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  • Cat Stevens

    Note that he ultimately blames the victim, he still blames Salman Rushdie, “The book itself destroyed the harmony between peoples and created an unnecessary international crisis.” The book destroyed harmony and created an international crisis? Rushdie destroyed harmony and created an international crisis? Nay, the Ayatollah Khomeini, his fatwa and the particular Muslims who supported…

  • ethics morals

    Of course, the statement that all aborted babies are going to heaven anyhow is pointed at theists. If the only point of life is to get the heaven bound to heaven quickly, then a holocaust perpetrated against all theists would be justified. Why not send all people who believe in heaven there right now? No…

  • Apologetics

    Was the Bible’s character Samson buff? Was he a hulking bodybuilder-like individual? The question may see irrelevant but it seems to me to cut to the core of distinguishing between what the Bible says about him (and others?), on the one hand, and what we make of him (and others?). Certainly, we seem to tend…

  • Da Vinci Code / Angels and Demons / Templars

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Maryology

    At a glance: The Bible teaches that it is God, it is Jesus, who is full of grace. The Catholic prayer Hail Mary includes some un-biblical teachings. Roman Catholic Prayer, “Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among woman, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy…

  • Angels and Demons

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Dan Brown – The Da Vinci Code, part 4 of 4 : Richard Dawkins' Delusions

    Richard Dawkins’ Delusions Professor Richard Dawkins has written: “I don’t think it is too melodramatic to say that civilization is at war. It is a war against religious bigotry. In Britain recently our newspapers have shown crowds of fundamentalists (they happen to be Muslim rather than Christian, but in this context the distinction is of…

  • Did Jesus teach the serpent seed of Satan theory in the parable of the sower?

    The serpent seed of Satan theory promulgates the concept that Satan engaged Eve in sexual relations with Eve and was thus Cain’s father; making Cain his literal son and meaning that Cain’s bloodline literally carry Satanic genetics. Matthew 13 records Jesus’s telling of a parable thusly: Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when…

  • Abortion’s Arguments: Pro-Life displays are offensive

    What we mean by “displays” is graphic photographic displays of what Pro-Abortion proponents call “byproducts of conception,” i.e.—and there should be no sugarcoated way to say this—discarded, mutilated baby corpses. Of course, these are not Pro-Life displays but are Pro-Abortion displays as they are the visual record of that which Pro-Abortionists support with thoughts, words…

  • Does the Qur'an/Koran affirm the Bible’s accuracy?

    Herein we continue, from a series found here, gleaning from Dr. William Campbell’s book The Qur’an and the Bible in the light of history and science and will conclude that, ironically, if we trust the Qur’an aka Koran then we can be certain that 1) the Bible is accurate and 2) the Qur’an is discredited.…