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  • Gospel of Judas

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Abortion’s Arguments: making abortion illegal will not stop it

    In the cause of claiming that making abortion illegal will not stop it, should we legalize rape because laws against rape have not stopped rape from occurring? The same holds true for murder, stealing, child and spousal abuse and in fact any law at all, because after all, these laws do not keep the crime…

  • Reply to an Atheist on failed Bible prophecy

    Herein we continue, from the previous segments, considering objections raised by an Atheist from “The Skeptic Arena” who goes by the pseudonym “Neo” with regards to my repository website TrueFreethinker’s “About” page during a June 28, 2014 AD podast. In that which follows, you will find the contents of my About page in italics, his…

  • “Their Own Whims and Lusts” Liberal Scholars and Jesus' Marriage

    “But remember, dear friends, that the apostles of our Master, Jesus Christ, told us this would happen: ‘In the last days there will be people who…make a religion of their own whims and lusts‘” (Jude v. 17-18, The Message trans.) We quote the following exchange from an NBC Dateline with Stone Phillips presentation entitled Secrets…

  • priori

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Da Vinci Code

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • New Age

    Occult New Age children’s TV show songs Children’s entertainment in whatever form—movies, TV shows, cartoons, books, comic books, etc.—are utterly saturated with occult New Age themes, immorality and non-, to anti-, Christian themes. Children’s entertainment which would be ousted from the TV, theaters and bookstores if they contained Christian themes are celebrated therein when they…

  • Institute for Physics

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Zen Garcia on Adam & Eve as beings of light not from Earth

    I once wrote the following to popularizer of pop-research Zen Garcia: I would like to approach you in the spirit of brotherhood as common followers of Yehoshua ha Mashiach. I would like to bring your attention to a couple of theological issues where I think you have gone astray. If you are agreeable I will…

  • debate

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…