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  • Dialogue on the Resurrected Body, part 3

    In this segment we find further misreading and misapplication; it goes to show that someone coming to the text with preconceived notions continues attempting to validate their own preconceived notions rather than allowing the text to speak for itself. Also, we now go beyond discussing the resurrection body and get into some issues related to…

  • William Lane Craig : Christ's Resurrection Body

    Interestingly enough, having recently posted Flesh and Blood or Spirit? On the Resurrection: the Natural Body and the Spiritual Body I noticed that the question of the week (for May 9-15) at William Lane Craig’s website Reasonable Faith was about this very subject.Following are the questions and William Lane Craig’s answer: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Question 99 Subject:…

  • Wesley A. Swift – Jews as serpent seed of Satan, the KKK and pre-Adamic race

    Wesley A. Swift pertains to that which was chronicled in the article Serpent seed of Satan in British-Israelism, Anglo-Israelism and Christian Identity. Wesley A. Swift (1913-1970 AD) was a preacher, Ku Klux Klan recruiter who became the “best known advocate” of Christian Identity and founded the Church of Jesus Christ Christian. The Attorney General of…

  • Mary’s assumption

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • Jehovah's Witnesses and the Physical Resurrection – Objections and Responses, part 2 of 2

    As mentioned in part 1, in keeping with my recent musings about the physical resurrection I am providing another aspect of the issue. The following in a reproduction of Dr. Steven Tsoukalas’ article on the physical resurrection in which he answers various objections which, in this case, are made by Jehovah’s Witnesses1 In the last…

  • Is Satan a shape shifter?

    The concept of morphing, of shape shifting is very popular today and is generally applied to ghosts, aliens as well as angels and demons. That old serpent called the Devil and Satan (Revelation 12:9 & 20:2) is not an angel nor a demon; is not a fallen angels but rather, a fallen Cherub (Ezekiel 28:14)…

  • Michael Licona

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • spirit body

    Social networks: My Amazon author’s page Facebook Twitter YouTube Archive video site Ken Ammi’s Product Reviews My CafePress shop Google + Norm Geisler references’s Kyle Butt references Read the article about which Gary Habermas, PhD (Distinguished Research Professor & Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) said, “I…

  • DVD review: did Stan Deyo find the Garden of Eden?

    Did Stan Deyo find the Garden of Eden? Well, if he did then it would amount to one of the greatest external evidences for the Bible’s reliability even found. It would also explain why you have not heard about it in any form of mainstream media which does not want to accredit the Bible. Here…

  • Book review: Sophia Stewart, “Matrix 4 The Evolution: Cracking the Genetic Code”

    ISBN-13: 978-0978539672 ISBN-10: 0978539672 Published by ALL EYES ON ME, Inc. Copyright © 2010 by Sophia Stewart. All rights reserved From Sophia Stewart comes the next installment of one of the biggest franchises in Hollywood history, “Matrix 4 The Evolution: Cracking the Genetic Code.” Wait; from who comes what? I thought that the Wachowski brothers…