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  • Satanic Verses

    Note that he ultimately blames the victim, he still blames Salman Rushdie, “The book itself destroyed the harmony between peoples and created an unnecessary international crisis.” The book destroyed harmony and created an international crisis? Rushdie destroyed harmony and created an international crisis? Nay, the Ayatollah Khomeini, his fatwa and the particular Muslims who supported…

  • Salman Rushdie

    Note that he ultimately blames the victim, he still blames Salman Rushdie, “The book itself destroyed the harmony between peoples and created an unnecessary international crisis.” The book destroyed harmony and created an international crisis? Rushdie destroyed harmony and created an international crisis? Nay, the Ayatollah Khomeini, his fatwa and the particular Muslims who supported…

  • The Last Templar, the Gospel of Jesus and the Gospel of Judas

    In the run up to the May 2009 release of the movie “Angels and Demons” based on the book by the same title authored by Dan Brown (of The Da Vinci Code infamy) pop-culture is sure to revisit the very same historical myths that are so very popular with conspiracy theorists and those lacking in…

  • Dan Brown and The Lost Symbol

    The newest of Dan Brown books has been released; entitled “The Lost Symbol,” it deals with Freemasonry in early America and it is a huge, huge disappointment. The way the book ends is… Just kidding-no spoiler here. I have not read the book (although, I actually do know the way the book ends). I have…

  • Bethel-The House of God on “The Original Sin (The Serpent Seed)”

    Herein we consider the contents of Radio Broadcast #22 by Bethel – The House of God – Message believers – Revealed Bible Truths Association (which is in Freeport, Trinidad) that is titled The Original Sin (The Serpent Seed). Since the name of the radio show’s speaker was not given, we will simply refer to that…

  • Abortion’s Arguments: no right to complain if you are not willing to help

    Granted that Pro-Life supporters should help the Pro-Life cause in various ways. Now, since we are dealing with Abortion’s Arguments we will dissect this charge—which is that you have no right to complain if you are not willing to help—logically. How much would a person have to donate in order to buy the right to…

  • lost symbol

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Sociology

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Gospel of Jesus

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • etc.

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…