptic Arena” who goes by the pseudonym “Neo” with regards to my repository website TrueFreethinker’s “About” page during a June 28, 2014 AD podast. In that which follows, you will find the contents of my About page in italics, his…

  • bible study

    Very, very many, many supposed bible contradictions can be cleared up by just noting one fact that should be utterly obvious. In any language and in any text, a word, term, phrase, etc. can have, and likely always has, more than one meaning. The video presents an illustration of this fact. Also see my previous…

  • Jewish

    This essay will focus on one biblical instance of an appearance of God in human form millennia before the time of Jesus and the polemical issues which orbit around it. Part 1: Considering the Text Part 2: Considering the Polemic Part 3: Considering the Polemic (continued) Part 4: Anthropomorphic Idolatry Part 5: Face to Face…

  • Freethinker

    Introductory Conclusion: Having dealt with the Timothy McVeigh issue; I continue the essay with my conclusion because I think that it is so important that I do not want it to be missed. Dan Barker absolutely discredits every criticism he has ever, and will ever, utter against religion, Christianity, the Bible, God, Jesus, etc. by…

  • Michael Heiser on Angels, Watchers, Cherubim and Seraphim

    Herein, we conclude considering Michael Heiser’s “Preliminary Investigation” and “brief overview” which contains some “very tentative” conclusions and some things about which he is “still thinking…and my views may change.” This is all in regards to “brief overview into the matter of serpentine / reptilian beings in the Hebrew Bible.” The previous segment left off…

  • Article and video: Illuminati and the Bible in “The Visitor” movie

    The 1979 AD movie “The Visitor” was directed by Giulio Paradisi aka Michael J. Paradiseby and is based on a story by the Egypt-born Italian writer Ovidio G. Assonitis that is titled “Stridulum.” The movie was re-released in 2013 AD by Drafthouse Films who describe it as “phantasmagoric sci-fi/horror/action/??? Hybrid.” It contains some violent scenes…

  • Reply to an Atheist on Jesus failing to fulfill His own prophecy

    Herein we continue, from the previous segments, considering objections raised by an Atheist from “The Skeptic Arena” who goes by the pseudonym “Neo” with regards to my repository website TrueFreethinker’s “About” page during a June 28, 2014 AD podast. In that which follows, you will find the contents of my About page in italics, his…

  • Bible oddities – was a man really stoned just for picking up “sticks”?

    Numbers chapter 15 states that “the children of Israel…found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day” and that “The man shall be surely put to death.” But was this solely about picking up a few sticks, perhaps to make a fire with which to cook, stay warm, etc.? Let us consider the context…

  • Christian

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Reply to an Atheist on freethinking and skepticism

    Herein we continue, from the previous segments, considering objections raised by an Atheist from “The Skeptic Arena” who goes by the pseudonym “Neo” with regards to my repository website TrueFreethinker’s “About” page during a June 28, 2014 AD podast. In that which follows, you will find the contents of my About page in italics, his…